Get Ready For KetoTalk with Jimmy & the Doc!


KetoTalk with Jimmy & the Doc (the legendary podcaster Jimmy Moore from Livin’ La Vita Low Carb and his newest co-host, your’s truly, Dr. Adam Nally) makes its debut this Thursday, December 31st, 2015 on iTunes.  You can see the show notes at (will be up and live on January 1st, 2016).

Throughout the exciting month of January, we will be airing a brand new episode of this 20-minute show each Thursday and a special bonus episode available on Sundays just to wet your ketogenic appetite and to kick off the podcast in its first month. Then, in February we’ll settle in to our regular Thursday time slot each week.

New podcasts can take a few days to assimilate into ‪#iTunes, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t immediately see it up on iTunes. However, you can always find them at  Jimmy and I look forward to being your go-to, Ketogenic Lifestyle source for the latest and greatest in treating the diseases of civilization!

Get a sneak peek of our new show on tomorrow’s (Wednesday, December 30th) episode of “The Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show” where you can hear my interview with Jimmy as a preview what is sure to be a big hit in the ‪#‎keto‬ community. Thanks in advance for supporting our new podcast!

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