Don’t miss this podcast as Dr. Nally discusses the sugar alcohol, erythritol, and what the Cleveland Clinic’s study really means to those following a Ketogenic Lifestyle. Is there another reason behind attacking erythritol?
I am frequently asked about the sweeteners that can be used with a low carbohydrate diet. There are a number of sweeteners available that are used in “LowCarb” pre-processed foods like shakes or bars, or in cooking as alternatives to sugar; however, many of them raise insulin levels without raising blood sugar and are not appropriate for use with a true low-carbohydrate/ketogenic diet. You can see and print the article I published clarifying which sweeteners you can use and which ones to avoid in the menu bar above “Sour Truth About Sweeteners” and you can watch last night’s periscope below:
I’ve been looking for the answer for quite some time. . . what role does caffeine play in your and my weight management journey? The answer gave me a headache. . . literally and figuratively.
As many of you, including my office staff, know, I love my Diet Dr. Pepper (and my bacon). I found that being able to sip on a little soda throughout the day significantly helped the carbohydrate cravings and munchies during a busy and stressful day at the office. Diet Dr. Pepper contains caffeine, however, I wasn’t really worried. Caffeine has been well know to have a thermogenic effect which increases your metabolism and has been thought for many years to help with weight loss among the weight loss community.
Diet Dr. Pepper is, also, one of only four diet sodas on the grocery store shelves that doesn’t contain acesulfame potassium (click here to see why most artificial sweeteners cause weight gain). The four diet sodas that I have been comfortable with my patients using are Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, Diet Mug Root-beer and Diet A&W Cream Soda. These are the last four hold out diet sodas that still use NutraSweet (aspartame) as the sweetener. Most of the soda companies have switched the sweetener in their diet sodas to the insulinogenic acesulfame potassium because it tastes more natural and aspartame has been given a media black eye of late. However, NutraSweet (aspartame) is the only sweetener that doesn’t spike your insulin or raise blood sugar (click here to find out why that is important).
Yes, I know. The ingestion of 600 times the approved amount of aspartame causes blindness in lab rats (but we’re not lab rats, and . . . have you ever met someone that drinks 600 Diet Dr. Peppers in a day? The lethal dose of bananas, which are high in potassium that will stop your heart, is 400). Aspartame can also exacerbate headaches in some (about 5% of people) and I’ve had a few patients with amplified fibromyalgia symptoms when they use aspartame. But for most of us, its a useful sweetener that doesn’t spike your insulin response, halting or causing weight gain.
But, over the last few years, I’ve noticed that increased amounts of Diet Dr. Pepper & Diet Coke seem to cause plateauing of weight and decreasing the ability to shift into ketosis, especially mine. I’ve also noticed (in my personal n=1 experimentation) that my ability to fast after using caffeine regularly seems to be less tolerable, causing headaches and fatigue 8-10 hours into the fast, symptoms that don’t seem to let up until eating. Through the process of elimination, caffeine seems to be the culprit.
After mulling through the last 10 years of caffeine research, most of which were small studies, had mixed results, used coffee as the caffeine delivery system (coffee has over 50 trace minerals that has the potential to skew the results based on the brand) and never seemed to ask the right questions, the ink from a study in the August 2004 Diabetes Care Journal screamed for my attention.
It appears that caffeine actually stimulates a glucose and insulin response through a secondary mechanism. The insulin surge and glucose response is dramatically amplified in patients who are insulin resistant. Caffeine doesn’t effect glucose or insulin if taken while fasting; however, when taken with a meal, glucose responses are 21% higher than normal, and insulin responses are 48% higher in the insulin resistant patient. Caffeine seems to only effect the postprandial (2 hours after a meal) glucose and insulin levels. The literature shows mixed responses in patients when caffeine is in coffee or tea, probably due to the effect of other organic compounds (1).
Caffeine effect on plasma glucose and plasma insulin compared to placebo (1).
Caffeine also diminishes insulin sensitivity and impairs glucose tolerance in normal and already insulin resistant and/or obese patients. This is seen most prominently in patients with diabetes mellitus type II (stage IV insulin resistance). Caffeine causes alterations in glucose homeostasis by decreasing glucose uptake into skeletal muscle, thereby causing elevations in blood glucose concentration and causing an insulin release (2-6).
Studies show that caffeine causes a five fold increase in epinephrine and a smaller, but significant, norepinephrine release. The diminished insulin sensitivity and exaggerated insulin response appears to be mediated by a catacholamine (epinephrine, norepinephrine & dopamine) induced stress response (5). Caffeine has a half life of about 6 hours, that means the caffeine in your system could cause a catacholamine response for up to 72 hours depending upon the amount of caffeine you ingest (7).
The reason for my, and other patient’s, headaches and fatigue after a short fast was due to the exaggerated stress hormone response. Increased levels of insulin were induced by a catacholamine cascade after caffeine ingestion with a meal, dramatically more amplified in a person like me with insulin resistance. The caffeine with the last meal cause hypoglycemia 5-7 hours into the fasting, leading to headaches and fatigue that are only alleviated by eating.
Even when not fasting, the caffeine induced catacholamine cascade causes up to 48% more insulin release with a meal, halting weight loss and in some cases, causing weight gain.
Caffeine is not the “Wonder-Boy” we thought it was.
How much caffeine will cause these symptoms? 50 mg or more per day can have these effects.
10,000 mg (10 grams) – lethal dose (Yes, 25 cups of Starbucks Coffee can kill you)
The equivalent of 100 mg of in a human was given to a spider, you can see the very interesting effect on productivity. How often does the productivity of the day feel like the image below?
Normal Spider (9)Spider on caffeine (9)
Beware that caffeine is now being added to a number of skin care products including wrinkle creams and makeup. Yes, caffeine is absorbed through the skin, so check the ingredients on your skin care products.
Diet Dr. Pepper, my caffeine delivery system of choice, has slightly less caffeine (39 mg per 12 oz can or 3.25 mg per oz) than regular Dr. Pepper. I found myself drinking 2-3 liters of Diet Dr. Pepper per day (long 16-18 hour work days in the office). After doing my research, I realized that my caffeine tolerance had built up to quite a significant level (230-350 grams per day).
So, a few weeks ago, I quit . . . cold turkey.
Did I mention the 15 withdrawal symptoms of caffeine? (8)
Headache – behind the eyes to the back of the head
Sleepiness – can’t keep your eyes open kind of sleepiness
Irritability – everyone around you thinks you’ve become a bear
Lethargy – feels like your wearing a 70 lb lead vest
Constipation – do I really need to explain this one?
Depression – you may actually feel like giving up on life
Muscle Pain, Stiffness, Cramping – feel like you were run over by a train
Lack of Concentration – don’t plan on studying, doing your taxes or performing brain surgery during this period
Flu Like Illness – sinus pressure and stuffiness that just won’t clear
Insomnia – you feel sleepy, but you can’t sleep
Nausea & Vomiting – You may loose your appetite
Anxiety – amplified panic attacks or feeling like the sky is falling
Brain Fog – can’t hold coherent thoughts or difficulty with common tasks
I experienced 13 of the 15 that lasted for 4 days. I do not recommend quitting cold turkey unless you have a week off and someone to hold your hand, cook your meals and dose your Tylenol or Motrin. My wife thought I was dying. . . I thought I was dying on day two. I actually had a nightmare about buying and getting into my own coffin. It can take up to three weeks to completely recover from caffeine withdrawal.
The other way to quit is to decrease your caffeine intake by 50 mg every two days. That means decrease caffeine by:
1 can of soda every two days
1/4 cup of coffee every day
1/2 can of Energy Drinks every two days
1 cup of tea every two days
The benefit of this method is that withdrawal symptoms are much less severe without the caffeine headache and the ability to remain productive. It will take longer, but quitting cold turkey is not a pretty picture. Been there . . . done that, . . . and I’m not going back. I actually lost another half inch off my waistline by day 5 of caffeine discontinuation.
What is the take home message here? If you have any degree of insulin resistance, caffeine makes it worse and will amplify your weight gain as well as decrease the productivity of your day.
This evening on PeriScope, we talked about the 10 things you can do to stay motivated on your low-carb lifestyle. A number of great questions were asked including:
How much carbohydrate should be restricted?
What labs should you be monitoring regularly?
What’s a normal blood sugar?
Why is Dr. Nally freezing in Denver?
Is fermented food good for you?
Why should you eat pickles and kimchi even when you’re not pregnant?
And, much much more . . . It’s like a college ketogenic course on overdrive . . . for FREE!!!
You can see the PeriScope with the comments rolling in real-time here:
Now you have to watch your salt ingredients too. Store bought salts are starting to add dextrose for flavor. Dextrose is just another word for SUGAR!! Aaarrrrhhhhh!! Why do you need to add sugar to your salt? You don’t. Throw out any salt that contains dextrose. It will raise your cholesterol and cause weight gain.
Never noticed this until it was pointed out by Maria Emmerich. Thanks, Maria.
A number of my patients have asked what I use personally as a protein supplement and whether I use protein shakes. I’ve struggled to find a great tasting protein shake that does not contain any artificial sweeteners (see my article The Skinny On Sweeteners) that raise the insulin levels. Most of the pre-prepared shakes (including the Adkins, EAS, Muscle Milk, and many others) will significantly slow weight loss and knock you out of ketosis due to an insulin response stimulated by drinking them.
My sweet wife just perfected our family’s favorite high fat, low carbohydrate protein shake. Oh, it’s good and it’s filling. You’ll love it and you won’t be hungry for at least 3-4 hours after savoring this sweet taste-bud sensation.
This is a great shake for a mid-meal snack or a quick meal on the go.
Mother’s Day is a great event in our home, and traditionally, it is a chance to make breakfast for Mom.
In our home, Mom has always loved waffles. But changing to a low carbohydrate diet put a damper on the waffles for a while, until my sweet wife found and perfected the following recipe. (She adapted this recipe fromJennifer Eloff’s Cream Cheese Bran Waffle recipe found in her book, Splendid Low Carbing for Life Vol 1.) These waffles are amazing! They are now lovingly referred to in our home as “Mom’s Cream Cheese Waffles.”
Breakfast for Mother’s Day in our home consisted of Mom’s Cream Cheese Waffles, freshly grilled thick slice bacon and strawberry flavored homemade whipped cream to top off the waffles and was easily prepared by my 13 year old daughter. It’s a perfect Low Carb Mother’s Day meal that’ll satisfy the waffle craving and still give the gift of “ketosis”.
In a food processor or electric mixer, blend the cream cheese until smooth. Add the eggs and continue to blend. Add the Carbalose flour, wheat germ, cream, water , Splenda, baking soda, baking power and salt. Continue to blend.
Pour 1/4-1/2 cup onto hot greased waffle iron. Close and cook for approximately 3 minutes.
My amazing wife, among her many talents, makes a wonderful low carb cheese cake. She has taken the recipe found in Maria Emmerich’s “Secret Weight Loss Recipes” and modified it to our family’s taste. It has quickly become one of my family’s favorites.
Preheat oven to 350F. Mix cream cheese, sweetener, protein and vanilla with an electric mixer until blended. Add eggs one at a time, mixing on low after each until blended. Blend in sour cream and pour over crust. Place a pan of water on the lower rack place cheesecake on rack above. Bake for approximately 45 minutes until set. Watch carefully!
Refrigerate overnight.
Freezes well too!
My wife will often bake them in individual sized pans (as in the picture above) so that I can pull one out of the freezer, let it thaw and cover it in whip cream and a sprinkle of berries. Tastes fantastic!
I love chocolate chip cookies! However, over the last seven years, as I have followed a low carbohydrate diet I have not been able to indulge my chocolate chip cookie craving — until recently.
My gorgeous and very ingeniousness wife has perfected her chocolate chip cookie recipe and – Oh, WOW . . .are they good.
Warm, tasty chocolate chip cookies that are actually good for you, served up by a beautiful blond in a very cute apron. . . I think this is what heaven is like.
Low Carb Chocolate Chip Cookies
Here is a snapshot of the remaining batch my wife made at our house the other day before they got eaten. Boy, are they good. Here is the recipe:
Low Carbohydrate Chocolate Chip Cookies
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
2 sticks (1 cup) of butter, softened
1/2 cup Sweet Perfection
1/4 cup erythritol
1/4 cup Just Like Sugar (chicory root sweetener)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup almond flour
1 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup Carbalose flour
2 ChocoPerfection Milk Chocolate bars chopped
Mix the vanilla, eggs, butter and sweeteners until creamy or fluffy. Add in all dry ingredients and mix. Add chocolate and mix. Place dough on parchment paper covered cookie sheets in 2 tsp sized scoops.