Why Be In Ketosis: Part XX – Savor the Salt #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

Why Be In Ketosis: Part XX – Savor the Salt #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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Chocolate covered Bacon
Oh my love that
Does fasting or intermittent fasting slow metabolism ?
Couldn’t find the studies on humans that were done recentoh in the last few years since Pruvit launched!
What low carb chocolate do you recommend?
Lily’s chocolate chips melted?
Is a baby in uterine ketogenic?
Name of your book?
Any thoughts on L-theanine and how it effects cortisol or ketosis in general?
Does Pruvit have any exogenous ketone drinks that actually taste good?
I would definitely buy chocolate dipped

Love the keto chocolates that are available, but why oh why are most of them made with inulin/chicory root?
I am unfortunately one of those that has severe side effects to inulin.
Is it better to stick with MCT or long chain triglycerides? Or both?
I love the Orange
Is there any proof that shows that Diet Coke shows it will cause cancer
I’m a cake & cookie artist … if I have to taste test, can I spit it out & rinse my mouth with water to prevent the sugar from affecting my ketones?
What about butter? Is that ok?
I meant on diarrhea on keto diet
Aspartame is a neurotoxin! Switch to mineral water, and ketones of course too@
Started using whipping cream in my evening smoothie. My waist measures are decreasing. Happy with that
Will cold/cough/flu meds throw me out of ketosis? Coming down with something and hope it’s not the flu!
I tested myself today after working on a wedding cake & my ketones were 2.4 after an hour …
Get it
l theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. It is supposed to be anti stress anxiety and supposedly help control cortisol levels due to stress. I’ve been messing with it. Just having more vivid dreams so far lol
Are raspberry ketones supplements ok to take when on keto?
I gave up the aspartame but I had to increase my fat intake to combat the hunger.
Having a hard time trying to find potassium supplements with a higher potency……any suggestions????
Keto Kalm has L-theanine and helps destress and gives us a deeper sleep!
Are you a fan of fat bombs as snacks?
I understand about the tea but pruvit added bhb for that reason
Accidental key stroke.
Thanks for your time tonight.
Thank you for watching Rhonda
Are fat bombs meant to just be fat based or can you add ground chia seeds for extra fibre?
Thanks for all your knowledge Doc!
I did the 5000 “Cholesterol Drop” protocol. Worked great to lower LDL and trigs, raise HDL, but the complete blood count showed high kidney stuff. Do you know if three days of high protein (150-200g) is enough to cause high BUN?
Is the book going to be good, in spite of Jimmy?
Wastes the money too.
Drinking tea.
Dang it! I’m late!
Thanks for info on Dr pepper. I’m going to stop now.
Thanks again, for sharing your knowledge with us
Are you a fan of fat bombs for snacks?
I’m having the hardest time maintaining lost weight with Lapband. What would you recommend?
Is black tea bad too
“So is Benadryl” you’re the best!!

What exogenous ketones do you recommend in pill form?
Dr. Nally, you are the best… You provide clear quality advice… I wish you were local. Thank you.
I’ve switched to Dasani sparkling water. Thanks for all the info!
going to find you a low carb chocolatier ….lol
Further explain electrolytes please. I think most people under estimate there value.
I drank pop for 50 years, if i can give it up anybody can
Is Cardamom tea ok?
If you eat 5000 calories, ketogenic, for three days, it will drop your cholesterol levels before the test. If you eat 750 calories, ketogenic, before the test, it will raise it. David Feldman has a website about it, Cholesterol Code. It’s fun to play with the numbers.
Here from Naples…thanks for sharing your wisdom!
What about Zevia
Recommend ubiquinol?
What pork skins do you think are good?
My grandpa worked and retired from Coke. No pop for us because it would eat nails!
Have a great evening.
Does eating collagen powder actually help with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hypermobility disorder?
Night doc
Not on Periscope any more?
Can I take your keto vitamins while on blood pressure medicine?
I have tried chocolate covered bacon at the Houston livestock and rodeo. I will look for it again this year!! It was so yummy!!
David Adams
Good video, thanks.
David Adams he posts a lot. My aunt works at his office
Missed you live
is fine! 
I’m waiting for a signed copy!
I take a Tbsp of sole salt to keep leg cramps at bay . Donna from Medicine Hat Alberta
Rachel Laserna, Sarah Ellis the first few minutes he talks about blood pressure. Worth a listen.
Gday from Aussie
Wish you spoke slower. American accents lol.

You need bikram yoga….
So unfair the Costcos in Australia won’t have it
Can’t stop laughing at your dog
Hope the choc/bacon is in Brisbane Australia.
Australia is so far behind. So frustrating
When you say black tea spikes your insulin, is bulletproof tea with butter ok?
Doc do you know of any risk or danger of keto woe for someone with Cirrhosis of the liver? Or where I could find videos or papers,studies etc… about it.
Jeff, I address this in my upcoming book The Keto Cure, but I also talk about it here: https://www.docmuscles.com/fatty-liver-disease-no-it-isnt-caused-by-fat/