Why Be In Ketosis: Part XVIII – Pre & Pro-Biotics. #DocTalk DocMuscles.com #KetonianKing

Why Be In Ketosis: Part XVIII – Pre & Pro-Biotics. #DocTalk DocMuscles.com #KetonianKing

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What happens if you find constipation? Heard adding Magnesium would help but it seems too much can cause problems can that throw you out of Ketosis?

  2. Can you help me explain to people in one of my Keto groups why alcohol is not a great idea while trying to stay in Ketosis? (The way it is metabolized, effects on gut bacteria?)

  3. Bert Sherman says:

    My A1c dropped from 9.o last January2017 to 5.5 in January this year; Also my total cholesterol went from 207 a year ago to 93 this January. KETO rocks !!!!

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