Why Be In Ketosis: Part XVIII – Pre & Pro-Biotics. #DocTalk DocMuscles.com #KetonianKing

Why Be In Ketosis: Part XVIII – Pre & Pro-Biotics. #DocTalk DocMuscles.com #KetonianKing
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What happens if you find constipation? Heard adding Magnesium would help but it seems too much can cause problems can that throw you out of Ketosis?
Do all BP meds stall weight loss or only beta blockers?
Keto for type 1 diabetics?
I’ve been strict Keto for awhile and noticed I’m retaining fluids in lower extremities! Should I restrict sodium or add potassium?
I just had to get a steroid shot Fri for sinus infection. Will this effect my ketosis. What can I do to not gain.
Does taking 3.0 ml of Victoza help weight loss while on KETO plan ?
What can i do if i get stuck on the same weight
So progesterone only birth control is the worst? Dang.
Im IF AND KETO ( intermittent fasting)
How much magnesium???
Can taking magnesium and zinc at the same time be an issue?
Devon Reynolds this guy is really informative
High intensity interval training ok while in ketosis?
Not frozen…
So it is not harmful to take too much magnesium?
No. Wish I was.
Cindy Hawthorn – good doc to follow – great videos sock full of great info
How is the no diet drink going?
How was your Super Bowl treats???
Dorf on Keto…
Should we take ox bile if we don’t have a gall bladder?
Are you still drinking Diet Dr Peppers?
No problem there
the opposite though still even taking 600 mg mag per day.
Can i drink coke zero
Am I incorrect in believing that magnesium malate is not a poopy pants causer
Keto good for Lyme?
Can taking the humeria shot cause high blood pressure
Opposite of the runs- still have constipation and a lot of my friends do too with taking extra magnesium. I was in stage 3 ckd- so I’m cautious
How much magnesium should be taken a day
Is 0.6 mmol/L the minimum for nutritional ketosis?
Thank you for the hearts and shares <3
Why did you stop drinking D Dr Pepper?
What vitamins should we be taking everyday on this diet?
Best time to test ketones with Keto mojo meter?
Humeria shot can cause high blood pressure?
Guess I should stop drinking diet dr pepper too
Oooh I totally missed the Dr Pepper – will look for that. Thanks!
Can you help me explain to people in one of my Keto groups why alcohol is not a great idea while trying to stay in Ketosis? (The way it is metabolized, effects on gut bacteria?)
Can this way of eating cause appendicitis. I have sharp pain for 2 days rt side
Proud of you stopping the sodas!
My A1c dropped from 9.o last January2017 to 5.5 in January this year; Also my total cholesterol went from 207 a year ago to 93 this January. KETO rocks !!!!
32 minutes
Can you help me explain to my Keto group why alcohol is a bad idea on Keto?
That is their problem
Been eating bad for a couple weeks and after 1 day back in keto my blood ketones is 1.5. Can that be right? Or bad meter?
Im really liking Zevia and I checked only Stevia!
Keto diet ok for Lyme disease?
Thank you for your time!
I like zevia too
Can the Keto diet improve leptin resistance?
Hasn’t kicked me out so far!
Can i use splenda or equal sugar
Ok. I’ll look for that! Thanks for everything!
Raian Alireza you can watch the replay
If you can, please post the “salt lowers blood pressure” article on your blog.
It is already there: https://www.docmuscles.com/salt/
How long does it typically take for the gut to heal after starting a ketogenic diet?
1 Vancouver
Hello there Pardeep, how are you?
Need help with the keto diet. Can you recommend anyone in Vancouver that can help.
What is your opinion about taking probiotics in pill form? Does the stomach acid break them down before they reach your intestines?
Dang it I missed it!
You can always watch the replay
Dr. Adam Nally Doing that right now. Thank you
for all the education. We appreciate YOU!
Do you recommend taking probiotic supplements?
Will pick up where I left off after the SOP call.
Saved for later to share!
Hi! Missed you live! Poo
Darn I missed you today! Ratz!!!!
which vitamin did you recommend for neuropathy?
Rachel Laserna, Sarah Ellis
Targeted keto diet for gaining muscle!?!?!
I got it all
Resistance training every 2nd day and TKD on training days. Can u describe how to target properly for gaining muscle and strength
Targeted keto diet for resistance TRAINING?