Why Be In Ketosis: Part XVI – Lifespan & Histones

Why Be In Ketosis: Part XVI – Lifespan & Histones #DocTalk #DocMuscles #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com


  1. I’ve been following a time-restricted feeding eating my meals in a 9hr windows from 8am to 9pm. Any truth that we are much more insulin sensitive later on in the evening and night?

  2. I’ve been following a time-restricted feeding eating my meals in a 9hr windows from 8am to 5pm. Any truth that we are much more insulin sensitive later on in the evening and night?

    • Dr.Adam Dr. Adam Nally Can you reply to this? I am always stuck with answering this question in a concise and meaningful way. I would like a good reply to “why would I drink ketones when I already do the ketogenic diet” (I know the answer but I find it hard to explain in lay mans terms or even technical terms in a clear way….I know there is something about brown fat too?)

  3. Tami playing, I am so happy for you my daughters A1C is 14 and I’ve been trying to convince her to take Ketones. Wish she could meet you or speak to you. Congratulations

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