Why Be In Ketosis: Part XIV – Push/pull effect of ketones and insulin on the liver. #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

Why Be In Ketosis: Part XIV – Push/pull effect of ketones and insulin on the liver. #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

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  1. Anonymous says:

    New to testing blood glucose levels, tested twice within 3 minutes. Levels were 76 1st time and 67 2nd time. Is it normal to have a difference in the numbers within such a short time frame?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Doc, I’m always looking for’ya, always missing ya, and just sort of wondering how to find ya. I’m in opposition to everyone around me supporting you. My doctors hate me cause I’ve lost fifty pounds of weight and fifty points of blood pressure following you, refusing to take BP meds and being denigrated subsequently. Doc I need more support. How can I get it? I’m retired and disabled.

    • Follow me at DocMuscles.com. All of my videos upload to DocMuscles Live on my website. You can join the KetoKlan facebook group for more interaction with me and the DocMuscles staff.

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