Why Be In Ketosis: Part XIV – Push/pull effect of ketones and insulin on the liver. #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

Why Be In Ketosis: Part XIV – Push/pull effect of ketones and insulin on the liver. #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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We were fixin’t to have our own ‘lil get together without ya.
Please me explain how this is safe for diabetics thank u!
This image actually help me understand better.
Hi Doc. Thanks for the podcast
I love your graphic… The fat cell looks like a pizza, lol!!!
Thank God for Ketones
Type 1 diabetic safe to drink ketones?
RE: Your graphic. I am curious how this interacts with the thyroid and pituitary gland…
How many times a day do u recommend taking ketones?
Does the level of ketones matter on suppression?
Thank U!!!
New to testing blood glucose levels, tested twice within 3 minutes 76 first time 67 second time, is that questionable?
as to the difference in bumbers
That was an amazing explanation and graphic thank you!,,
I’m getting blood panel tomorrow. What should I look out for, specifically if my cholesterol is high?
Worth the wait
Love ketones !
Why do people in ketosis don’t get as cold??
What amazing insight. Anxious for my appointment
Awesome info! Recommended brands for exogenous ketones?
The deeper the ketosis the better?
I am curious how this interacts with the thyroid and pituitary gland…
So my goal is to be over .7? I’ve been registering between .9-1.5 since monitoring my blood ketones
How many times a day do you recommend taking ketones?
If my ketones are high (2-4mml always), and I’m struggling losing weight on a keto diet, will exogenous ketones actually help?
I thought that I was wasting money on those ex… ketones because they just flushed out in urine?? I guess that’s wrong?
Have been taking them for 18 months and it helped fix my liver!!! NAFL
Can u take ketones with food?
New to testing blood glucose levels, tested twice within 3 minutes. Levels were 76 1st time and 67 2nd time. Is it normal to have a difference in the numbers within such a short time frame?
I’m always cold and in ketosis
Good evening! I’m glad I caught you
Have you heard anyone have a restless or tight jaw while in ketosis?
RE: the graphic – I am curious how this interacts with the thyroid and pituitary gland…
Recipe for fluff?
I took your advice and upped my salts. Not feeling lethargic any more. Thank you!
Does taking exogenous ketones dampen or inhibit endogenous production? Same question using MCT too. Thanks for all the answers
Good to know! Thanks a bunch!
When checking your keytones through blood. What is the optimal reading for fat loss? Is it 3?
How can I become a member of Keto clan?
Should I watch the amount of fat my kids (5 & 8) eat at home when they eat way too many carbs at school?
Thanks a million. We appreciate you.
Cool! Thank you!
(Trying my question one more time) RE: the graphic – I am curious how this interacts with the thyroid and pituitary gland…
You are so awesome!
Hello Dr Nally ,so glad I caught you live
Thank you so much!!
Ordered my book

Good day doc
Cant wait for your book!
Ahh the end have to rewatch thanks for all you do.
Lost sound from 1:44 to 5:30 . . . don’t go away, just scroll forward. I explained it again.
Thanks for visual!
Pascal Bortz good video to watch
We should phone him
Sikeston Mo
No Audio…again.
Doc, I’m always looking for’ya, always missing ya, and just sort of wondering how to find ya. I’m in opposition to everyone around me supporting you. My doctors hate me cause I’ve lost fifty pounds of weight and fifty points of blood pressure following you, refusing to take BP meds and being denigrated subsequently. Doc I need more support. How can I get it? I’m retired and disabled.
Follow me at DocMuscles.com. All of my videos upload to DocMuscles Live on my website. You can join the KetoKlan facebook group for more interaction with me and the DocMuscles staff.
Does keto es help for menopause
great help! Thanks so much!
If you already have your ketones and your vitamins and you’d like to join the Kickstart program, click on the link below: https://www.docmuscles.com/kickstart/
Hi. Replay
Thanks for joining, Cheryl!
Hi doc from Australia
Hello, Houda!!
Hi Doctor…
when are the live Facebook videos so I know when I can post a question?
Stephanie from VA
Hello from Idaho