Why Am I Bloating On A Ketogenic Diet?

Why is your stomach bloating for no reason even when on a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet?  It may be the lectins in the type of foods you are eating.  Lectins are found in a lot of foods that sneak into your low-carb or ketogenic diets in small amounts like beans, lentils, peanuts, potatoes, peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, whole grains, oats, corn, and even fruit. 

Foods containing the highest amount of lectins are:

1. Raw Kidney Beans

Red kidney beans are a good source of plant-based protein and they are a low-glycemic-index food. However, it’s critical that you boil them thoroughly before you eat them. Eating raw or under-cooked kidney beans exposes you to an incredibly high level of phytohemagglutinin. Cooking beans thoroughly reduces the activity of this lectin to undetectable levels.

2. Peanuts

Peanuts are another form of legume, and like kidney beans, they contain lectins. Peanut lectins can be detected in the blood after eating peanuts in large amounts. While no studies have been done to determine whether this has health effects, it does show that peanut lectins are absorbed by the body. Many of my patients have notable bloating after eating peanuts or peanut butter.

3. Whole Grains

Raw wheat and other whole grains are high in lectins. Raw wheat germ, which is often sold as a source of fiber, can contain as much as 300 mcg of wheat lectins per gram. If you’re trying to avoid lectins, do not eat raw whole grains.  Generally on a low carb or ketogenic diet you should be avoiding grains.

4. Raw Soybeans

Soybeans are another legume that’s full of lectins. However, unlike some other legumes, soybeans are often eaten toasted or roasted. This type of dry heat does not appear to be as effective at breaking down lectins as boiling. Be cautious when eating raw or toasted soybeans if you are avoiding lectins.  Soy lethacin is an oil that is often used in pre-prepared low-carb foods.  It can contain lectins and can be a cause of notable inflammation.

5. Raw Potatoes

Potatoes are part of the nightshade family and contain high levels of lectins. Raw potatoes, in particular the skin, appear to contain potentially harmful lectins that may affect your health.  You should be avoiding potatoes on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. 

If you are looking for effective weight loss and a diet to improve your health, you need Dr. Nally’s Ketogenic Diet instructions. You can find the diet here.

One comment

  1. S says:

    Maybe regular peanuts have lectins in them but they also have aflatoxins in them too. Look for Jungle peanuts and peanut butter on most raw food sites.

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