When your doctor delivers a kidney stone . . . #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

When your doctor delivers a kidney stone . . . #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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Thank you. I love my leafy greens!
Can’t you get folic acid from beef liver?
Hi from Kentucky
What are your thoughts on Zevia, stevia sweetened soda? How are the new “No Sugar” formulations of Pepsi, Coke Zero Sugar?
I have lost 40 pounds in 4 months but still have 50 more to go. I decided to join Planet Finess anx now I have gained weight? Why? And should I hold off on exercise until I get more weight off?
Is it ok to use Benifiber on Keto for diverticulitis? It has wheat dextin.
Ok thanks doc, will ease up on the coconut oil!
My ketones hit 5.8 last week during my fast.
I’ve been keto for 6 months, dropped 42lbs, but still having bad reflux
Can keto help with narcolepsy?
I’ve been using nothing other than mineral water, maybe a squeeze of lemon. Is that ok?
Hi, I’m here! Listening from Ventura County, California!
As a soda replacement
Can anyone see my question? Am I somehow invisible?
Fastest way to get back in ketosis after a cheat.
What sweetness do you use? Stevia? Do you avoid all?
Hello doc!

Give you xylitol to a neighbour you don’t like.
Keto for 7 weeks and have developed nagging ache in lower left quadrant – kind of under ribs. Any idea what it could be?
Hi Dan Quibell!
Thoughts on soil based organisms? Looking into starting probiotics not sure what’s best with keto
Lots of people think leaf teas are good to drink for weight loss. I’ve heard you say something to the effect that the they can make you stall. I tried to look into this more and everything said the opposite and even the tannins caused weight loss
Can anyone see anything I’m writing at all?
Could you please say a little more about leaf teas?
Sherri Ruben Close, yes I can see your comments
I can see it Sherri
Ok. Thanks. I’ll just keep asking and hopefully he’ll see the question.
Should I be taking liquid iodine (2 drops a day) while on levothyroxine 150 mcg a day?
When you say teas are you including peppermint and chamomile?
Thanks again Doc! <3
Thank you for you time and all the great information
Have you ever had a patient move to Arizona just so you can be their doc?
We were hoping to be the first.
What’s you opinion on one meal a day and did you say avocados or just avacado oil is bad because of omega 6
Thanks from Alaska!!
Doc I am on 150mcg of levothyroxine a day. I also supplement with 2 drops of liquid iodine. Should I do that?
Your white kitty is cute
it keeps walking by!
She’s a cutie, isn’t she!
Thanks for podcast tonight. Get some rest.
Any tricks to avoid kidney stones?
1. Don’t mix brown sugar in your pulled pork! 2. Drink water. 3. Don’t get dehydrated.
Ah. Thank you!!!
Glad you’re felling better, thanks for hopping on for us tonight!
Great info! Thanks doc
Keep feeling better!!
Stay well Doc!
Was the taste worth it?
The taste of what?
The pulled pork. I guess the better question is did you enjoy the taste of the pulled pork?
It wasn’t a taste. I actually ate two servings before I realized my faux paw.
Always a good reminder to ask how food is prepared. With me I have an allergy to mushrooms
. I forget to ask sometimes an then get extremely sick. Glad you are feeling better.
Thanks Doc! Glad you’re ok!
Shellan Pollard
Thanks for the share.
Dr. Adam Nally love your posts!
In St George Utah today.
Enjoy the weather.
Traveling in St George Utah
Why would anyone mess up pulled pork with sugar?
No kidding!! I ate two servings before I realized that it had been laced with brown sugar Splenda . . .
I find deviled eggs are so much better than candy
You and me both!! Deviled eggs with bacon sprinkles . . . It’s like heavenly ambrosia.
I’m confused about the tea. The studies referenced in your 8 reasons articles state that oolong tea was effective in *lowering* blood glucose levels….. But that would help weight loss wouldn’t it?
You lower glucose by raising insulin. Raising insulin causes weight gain . . .
well duh- thank you!!!
I see people talk about keto flu. What is keto flu?
Read my post on it: https://www.docmuscles.com/the-keto-flu/
Thanks so much for responding
New Jersey here!
The one I had in July was a TEN! I had to wait a week before they could blast it!!!
Is erythritol and stevia okay?
I’m curious about the euphoria that I have experienced twice since going keto. Does this have to do with how high your ketones are? I would love to know what caused this. Felt invincible as though I could fly.
Mike Muzychka
But Doc, doesn’t s kidney stone take a long time to form?
Sunshine Coast, Australia
How long does it take for KS to form?
Grrrr! Missed you live again!
Oh no!!!!!!! My kids get stones!
My son had a big one, had to have surgery to break it up.
I’m always sleeping when your live!
My husband could not pass his they had to go in after it
So glad you’re feeling better.
Thanks Dr Nally – you always provide us with some great info
Is there too much protein during the day?
How do you keep your carbs low if you are drink 4-5 pruvit drinks a day?
If you’ve read my article on sweeteners, you’ll understand that you don’t have to count the carbohydrate that comes from erythritol, liquid stevia or chicory root.
Will you guys have the book available on iBooks?
It is available on kindle.
How do you measure your ketones?
With a KetoMojo monitor: https://keto-mojo.com/?rfsn=1046497.e79005&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=1046497.e79005
1. From North Port, Florida
My husband has 9 kidney stones..we spent our honeymoon in the ER. His have gotten stuck and have had one as big as 9mm