What will #DocTalk Ketoquestion 10,000 be tonight? #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

What will #DocTalk Ketoquestion 10,000 be tonight? #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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Is there a sweet spot to keep your blood glucose?
Who’s the lady with you?
Will the non sugar energy drinks like Monster take you out of ketosis
How do we get past a stall in weight loss been keto 5 months and keep bouncing + and minus 3 lbs
Can someone just boot dr John?
Tell Dr. John to go to bed.
The stalling frustrates me. Its so hard the last 5/10kilos. Why?
What happens differently when your ketones are in higher ranges as opposed to 0.6? Mine is hardly ever over 1.0 without exogenous ketones.
My cholesterol ratio was 3:1 and good cholesterol increased. However non ldl cholesterol was high. What should I look for in blood screening?
Do you have to take supplements?
Tim Conway I’m the exact same way. It drives me crazy.
I can relate Sandra!
Doc, know you are very busy. When ever you have a spare moment can I have your referrals for Aussie Doctors please. Am flying into Sydney next Thursday. Might be a Doctor there?
Can doctor John provide evidence he’s not a troll? Is there a study?
Dr John? As in John McDougall???
According to his Facebook and Twitter profiles, Dr. John is a PharmD that posts about medical astrology, medical marijuana, and believes that humans are anatomically herbivores.
Go away John! This isn’t a debate forum!
I struggle from major brain fog even though I’ve been in ketosis for months. Any suggestions for any other supplements or other things that might help?
I have high blood pressure 140/90 and have had for years and taking 40mg of lisinopril. Even after losing 50+ lbs it’s still high. How can I lower it?
Is eating eggs okay if my LDL is up?
Can you recommend a brand of blood/glucose monitor?
Check out the KetoMojo: https://keto-mojo.com/?rfsn=1046497.e79005&utm_source=refersion&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=1046497.e79005
It emotionally makes me emotionally eat that last 10 kilos. Evil cycle
Have you read Tim Noakes new book yet?
Not yet.
You should invent keto Doritos lol
What do you look for in A1C blood screen number?
I commonly see patients HbA1c return to <5.6% with nutritional ketosis
Can you answer the question about brain fog as I have it bad as well
Gday Anna can you type the link for the strips and kit. Many thanks
I struggle from major brain fog even though I’ve been in ketosis for months. Any suggestions for any other supplements or other things that might help?
Pork rind nachos! I’m telling you!
Yep. Sounds delish….
Thank you for all ur face time and great info!
What was the name of the pork rinds doc
I have not started menopause yet. Will Ketosis assist? It so far has assisted in all benefits of my life.
I find that nutritional ketosis really helps stabilize the roller-coaster of perimenopause and menopause.
Is it safe for a 69 year old
woman to start estrogen / progesterone. My cardiologist said to get a second opinion as he says NO
That’s a question to discuss at great length with your doctor. There are pros and cons and specific reasons to consider it and not to consider it.
Dr. Adam Nally would you comment on the impact being 2-years keto has on this question? Finding a doc who has your depth of keto knowledge AND gynocology and/or cardiology is a challenge!
I weighed 220 lbs. and now down to 176 lbs. Prior to Keto,I would awaken most mornings with headaches, brain fog and low energy. My doctor wanted to put me on amphetamines, but I refused and returned to normal after starting Keto.
Lara, my moms on estrogen, and she’s 75. She feels better!
Thanks for your time Dr Nally!
Is hair breakage a sign of lack of protein or could it be something else?
Often protein
WOW thanks Anna. Happy International Womens Day

Thank you Dr.N
I love listening to you! Anna was great!

Do this again please. I couldn’t get on with you tonight, but can another night.
yes We’ll do it again. A bit “clunky” for me looking at three streams but we’ll get it flowing smoothly.
Thank you I am always happy to catch you live!
Thanks for joining Faylene
12 pounds in 3 weeks
int’l women’s day is tomorrow at least in the USA. it’s still the 7th here
His Membership link: docmuscles.com/membership/
Green bean factiod on a short list in today’s Blog: docmuscles.com/blog/
Adam, Perhaps making it the pinned comment at the top of the page might make it easier for people to phone in, next time. Just an idea.
Amy RandyandAmy Martin
This is that Blog post that Rhonda Hethcox mentioned of Dr. Adam Nally: docmuscles.com/dr-nallys-twenty-two-tough-truths/
Hello from Nashville!
Can Keto cause an emergency appendectomy?
Here’s the link to his website re: supplements, The top two on the page are the Keto Essentials brand he designed: docmuscles.com/supplements/
Is there a correlation between ketogenic diet and appendectomy?
Are you still live?
Greetings from Nashville
Sandra Taylor, Great question. Thoughts Adam?
Are you still live
WhAt about beta blockers? Do they kick you out of Ketosis?
What is an alternative to beta blocker? It is really bothering my reyauds syndrome?
Here’s Jimmy’s Blogsite for Low carb Drs: http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/tag/list-of-low-carb-doctors
Please discuss emergency appendectomy.. is there a correlation between Ketosis and an inflamed appendix ?
Thank you Ramon Martinez.
Y’all please touch on emergency appendectomy and being on Keto for6+ months.
Are you still live? I would love to have my question about Keto and appendectomy answered. Any correlation?
Here’s that Blogpost “Common Ketosis Killers”: docmuscles.com/common-ketosis-killers/
What really causes an emergency appendectomy? Please let me know.
Any correlation between ketosis (fat adaptation) and emergency appendectomy?
Any correlation between ketosis (fat adaptation) and emergency appendectomy
Any correlation between ketosis (fat adaptation) and emergency appendectomy? Please answer!! Thank you so much!!!
What are your thoughts about cooking/baking with coconut sugar?
I’m NOT a troll!!
Wow. I’m being ignored. I’m not a troll. But this is starting to feel personal.
Sandra Taylor, you goto his website, click Blog, then Like he said you go down on the right hand side of the page, you’ll see his fav. which is the Keto Mojo, and then you click that and you are off to the races. I tried to drop the link for it here, but Facebook Marked it as spam. Sooo, there ya go!
I am a huge fan, and very inquisitive… Any correlation between ketosis (fat adaptation) and emergency appendectomy? Please answer!! Thank you so much!!!
Any correlation between ketosis (fat adaptation) and emergency appendectomy? Please answer!! Thank you so much!!! What did I do to get ignored?
None that I am aware of.
I’m out
Dr. Adam Nally, Carey Mitchell McGowen has a question that she posted yet somehow we both missed it, Thanks. Her question in the comments appears at 54:01.
Seriously? Missed you again???

You need to be here earlier… I get up at 5am East Coast, I’m old and can’t hang that late!
Not all network marketers are pushy.
I crave leafy greens after not having them a few days
Hello from topeka!
I hate that I missed this Live show! I watched the playback. I hope I get a chance to jump on. Great show Doc!
Barbara I was too. I actually needed to switch up my food intake and finally dropped 3 more lbs.
Hi Dr Nally! From AZ!
Is gng easy to slip into if too much protein is eaten?
How easy is it to start gng??
Hello Dr Nally!
Hello I am a newbie. Need info on this way of eating. How do I start.
Hi! I ama newbie. Would like to get into the Keto way of living. Is there info for to start this. Patsy from McHenry
Patsy from McHenry Il. I am a newbie to this. and would love to understand this way of living. Is there a book or something that I can follow.