What topics would you like to hear about at the Keto101Summit? #Doctalk #ketonianking

What topics would you like to hear about at the Keto101Summit? #Doctalk #ketonianking
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Should people start “ketofying” desserts early in the transition or should they delay?
I just registered for this conference can’t wait
Can Ketones/ketogenic diet assist with muscle injury recovery?
Tell people about how sugar hides in everything.
Sign up also ! Looking forward to it !
Can we still order your book from you?
3.47am cant sleep lol hello from the uk
Where do we register?
I just registered this afternoon.
Artificial sweeteners. Many people don’t understand they raise your blood sugar
Where can we sign up? Also, most people want to know about weight loss, yes?
When will your signed books be out?
Got your book! Thanks

Can you take too many supplements
Make great gifts
Thanks Dr Nally
Dogs like you better!
the book format is SO cool!!!
Ever heard of chest tightening during first month on Keto?
Books arrived in Texas
I’m in Maryland. Got my book last week. Love it!
Hi from Atlanta.
They arrived in Alabama
Good night Doc
Have an awesome evening!!
Nighty night
Hello from BC
What a cutie
You make him look small! I had a 16.5 horse
Yes post meno please
Topics – Hormones , stress and keto
Stress affects on keto
Can’t wait to get my copy of your book!
My ok ordered. Can’t wait till it arrives
Increase protein the older we get? If we train hard. Do I add fats or increase carbs?
My book hopefully on way
Do I increase protein if I’m training hard? I’m 58. More fat? carbs?
Stalls and hormones
Thyroid and exogenous ketones!
Lack of thyroid and exogenous ketones
Hi Bailey!
Progressing through Keto and what to expect; what to take that is healthy when you have the flu, colds, upper respiratory infection, pain, etc.
Plateaus and stalls
How keto can help autoimmune diseases.
Ketosis and brain health
Can you lose weight on a keto diet with Hashimotos?
Swoosh effect- fact or.fiction.
Adam Nally love the impromptu broadcast!
How keto fights disease, diabetes, cancer.
Does it help auto immune disorders.
Can horses be on Ketosis
Keto lifestyle and the menopause please Doc.
Keto and menopause
Hi! I received my book yesterday!!!
Hi Bailey!!!
Keto as a way of life, maintaining
I’m going to get another book for my PCP!
Great idea! I think I’ll buy my kids both a book too!
Arrived in Wv
I got your book in a couple days ago! Im so excited!
Replay- hi
Start —keto and how will that help with hot flashes

How to increase energy and not feel like a old
How do you register for conference
Sara Lewis
Just 3
Why I loose then gain, how not to get down on yourself.
I think you should talk about it prevents Alzheimer’s
Keto in relation to diabetic control.
Keto and statins
The importance of electrolyte balance!
Where to sign up at
Healing hormones and whole food on Keto.
Whole Food Keto
How can we coach our doctors to get them onboard with keto
Chrohns and keto
I have lost to much weight ! Need to know how to gain some back keeping it keto then how to maintain it. Haven’t been able to find any info on this.
Gosh I want this problem too lol
So excited to have you as a part of the Keto 101 Virtual Summit!!
Signed up today!
I registered!!
Signed up
I signed up last night.
Ashley this is the dr I was telling you about
Thankyou!! Have you got his book?
no not yet but sister does and he is her dr
Ibs-c and ketosis
Parkinson’s and ketosis
A topic for the summit: Being in Ketosis and not losing weight.
got book great starting the journey
progressing thru keto
Keto flu
Hello form Ontario Canada
Is the summit only in person or will it be on FB live?
The summit talks are pre-recorded presentations that are free on the day they are broadcast. There will be a charge there after.
Beautiful horse!