What three words would you use to describe your obesity struggle? #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

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  1. Anonymous says:

    While at my rheumatologist yesterday i mentioned that i have been on the ketogenic diet for a long time and she was so glad and talked about how good it was for you and alleviating inflammation.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hello! I came in on the end of what you were saying about avocado oil. My understanding is it has lots of good healthy benefits and helps with arthritis. You mentioned it was inflammatory?

  3. Anonymous says:

    My morning fasted glucose averages 85 and my ketones at those times average 2.5. I think that’s good but am intrigued my ketones are so high. My evening ketones are about the same. Thoughts?

  4. Anonymous says:

    But be very careful with fasting if you are on any of the SGLT-2 inhibitors! I had normoglycemic ketoacidosis and was hospitalized for 4 days!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I had a doctor that no matter why I went to see him I was ALWAYS told “You FAT you die young”. Needless to say I stopped seeing him and went to a new Doctor.
    Irritated , unattractive, depressed

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’ve lost 20 pounds in 10 weeks and you can’t even tell and I am so proud but people don’t believe me. I don’t even want to step on the scale let alone see the doctor.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I have been trying to find a doctor in my area that gets it. So far, no luck. My current GP is very traditional and it’s frustrating to want to change doctors and not finding one in my are that is familiar with keto. I am so happy to have you and all of the wonderful keto community to turn to.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I bought a glucose meter so that I can visually see how food is affecting my body. 1. I’m not sure what I’m doing. 2. I’m a little freaked out at the results.
    3. I’m now afraid to eat anything.😥

  9. Anonymous says:

    Miss this yesterday but here’s my two cents. One big challenge for me was loss of self confidence and always having to justify everything to people when I ate.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Fear. Fear of being dismissed by my doc. Fear of judgement by people. Fear of failing when I try so hard cutting calories and fat. Fear that I will always be this uncomfortable. Fear of ending up immobile like my mother.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I found myself blaming people. But I then learned that so much of it is the people I know and love who struggle with weight only have been trying to do what their doc is telling them to do which is sabotaging them. And another is doing absolutely EVERYTHING right with keto and not seeing the results.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Replay ~ My mother is extremely critical with me and anyone that is overweight. It’s been a struggle all my life. I have felt like a failure, insecure & very frustrated!

  13. Anonymous says:

    I know this vid is no longer live but I’m gonna answer anyway. My weight never really bothered me. My MD said could lose a few pounds but never pressed it. When I decided I was fat I yelled at him for not speaking up.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I have lost 150 pounds twice in my life, both times have taken 3 years. Of course gained it all back both times. I feel so good doing Keto even though eating fat is totally different from what I have been taught all these times. Got the MoJo meter to check my blood. So I am taking this seriously. I have to do this for good.

  15. Anonymous says:

    I use intermittent fasting for cell autophagy to get rid of lose skin and fat. Once a month for 72 hours and then daily try to fast from 8pm to noon. Would that have the same concerns for weight rebound?

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