What are you afraid of? Is Ketosis the Boogy Man? #DocTalk #KetonianKing

What are you afraid of? Is Ketosis the Boogy Man? #DocTalk #KetonianKing
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How much popcorn are we allowed to eat without falling off the wagon? How much sets the wagon on fire?
Thanks doc. Have a good night! You are lovely and generous person to help us here
What do you have for breakfast?
Ditto Jessica!
Love that! #DocConversion like #TrollConversion
Do I need to count the carbs in the leafy greens? I really love salads now. With a high fat dressing of course.
I burned down the wagon to avoid falling off of it ever again. I swear I am addicted to carbs so I just don’t cheat at all anymore.
I’m just sad about the Popcorn – I will try the Pork rinds
Love pork rinds
Hey from Australia. Quick brief on benefits of keto for Adrenal fatigue
If you have to eat “on the run” what can we eat that is Keto? Like a Quesadilla is it really bad?
Wouldn’t chewing break it down too?
Wish I could convince my dear son – he graduates from medical school this May – that Keto is healthy . . . Any suggestions??
But bacon grease over raw organic baby spinach is super yummy!! #ketosalad
Yes. Yes it is
Canada has awesome pork rinds
Yes please link pork clouds!
I see go see movies at the Drive Inn. I take pork crackling. Think you call it rinds in USA?.i am taking Turmeric Latte once a day. Is almond milk ok or should I use coconut milk?
Unsweetened almond milk is great
I do pork rind nachos! Yum.
When you say you gain muscle, are you saying it happens naturally while in Ketosis or must you excersize to get the muscle effect? I find my pants are fitting looser, but not much loss in the belly area where I really need to lose. Maybe you just need to be my doc…
ya have to be careful with the flavored prok rinds. check the ingredients
Yes, you do
So good!
NOTE TO SELF: Pork Cloud Nachos
Old Dutch pork rinds- brand
How much of olive oil is Keto ok ?
All of it
Pork crackling nachos. Yummo.
You got a haircut, didn’t you!
Ears were lowered
sesame oil is not considered keto, is that correct?
will you ever head to Salt lake city utah
I hope to
Thanks Doc Nally for taking the time to do these videos! You take time away from your family to help others! May god bless you!! If you are in the Phoenix area see Doc Nally. He is just as great in person!!
I see him every morning in the mirror.
Do you recommend yacon syrup to bake with?
I am not familiar with Yacon Syrup.
We love you!
Do you use the Keto Kreme?
I find regular coconut oil suppresses my apetite better, and I don’t drink coffee.
Thank you Dr. Adam Nally
When are you coming to Australia? We need to be educated
I need to keep my eye out for a conference in austrialia
That explains why I gained muscle mass and lost inches even tho I wasn’t working out! I was wondering how that worked!
Is allulose ok?
The jury is still out on allulose. There are pros and cons to it and I am still on the fence
Thanks again Doc for all your time and information
Your a inspiration Doc Nally!
Thanks Rhonda
Monk fruit?
Run the other way!!!
Will do! Thanks!
Thank you for spending your evening with us!
Thanks so much Doc for giving us your time
What is your fasting insulin after years of keto?
The diet Dr. Pepper kept it elevated around 6. I’ve been off the Diet Dr. Pepper now for almost 10 weeks and I am going to check it at the three month mark.
Love sharing your lives to all my work mates
Great questions tonight Sandra!!
I will buy two – promise!!
Thanks, Debbie. I appreciate you and your comments.
We love you Dr Nalley!!!!!! Beaver Dam,KY
Just for the record I am 72 yrs old live in Phoenix, Az I have lost 35# and 22 inches since April 2017 mostly in my belly and my butt. I have never felt better and never stronger. My immune system is far better than it has ever been, blood work is excellent. I hike regularly and do yoga. I am so greatful to Keto, IF and EF
That is superb!!
I am afraid I’ll be missing out
Mission out on what?
That’s just the thing I don’t know I don’t know if it’s my mind playing tricks on me or if it’s the addiction to sugar
The other questions that I have the need to ask somebody is can I do Atkins frozen meals for lunch because there’s not a whole lot of a low-carb options in a fast food world
Self sabotage
Doc Adam Nally …what can we do about gout and Ketosis aggravating it. Dr. Andi spoke to potassium deficiencies that may be at the root.
Can you intermittent fast while on ketogenic diet? Or was that just referring to extended fasts?
Love raw spinach salad
I missed you live!
You can catch me next time
He talks so fast…and I’m from the Northeast!
Afraid of: kidney stones
How do i know if im insulin resistant or.not?
AL Loveless
It’s ok to use coconut oil but not coconut milk?
Good Morning Doc! Indiana here! Blood clots scare me!
Hello from Rochester NY
Do you count the carbs in Keto OS?
Do you use the Keto OS chocolate swirl with caffeine?
afraid of not loosing the weight. I have been on Keto for 5 months now and working hard on my sugar and inselin. my A1c has gone down from 7.6 to 6.1, And average blood sugar from 180 to 124.
I keep stoping and starting
Hurry and check out the link to purchase an autographed copy of my book is here: https://www.docmuscles.com/ketocure/
Jason Hawthorne. Linda Barefoot. Caroline Barefoot Hill. Jennifer Tribble.
Slow down man
I’m afraid I would not have the strong will to keep up with the fats and don’t cheat, and if I cheat by eating carbs plus all that fat would make me more fat ?
Wouldn’t Falling off the wagon sometimes,plus eating all that fat would make me even more fat?
When apple cider vinegar is abbreviated ACV…
Good evening doc from Malaysia
I don’t know if I can add something post live… But I have a real fear! This happens:
Exacerbation of Severe painful sensory DPN as soon as BS b begins to drop with keto/ fasting.
Neuro says that pain is a warning of serious trouble; that more of those small fibers are dying from release of inflammatory toxins/enzymes/whatever.
Pain is too severe not to believe him!
Now what???
Here is the link to Pre-Order your Autographed copy of Keto Cure! https://pq332.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/addProduct?productId=343
you’re welcome
New from PA
I recently found out about you. I’ve been watching your videos on Replay,definitely getting your book. I’ve been doing keto since May 24th down 47lbs & my labs have improved dramatically with zero med. loving this keto lifestyle & staying strong. Thank you