Before You Get Your Next Vaccine, Read This . . .

“Dr. Nally, why did you stopped recommending vaccines?” I was asked by a patient the other day.

Yes, this is very controversial topic, but my answer can be found in three words:

  • aluminum
  • autism
  • micro-strokes.

No one wants to hear this.  I didn’t want to hear this. 

However, all I ask is that before you get your next vaccination, read this article and think twice.

In years past, vaccinations have helped curb communicable disease such as polio, diphtheria, tetanus, smallpox and measles.  Safe, competently tested and well-studied vaccines can be very beneficial.  However, safe and competently tested appears to no longer be the norm.

The definition of immunization is the process by which an individual’s body is safely exposed to material designed to prime the immune system against a specific disease process.

You and I are responsible to make our own decisions about vaccination.  You and I do that by counselling with competent medical professionals about our individual and personal medical needs and circumstances.

I may get further ostracized because of my change of position.  People’s vaccine beliefs are often more rigidly held then their religion and faith.

It is the very last thing I thought I would ever be writing about.  Yet, after nearly 25 years of clinical medical practice, and hundreds of journal articles later, I’ve dramatically changed my tune on ALL vaccines.  

But, why, you ask?

In the last two months, I’ve had three families bring their newborn babies to the office because their selected pediatrician refused to care for them, and refused to sign discharge orders from the hospital because the family, for various legitimate reasons, opted not to vaccinate or dose Vitamin K injections in their newborn infant.

As of today, if you as a parent were to follow the vaccine schedule as outlined by the CDC, your child would receive 48-50 doses of vaccines for 15 different diseases between the ages of birth and six years old.

Two of those vaccinations are given at the time of birth: Vitamin K and the hepatitis B vaccination.

Vitamin K increases the clotting capacity of the infant to prevent 1 in 20,000 risk of Vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB) that usually only occurs in malnourished mothers or those taking medications that prevent absorption of vitamin K.   Yet, few pediatricians are aware that the aluminum adjuvant in the Hepatitis B vaccine also increases the likelihood of clotting in 5% of infants based on the data you will read about below.

As of today, about 95% of U.S. children of kindergarten age receive all of the recommended vaccines as a requirement of school or daycare attendance.

The information I am going to share with you, I stumbled across. Yet, I cannot ignore what it means to me, to you and to your children.  

And, sadly, you’ll never hear this from the pharmaceutical companies because it would cost them billions.  

In fact, most physicians don’t know this because they’ve never heard of the studies that I will reference below.  I had never heard of them myself, until I stared researching vaccine reactions during the pandemic.  

Over the last four years, I’ve been reading everything I can about how our bodies are supposed to respond to vaccination and how they ACTUALLY respond.  This has been heavily on my mind because I’ve had so many people show up in the office with mild to significant vaccine reactions with no clear explanations other than general denial from the medical and pharmaceutical communities.

I’ve been vocal about the things I’ve been seeing.  It’s caused a number of trusted friends, family members, medical colleagues and members of my church to shun both me and my family. Yet, I cannot deny what I am seeing, what’s published in the medical literature and the oath I’ve taken to, first, do no harm.

Stanley Plotkin, often referred to as the ‘godfather’ of vaccines, recently coauthored an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine. He admitted that the monitoring of vaccine safety is ‘inadequate.’

Plotkin stated that he is concerned about the growing distrust of vaccines that seems to have arisen during “the widespread vaccine hesitancy observed during the Covid-19 pandemic.”

His editorial explains that phase III clinical trials are not large enough to detect “rare” adverse events, so regulators have to rely on post-marketing surveillance to find safety signals. That doesn’t give you or me much trust in safety. 

Post-marketing surveillance (seeing the bad stuff arise after the vaccine is released to the public) is currently inadequate and safety studies to determine if adverse events are ‘causally’ or ‘coincidentally’ related to a vaccine, are lacking.

Further, look closely at the table in the editorial that shows the ‘biological mechanism’ for most vaccine injuries is not understood — from the 1976 Swine flu vaccine to the current day covid-19 vaccines.

Over the last four years I’ve learned a great deal about vaccine injury that was never taught in medical school or residency.  As patients in my practice and those who follow my newsletter, I feel obligated to share this information with you.


There are five methods vaccine injury can occur and continues to occur every day.  As of this writing, I have seen all of these occur in the nearly 25 years of my medical career. These are:

  1. Vaccine contamination – like high unmonitored levels of aluminum
  2. Abnormal immune response – usually mRNA driven responses
  3. Cellular mitochondrial dysfunction – which causes mild to profound fatigue like post-COVID syndrome
  4. Fluid circulation impairment – leading to mini and micro-strokes that often go unrecognized in children
  5. Vaccine induced birth defects – seen recently with the Anthrax vaccine.

I’ve experienced a paradigm shift in my perception of vaccines. Witnessing personal cases of vaccine injury in my office, and reading recently published data that diametrically contradicts previously published information has caused me to question the status quo and dramatically changed my mind on vaccine use.

I will admit, coming out of medical school, I was a very strong advocate of vaccination.  The Vaccine Kool-Aid was sweet and readily available.  Everyone was drinking it.  And to make matters worse, I would subtly roll my eyes when someone told me that “they don’t vaccinate.” Then, I would attempt to teach them about the vaccine Kool-aid I drank and try convince them how safe vaccines were.  

Since learning of the information below, I have completely changed my position.  This email and letter is to explain why.

And, you seriously need to know why.

The World Health Organization named vaccine hesitancy one of the top ten threats to global health in 2019.

It’s interesting that this pronouncement came the year before the COVID pandemic occurred.  Prior to COVID, thousands of people around the world chose not to vaccinate because of a number of complex reasons including lack of confidence in vaccine safety, adverse reactions, and mistrust of health care providers and the pharmaceutical companies [1, 2].

It’s not surprising that since the governmental propaganda parade about the COVID vaccines being “safe and effective,” millions more have become skeptical about vaccines, vaccine safety and general vaccine efficacy.  This has caused the vaccine worries of the late 1990’s to resurface.

Vaccine Induced Autism . . . A Myth?

Let’s just start with the big one.  I thought the jury was out on this one. 

The “Vaccine Court” in the United States dismissed the vaccine-autism hypothesis in 2009.  They essentially said that “there is no possible way that vaccines can cause autism.”  This was based on the findings of the U.K. and published studies reviewing the Wakefield article that was retracted that hypothesized autism was caused by vaccines in 2009. 

We in the medical community on the front lines of medicine, myself included, trusted the studies being published, and encouraged our patients to get vaccinated.  We poo-pooed anyone that stated otherwise.

We were taught in medical school that vaccines were rigorously tested, found to be safe, and that’s been reinforced in the medical communities and medical journals starting again heavily in 2009. In fact, researchers and physicians are still publishing papers stating that autism caused by vaccination is “a giant myth” and “a conspiracy theory” [3, 4].

Dr. Andrew Wakefield, a prominent gastroenterologist at the center of this controversy in the United Kingdom, discovered the cause of Crohn’s Disease.

Then in 1995, a group of parents approached him about autism starting in their children after receiving the MMR vaccine. He theorized that if the MMR caused leaky gut syndrome, harmful toxins could make their way into the brain causing autism.

The controversy started in 1998 when his speculated link was proposed between autism and the MMR vaccine. He published a landmark article the United Kingdom speculating a correlation between gastrointestinal symptoms and the onset of Autism around the time of the MMR vaccination in 12 of his patients.  This spurred years of argument, threats, lawsuits and libel back and forth between the media, pharmaceutical companies and Dr. Wakefield.  The paper was retracted 12 years later because of what the British Medical Journal called fraudulent and falsified data in his paper [5].

Dr. Wakefield was removed from the British medical registry and forced to leave the country.  To this day, 26 years after the publishing of his paper, Dr. Wakefield still denies he committed fraud.

The Autism Link Resurrected

What is fascinating is that in 2017, Dr. Matthew Mod and his colleagues published a study showing that Autism, a disorder of the development of the brain, is linked with aluminum (AI) toxicity in the brain.  Aluminum isn’t supposed to pass through the blood brain barrier. However, in autism and multiple sclerosis, it seems to have climbed the fence [5].

Autism appears to have both genetic and environmental factors. These are specifically linked to aluminum that was transported inappropriately into the brain of developing young children.

Recently, Dr. Mod and his group studied the brain tissue of five patients’ brains with autism that were donated for evaluation. Astoundingly, all five were found to have high levels of aluminum in all lobes of the brain: occipital, frontal, temporal and parietal lobes.  All five actually had the highest levels of aluminum ever recorded [5].  

Additionally, it appears that a line of white blood cells called monocytes containing aluminum were found in the meninges (protective coating around the brain) most likely in the process of transporting aluminum into the lymphatic system of the brain. And, aluminum was identified in all the tissue samples of the inflammatory cells of the blood vessels of the brain.

The four male brain donors had higher aluminum levels than the single female donor that was also notably high. This is very interesting as autism has a higher incidence in males than females.

Dr. Chris Exley, one of the researchers of this study, wrote in his blog post that “. . . while the aluminium content of each of the five brains [of people with autism] was shockingly high it was the location of the aluminium in the brain tissue which served as the standout observation . . . The new evidence strongly suggests that aluminium is entering the brain in ASD [autism spectrum disorders] via pro-inflammatory cells which have become loaded up with aluminium in the blood and/or lymph, much as has been demonstrated for monocytes at injection sites for vaccines including aluminium adjuvants”[6].

Note to the Grammar Nazi’s: Aluminum is spelled with an additional ‘i” in the U.K. (aluminium).

Why Aluminum or Aluminium if You’re from Europe?

Aluminum salts are used as a necessary adjuvant in vaccines.  Adjuvants are substances added to the vaccine to enhance the vaccines immune response to produce antibodies.

Dr. Exley and his colleagues measured the amount of aluminum in infant vaccines in 2021 and found that the aluminum content in each vaccine varied greatly, most having aluminum in notable excess of the manufacturers stated levels [7].

What’s even more disconcerting is that he states, “We have discovered that the amount of aluminium an infant receives in a vaccine is akin to a lottery. While the amount expected to be injected, is indicated by manufacturers on the patient information leaflet supplied with the vaccine, this value bears little resemblance to the actual amount.

“Perhaps equally shocking is that those organizations charged with regulating the content of vaccines, such as the European Medicines Agency and the Food and Drug Administration, do not measure their aluminium content.”

Only three of the vaccines they measured contained the level of aluminum indicated by the manufacturer [7].

Aluminum compounds (Al hydroxide and Al phosphate) are the most common adjuvants used in today’s vaccines. They are currently used in the hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP, Tdap), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), human papillomavirus (HPV) and pneumococcus (PCV) vaccines. Aluminum adjuvants “activate” the immune system, which induces long term immunity to antigens in the vaccine. The scientific understanding of aluminum adjuvant toxicity has dramatically changed and deepened significantly in recent years.

Yet, the CDC is still basing their recommendation about aluminum use in vaccines on a single study published in 2011 that erroneously concludes the aluminum ends up in the skeletal system and not soft tissues [16].

Based on this new evidence, one out of every six children vaccinated suffers from a neurodevelopmental disorder.  That is a dramatic difference from 40-50 years ago.  It appears that vaccines are a primary cause of this new crisis.

There have been published papers regarding the aluminum adjuvants link to auto-immunity in children since 2012 [7,15].

Three of the researchers above wrote the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in June 2017 regarding their findings.  Nothing but crickets has been heard since.

I No Longer Recommend Vaccination Due to Aluminum Toxicity Risk

Knowing, now, that aluminum is a neurotoxin to the brain, and that donor brains with both autism and multiple sclerosis were found to have toxic levels of aluminum on autopsy, I have stopped recommending all vaccinations. 

Aluminum adjuvants are actually critical to the efficacy of all vaccines, and yet they are far from being benign when injected into the body.  Especially since there is no current control on the aluminum level in vaccines across the country and around the world.

Until safe levels of aluminum adjuvants can be determined, and manufacturers are consistently measuring the aluminum levels, I do not recommend vaccination with ANY vaccine, especially in infants and children.

Abnormal Immune Responses

This type of vaccine injury has been seen recently in the influenza and COVID vaccines.  In fact, I personally had an influenza reaction in 2009.  Because vaccines are designed to unnaturally activate the immune system, they can create long term immunological dysfunction and “off target immunity.”  That means they cause immunity and reactions to things they should not.  Yes, that’s bad.

This commonly manifests through the immune system abnormally attacking a part of the body that it should not (there is a lot of evidence tying vaccination to a myriad of autoimmune disorders).  Other immunological issues (e.g., varying degrees of immune suppression) are also sometimes observed after vaccination. These include alopecia areata (auto-immune hair loss), psoriasis, and rheumatoid arthritis induced by vaccination [8, 12, 13].

Another example of this is the 4900% increase in heart failure in Japan.  (Yes, that says 4900% increase in heart failure.)  Over 80% of Japan’s population was vaccinated with the COVID vaccine.   They experienced 880,999 episodes of myocarditis and pericarditis adverse reports after vaccination [8].

This is also demonstrated by the pilot study of vaccinated and unvaccinated U.S. children age 6- 12 years old in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon.  Those children vaccinated were more likely to experience pneumonia, otitis media, allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders [9].

Cellular Mitochondrial Dysfunction

In addition to the autoimmune responses mention above, when cells are threatened, they will sometimes enter a primitive metabolic state to protect themselves. When this happens, their mitochondria stop performing their normal functions.  This is referred to as cellular mitochondrial dysfunction.

This state is supposed to be temporary. However, some cells can get stuck in this response. An unresolved and persistent cell danger response underlies many of our chronic and complex medical conditions.  Long-COVID is an example of this.

In turn, when the cell danger response is treated, many severe conditions (e.g., those linked to vaccination) have been observed to resolve as well.

For example, in 2007 Generation Rescue (GR) hired a third party polling firm (SurveyUSA) and paid them $200,000 to do a survey of 17,674 children (991 of whom were completely unvaccinated) [14].  It found the following differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated children:

  • 2.55 x increased risk for all neurological disorders in vaccinated boys of all ages
  • 3.24 x increased risk for all vaccinated boys for ADHD
  • 2.46 x increased risk for vaccinated boys for autism of all ages
  • 4.17 x increased risk for vaccinated boys for ADHD ages 11-17
  • 2.12 x risk for vaccinated risk for boys for autism ages 11-17
  • 3.79 x increased risk for disease in all vaccinated boys of all ages
  • 2.2 x increased risk for asthma for all boys and girls.

Two other studies found that vaccinated children have a statistically higher risk of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders than unvaccinated children [9, 10].

Table 1 below gives the increased risk of disease found the 2017 Four State Study of 6–12-year-old vaccinated children.

Table 1 – Journal of Translational Science – 2017 Vol 3(3):1-12

Fluid Circulation Impairment

 Vaccines have been shown to cause moderate to severe impairments of the fluid circulation of the body. This happens through weakening of the physiologic zeta potential (which causes fluids like blood to clump together) and to a lesser degree by having the white blood cells enter capillaries, where, due to their larger size, they obstruct the flow of blood through the capillary.

The science of colloidal chemistry and zeta potential has demonstrated over and over that the primary factor which causes blood cells to clump together (called hemagglutination) is the electrical charges present around each of the blood cells.

Many of the most harmful agents in existence (e.g., aluminum and the COVID spike protein) coincidentally also happen to contain strong positive charges which are remarkably effective at clumping cells in the blood and fluids together.

This positive charge leads to large and small blood clots through the blood stream of normal people.

The spike protein causes hemagglutination (blood cell clumping) [11] –

  • The Omicron virus induced hemagglutination (cellular clumping) at a significantly lower threshold concentration of spike protein presence
  • Omicron SARS-CoV-2 is more electropositive on its central spike protein region.
  • Ivermectin blocked cellular clumping (hemagglutination) when added to Red Blood Cells prior to spike protein and reversed the clumping when added afterward.
  • These results validate and extend prior findings on the role of glycan bindings of viral spike protein in COVID-19.

Table 2 – Electrostatic surface potential of SARS-CoV-2 spike trimers as denoted by color, positive in blue and negative in red. 

Table 2 – Upper panel:

Under physiological conditions, red blood cells (RBCs) maintain separation from each other due to a repulsive electric zeta potential between their negatively charged surfaces. The electropositive surface of spike protein neutralizes this zeta potential, allowing closer contacts between RBCs. 

Table 2 – Lower panel:

For all variants, the electrostatic surface potential of the spike trimer is more electropositive in the central area formed by the RBD of each monomer. Quantitative analysis of the surface potential (in AU = arbitrary units) shows an exponential increase from the Wuhan to Omicron lineages (It becomes more positively charged) [11].


Increased Risk for Micro and Mini-Strokes

Because of the positive charges, SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is remarkably effective at causing all three types of strokes (embolic, hemorrhagic and thrombogenic).  The positive charge binds to the negatively charged glycocalyx (lining of the blood vessel wall).

The cranial nerves are the most vulnerable to strokes because of their anatomy. In most cases, the tissues of the body (especially those that cannot tolerate an interruption of their blood supply like the heart and brain) have multiple sources of blood so that a disruption within one of their blood vessels is unlikely to cause a critical failure.

Watershed areas denote locations where that redundancy does not exist, and as a result, strokes are much more common within the watershed areas of the brain.  These are usually areas where cranial nerves from the brain exit.

I’ve seen cranial nerve palsies in children and never understood why . . . 

Cranial Nerves Involved in Vaccine Induced Stroke:

  • Cranial nerve III palsy– Oculomotor nerve – eye deviates laterally and upper lid droops (ptosis)
  • Cranial nerve IV palsy – Trochlear Nerve – loss of asymmetric height of the eyes
  • Cranial nerve VI palsy – Abducens Nerve – affected eye pulls in to the middle
  • Cranial nerve VII palsy – Facial nerve palsy (Bell’s Palsy)

All of these can be induced by micro-strokes at the level of the blood vessels feeding the cranial nerve.


Risk of Birth Defects

The Anthrax, HPV and thalidomide containing vaccines can cause impaired fertility, mutagenesis, cancer, auto-immune disease, Gillian-Barre syndrome, DVT’s and motor neuron disease.

Soldiers who served in the military in Desert Storm were vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine.  A severe side effect was that their children were born without limbs.

Thalidomide used in the 1950s and 1960s for sleep, anxiety and as a tranquilizer, as well as an anti-typhus vaccine, was also notorious for birth defects because it caused damage by blocking the formation of new blood vessels.

There you have it . . .  

Those are the BIG FIVE reasons for no longer recommending vaccinations.  As of today, there is not a single study published regarding safety of aluminum adjuvants in vaccines.  The CDC and HHS knows this.

Yet, as of today, most hospitals, pediatric offices and family practitioner offices require you to be vaccinated for treatment in their offices.  My office does not, we never have, nor will we ever require vaccination.

To Your Health, Happiness & Longevity,

Adam Nally, DO


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