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Three Questions To Ask Yourself About Any Therapy Including The COVID-19 Vaccine

[Updated August, 28, 2021]

I’ve had thousands of patient’s ask about the COVID-19 vaccine and whether they should consider taking it or not. At the outset, let me make it clear that I am not opposed to vaccines, nor am I an anti-vax proponent.  I am very much a proponent of safe and effective vaccines and therapies.  I present this information so that my patients and readers can make an informed choice about their individual health.  Many of my patients have chosen to get vaccinated, and many have not.  Many are still on the fence.

This information is continually changing and I will try to update this post when important information is available. You can find a summary and links to recent research on a previous blog post here.

Any time you use a therapeutic, medication or vaccine, you need to evaluate it with three guidelines in mind:
      1. Is it safe?
      2. Is it effective?
      3. Do you actually need it?

Survivability Points to Ponder

Currently, children under 18 years old have a 99.998% chance of survival if they get COVID-19 and are untreated.  Why would you inject a child with a vaccine when there is no need for treatment?  Yet this vaccine is being pushed upon our children 12 years of age and older by schools, sports programs and government officials.
The risk of death in a young adult who contracts COVID-19 between the ages of 19 to 44 years old is 99.95%.  Again, why would we force vaccination or treatment upon anyone who’s risk is 0.05%?
If everyone on the planet were to get COVID-19 and not get treated, the global death rate would be less than 0.5% of the global population.  That is identical to influenza.  After you read the information below, you need to ask yourself: Does the potential risk of the COVID-19 vaccine warrant force vaccination the entire global population?
If we have effective outpatient treatments, and the risk of death was no greater than the flu, why would you consider use of a vaccine with significant sides effects and poor overall effectiveness?

How Does the COVID-19 Vaccine Work?

As of today, the Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson Johnson COVID-19 vaccines consist of a snippet of genetic code directing production of an immune response identical to what the actual virus causes to occur. This response stimulates the production of a coronavirus spike protein. In the Pfizer.BioNTech & Moderna vaccines, it is delivered in a tiny fat bubble called a lipid nanoparticle. Some researchers suspect the immune system’s response to that delivery vehicle also causes some the short-term side effects, and may post greater risks in the long term.
What we know today, is that the spike proteins, whether produced by the virus or by the vaccine is the “toxic” portion to the body. A percentage of people have significant adverse responses to this spike proteins. This protein binds to those tissues with the highest concentrations of ACE2 receptors on their cell membranes.  The binding of ACE2 receptors by spike proteins causes a release of inflammatory cytokines (protein signals to stimulate the body to fight infection).   However, this cytokine release is amplified significantly when T cells are suppressed or not functional.  We know that obesity, diabetes, prediabetes and insulin resistance states cause a suppression in T cell function.  Within four hours of blood sugar and insulin levels spiking and staying elevated, something that commonly occurs in diabetic, pre-diabetic and obese patients, T cell immunity is suppressed and cytokine levels, like IL-6, are elevated.
A recently uncovered Pfizer study in Japan identified that these proteins and the nano-particle transport system concentrate and bind at the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, mesenteric lymph-nodes, and ovaries within 48 hours of vaccination (1).  Originally, it was thought that the vaccine only concentrated in the deltoid muscle where the vaccine was given. According to Dr. Robert Malone the creator of the mRNA technology, the spike proteins are biologically active. Because of this distribution throughout the body, and according to Dr. Malone, there is significant potential for leukemia, lymphoma and female fertility issues 1-3 years from vaccination and auto-immune disorders 2-3 years from vaccination.  Because we have no data in humans at the 2-3 year mark, the actual risk of this is still unknown.

Is The Vaccine Effective?

Currently the only data we have on the vaccine effectiveness comes from a brand new package insert released on the 23rd of August, 2021.  Studies in 44,000 people demonstrated it has a 94.7% confidence interval over 6 months.  That means, in lay terms, that the vaccine will decrease your likelihood of caching COVID-19 by an “estimate” of 94.7% within six months of your first shot.  However, data coming out of Israel where 85% of the population has been vaccinated for the last eight months shows that that this effectiveness drops to 39% by the eighth month.  Anything less than 40% effectiveness is considered no more effective than placebo.
If you’ve never had a COVID-19 infection, then this vaccine will give you short term protection for 2-8 months as it’s protective effect rapidly wears off.  Hence, Pfizer and Moderna have recommended a third dose of the vaccine starting in September.  However, there is no information about the risks and benefits of a third dose.  And, if a third dose is necessary, will there be a fourth?  And a fifth?
In the short term studies (two month period of time), vaccine manufacturers stated that there was a 66% reduction in hospitalizations due to COVID-19 with the vaccine use.  This is not what is being seen in Israel, where 85% of their population has been vaccinated.  In fact, people vaccinated in January had a 2.26 times greater risk for a breakthrough infection with the Delta variant than those vaccinated in April.
The rate of infection and hospitalization rates remain the same as the unvaccinated as you can see in the graphic below:
In another study just released on August 25, 2021, as a pre-print in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), data from Israel paints a very interesting picture of what happens when the majority of the population is vaccinated.  This real world observational study of over 800,000 people compares the unvaccinated  to those with prior COVID-19 illness, those with prior COVID-19 + 1 dose of vaccine and those who are vaccinated with two doses.
This study demonstrates that those who received the COVID-19 vaccine (two shot series) have a 13.06 times GREATER risk of infection with the COVID-19 Delta variant compared with those who were unvaccinated but had previous infection with COVID-19 alone.
Additionally, those who received the vaccine had a 6.7 fold greater risk for admission to the hospital compared to those with natural infection.  The conclusion in this, the largest real world vaccination study on COVID-19 to date, is that natural immunity confers a 13 times greater protection than the vaccine.

Acute or Short Term Issues:

First these vaccines contain a black box warning for people under age 55 years old. This warning is that there is a significant increased risk of a forms of inflammation of the heart called myocarditis and fluid build up around the heart called pericarditis.  This risk was set at 13 per million, or one person in every 76,900 doses given.  As of August 20th, 2021, Moderna’s vaccine is being evaluated for an even greater risk seen from Canadian data.  “There might be a 2.5 times higher incidence of myocarditis in those who get the Moderna vaccine compared with Pfizer’s vaccine,” Reuters reported.
Second, Blood clot formation is the number one risk of these vaccines. The spike proteins that form from the vaccine are identical to the same proteins caused by the virus itself. It’s not the virus that’s the problem, it’s the spike proteins that act like a toxin. The Salk Institute has identified that these spike proteins bind to the ACE 2 receptors on multiple organ tissues, damaging the lining of blood vessels and increase the risk of blood clot, stroke and heart attack. The increased risk of clots is most dramatic in the first week after a vaccine is given, however, this risk is elevated as long as these proteins are circulating in the blood stream.
Given this information, and the number of blood clots I and many others have seen clinically post vaccination, this vaccine has been aptly called “The Clot Shot.”
Third, data demonstrates that patients given this vaccine in their 1st trimester of pregnancy have an increased risk of miscarriages from 10% to 80% above the average. This is likely due to spike protein deposition in the uterus, however, this is still under evaluation.

Sub Acute Issues:

In all other attempts at making a coronavirus vaccine in the last 25 years, animal studies have show the development of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE). This is where re-exposure to the virus causes a 10 fold immune response above the norm.  This also causes what is called cytokine release syndrome.  However, because this vaccine was released under an Emergency Use Authorization, these animals studies were never performed on this vaccine to determine the potential for these syndromes to arise.
I am seeing signs that ADE is starting to happen in a percentage of my patients who have been vaccinated with both the first and second doses of vaccine.

Long Term Issues:

There is definite scientific evidence that these spike proteins may damage ovarian function. There is definite evidence that they may lower sperm counts. There is definite evidence that they will effect autoimmunity in a percentage of the population. There is definite evidence that it may cause various forms of cancer.
According to a recent article by Talotta et at., “Young patients and female patients who are already affected or predisposed (e.g. immunological and serological abnormalities in absence of clinical symptoms, familiarity for immune-mediated diseases) to autoimmune or autoinflammatory disorders should be carefully evaluated for the benefits and risks of COVID-19 mRNA vaccination” (4).
Lipid nano-particles have been shown to concentrate themselves in the ovary with a 16% decrease in fertility that was identified in the animal studies recently made available to the public.
Recent research from Read et al. demonstrates that vaccinating people with vaccines that do not completely stop transmission actually increase conditions that promote more severe strains of the virus.  “Our data show that anti-disease vaccines that do not prevent transmission [vaccines that don’t completely stop transmission] can create conditions that promote the emergence of pathogen strains that cause more severe disease in unvaccinated hosts” (5).

What is the Actual Risk Of:

      • Infertility
      • Autoimmunity
      • Cancer after getting this vaccine?

Who Should NOT Receive the Vaccine:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued an update on those who should not receive mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Recommendations cover:
      • Patients who have had a severe allergic reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine.
      • Patients who have had an immediate non-severe allergic reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine.
      • Patients who have had an allergic reaction to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate.
      • Patients who have had an allergic reaction to other types of vaccines or an injectable therapy.
      • Patients who have had allergies not related to vaccines (food like shell fish, nuts, etc).
Common Side Effects that can and will occur with both versions of the vaccine (lower side effect profile in Pfizer/BioNtech version):
      • Fever up to 104 F (40 C) for 24 hours in 2-4% of participants.
      • Severe fatigue in 4%- 9.7% of participants
      • Muscle pain in 8.9%
      • Joint pain in 5.2%
      • Headache in 2%-4.5%.
That’s a higher rate of severe reactions than people are accustomed to, and it occurs because the vaccine is actually producing the same toxin in the system that the virus does – spike proteins.
      • The likelihood of a severe problem if you get a COVID-19 infection is about 0.5%.
      • Where the likelihood of side effects from the vaccine is 1-10%.
With those odds, you be the judge.

Additional Cautions in Pregnancy/Breast Feeding:

Directly from the CDC website: “Observational data demonstrate that, while the chances for these severe health effects are low, pregnant people with COVID-19 have an increased risk of severe illness, including illness that results in ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, and death compared with non-pregnant women of reproductive age. Additionally, pregnant people with COVID-19 might be at increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as preterm birth, compared with pregnant women without COVID-19.”
“Based on how mRNA vaccines work, experts believe they are unlikely to pose a specific risk for people who are pregnant. However, the actual risks of mRNA vaccines to the pregnant person and her fetus are unknown because these vaccines have not been studied in pregnant women.” However, as noted above, vaccination in the 1st trimester of pregnancy increases miscarriage rate up to 80%.
“There are no data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in lactating women or on the effects of mRNA vaccines on the breastfed infant or on milk production/excretion. mRNA vaccines are not thought to be a risk to the breastfeeding infant. People who are breastfeeding and are part of a group recommended to receive a COVID-19 vaccine, such as healthcare personnel, may choose to be vaccinated.” Yet, in light of these assumptions by the CDC, studies in this group has NOT been completed, so we just don’t know the answer.
For those outside of the United States, the UK government’s safety instructions recommend that “no pregnancy or breast feeding should be planned within two months of each COVID-19 vaccine dose.”

Does the Benefit Outweigh the Risk?

Does the benefit of two to six months of protection outweigh the risks that are being seen with these vaccines?  Ultimately, that decision is yours.  My profession opinion is that the risk is greater than the benefit.  Especially when we have effective, inexpensive treatments available.
The NIH, CDC, Hospital Associations, Health Systems and big Pharma have spent hundreds of millions trying to convince the American public that these vaccines are safe.   As of December 2020, prior to completion of any safety studies on these vaccines, the US government alone had spent $250 million dollars trying to convince you and me that these vaccines are worth the risk.  Yet, as a physician who weighs risk to benefit outcomes of treatments with 20-30 patient’s every day, those risks just don’t add up.
When in the history of mankind have you ever heard or seen such powerful propaganda regarding health and safety of every soul on the planet?   The only time I have heard or seen anything remotely similar is in the 1940’s.
Hitler rose to power by convincing the entire nation of Germany that the Jewish population carried typhus, an infectious bacteria that was perceived as an imminent threat to the country.  The typhus vaccine was developed in 1939 in Poland and was in use during WWII.  In order to stop the spread of typhus three things occurred:
  1. Those at risk (mainly the Jews) were quarantined.
  2. Everyone in the nation was required to carry papers documenting full medical history, travel history, vaccination status and typhoid risk.
  3. Those that were not compliant were excluded from socialization and work, or were they were imprisoned.
Sound familiar?


  1. https://Pfizer COVIDvac_report_Japanese government.pdf


  1. Sacha says:

    Thanks. That was really helpful. I’m 52 and had COVID in Dec. Had no real issues with it. I got the AZ vaccine in April and developed a severely itchy arm after it. As the days went on the itch spread but only happened when I was cold. After a week it turned into a rash over my arms and legs. For over a month I had cold urticaria. It only disappeared because the weather got warm. I was told to get the next vaccine in hospital. I missed the appointment as I had to isolate in Ibiza due to getting a positive COVID test pre departure. I had no symptoms. After reading this I don’t think I’ll get the second vaccine. I’m metabolically healthy and will probably have my own immunity due to already having had it. It just angers me that the government (UK) are going to be making it difficult for non vaccinated people to go on holiday, attend concerts etc. That was the only reason I was going to get it, which doesn’t make sense. Surely the reason for choosing to get it should be a health one not a societal participation one. The world has gone mad. Thank you for continuing to keep us sane!!

  2. Donegan Karen says:

    Thank you. More reasons for me to refuse the second Pfizer vaccine. Although, if things keep going as our government proposes, I might not be “stuck” at home forever.

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