What About Total Cholesterol and LDL-C

Eyes blood shot, slightly disheveled and shoulders slumped while sitting in my exam room chair, all three suffered from the the same symptoms . . .

  • They felt hurried and harried.
  • They couldn’t focus.
  • Their concentration was shot.
  • They were exhausted
  • Their muscles ached
  • They were confused.  

They had been put on STATINs by their “other doctor.”  Stressed out about elevated Total Cholesterol and LDL-C.  

These three patients reminded me of watching a friend fish with chicken-hearts and chicken-livers on a hook (apparently, that’s the prime catfish bait in Texas), the bloodier and stinkier the better.

Imagine your own heart much like these three patients, hooked.

If you look closely, you can see their hearts bristling, not with one, but a hundred fish hooks, all yanking the flesh of their most vital organ in a hundred different directions.

That my, friend, is the world you and I live in. They say that consumer attention is the most precious commodity. They say YOUR attention is the most precious commodity.

But, that’s the LIE.

It’s not your attention.

What is most precious is YOUR WORRIES & YOUR CARES.

As long as you care deeply . . . As long as you’re swept up in fear and claims of good health. . .

They hook your cares and pull you in thirteen different directions. As long as the hooks they use to pierce your heart find a purchase . . . they hold you enslaved.

Your focus, your energy, your motivation, your life-force leaks out of the bloody puncture wounds left by the hooks . . . You bleed out onto everyone else’s causes, leaving you with only a faint pulse palpable in your own wrist.

How can you know the count of hooks buried in your heart?

  • The proof is stupor you feel right now.
  • That feeling of being hurried and harried . . .
  • The fear you experience as you try to drift off to sleep . . . 
  • Your mind and heart are constantly reeling . . .

You are on everyone’s line.

Everyone has advice, everyone has a recommendation, everyone is an expert, every product or cause will save you or your family. . . or will it?

Your heart is literally their honey hole.

What is the solution?

Radical social dispassion from those preaching false truths.

To survive emotionally and mentally, you must drastically shorten the list of things you let hook your heart:

  • Your LDL-C
  • Your Total Cholesterol
  • The virus and the vaccine
  • The diet, the powder the pill
  • The climate
  • The recipe
  • The sweetener
  • The latest and greatest colon cleans
  • The YouTube exert
  • The Insta-reel

Take every calamity and every cause you have no influence over and flush them from you thoughts. Seriously, flush them. 

No, this isn’t “heartless.”

This is drawing the line of sanity in an insane world.  Your health should be based on real science.  Not pseudoscience accepted by a crummy hypothesis from 50 years ago.

This myth of pseudoscience arose in the 1961 with an epidemiologist named Ansel Keys. He is often considered the father of the “Low Fat Diet,” and his fame started in TIME MAGAZINE.

In the 50-60’s, fat metabolism was poorly understood and it was theorized that an increase in fat would raise your cholesterol and thereby cause an increase in heart disease causing heart attacks and strokes (a myth with no actual scientific foundation that is still taught in health and nutrition classes around the world today).

Science had noted at that time a subtle correlation with increased heart disease in people with elevated total cholesterol. Ansel Keys gathered data from countries around the world and postulated in his “Seven Countries Study” that a diet high in fat would lead to elevated total cholesterol.  In actually, if your body is using fat as it’s primary fuel, your total cholesterol will rise.  We’ve know this for years. 

Because of sudden media publicity, financial influence from the sugar lobbies, and Keys’ political connections, a very sizable portion of the public accepted this theory as the truth that dietary fat must therefore be the cause of heart disease.  This hypothesis was published as fact in TIME MAGAZINE and many other public journals around the world.

Suddenly, without any actual proof that eating fat caused heart disease, our government jumped onto the bandwagon and created the food pyramid which quickly became the “dietary doctrine” taught in our schools over the last 50 years.

Pharmaceutical companies’ focus quickly became finding a drug that lowered total cholesterol and LDL-C.

Further research into the correlation between dietary fat intake as the cause of heart disease came to a screeching halt. Keys postulations and conclusion were disputed by John Yudkin, M.D., Ph.D., and decried as unfounded by Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D.

The theory that “dietary fat caused heart disease” theory was later scientifically disproven in 1997, and multiple times over since then. But, to this day, the message fell on deaf ears. TIME MAGAZINE and the US Government had already told us that fat causes heart disease.  How could they be wrong?

The Government wrong? No!

The public had already decided that “fat was bad” because of the tremendous media influence and advertising from food manufacturers. Solid research in the 1960’s and today demonstrates that cholesterol and obesity are not caused by fat, but by carbohydrate intake.

There’s nothing wrong with you. You ARE smart enough. You ARE courageous enough. You already have what it takes to crush and accomplish your goals, to achieve your desired health, to get the body, the marriage, and the wealth you want. It is within you, I promise you.

Here’s the problem. Stop trying to shove ten pounds of internet garbage into five pounds of life.

We have become freakishly out of touch with what a life can contain.

You and I CANNOT have it all. But, we absolutely CAN have the 3 or 4 things we want most. Only if you stop cramming in all the extraneous garbage and listening to all the talking heads.

If you’re ready to clear the decks, quell the worry, cut the lines and pull out the hooks . . . If you want to RADICALLY simplify your life so you can FINALLY move forward . . .

Start here with my 45 minute video mini-course:

Get Your Cholesterol Questions Answered

and Get Your Fire Back Now!

To simplify your life and quell your fears, here is the TRUTH you must know about cholesterol, LDL and STATIN drugs.

Cholesterol Elevation on a Ketogenic Diet: What you Must Know & Why Your Doctor Hasn't Told You.

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  1. Keys, A. 1957. “Diet and the Epidemiology of Coronary Heart Disease.” JAMA. Aug. 24; 164(17):1912-19.

  2. Katan MB, Grundy SM, Willett WC. “Should a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet be recommended for everyone? Beyond low-fat diets.” N Engl J Med. 1997 Aug 21;337(8): 563-6; discussion 566-7.

  3. Yudkin, J. 1959. “The Causes and Cure of Obesity.” Lancet. Dec. 19:274 (7112):I135-38. (4) Yudkin, J. 1986. “Pure, White, and Deadly.” Revised ed. New York: Viking.

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