The KetoCure: Now Available for Pre-Order

KetoCure Cover

Pre-order your copy of my new book that will be available on September 26, 2017.  

The ketogenic diet isn’t just a great tool for helping people lose weight and feel their best; it’s also an extremely effective method for treating the common “diseases of civilization.”  The Keto Cure will give readers the prescription they need to heal their bodies by eating plenty of fat and moderating protein and carbs.

I’ve been advocating a low-carb, high-fat diet in my clinical practice for over fifteen years, helping people address their health problems by making better food choices. I teamed up with bestselling low-carb author and podcaster Jimmy Moore  to create a top-50 health podcast espousing the benefits of eating keto.  Now, for the first time, I’ve taken my years of clinical experience, put everything down on paper, and create a how-to guide that details all the ways in which the ketogenic diet can help remedy common ailments.

The Keto Cure details the science behind the keto diet’s effectiveness at treating a wide range of diseases, including:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Epilepsy
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Hypercholesterolemia
  • Hypertension
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Thyroiditis
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • and many more

The Keto Cure also outlines practical tips gleaned from Dr. Nally’s fifteen-plus years in medical practice, as well as Moore’s ten-plus years as a health and wellness podcaster, on overcoming the common pitfalls that people experience when adapting to a high-fat way of eating, including fatigue and keto flu. This helpful information, combined with a wide variety of delicious keto recipes from international bestselling cookbook author Maria Emmerich, makes The Keto Cure a complete resource for healing oneself with the ketogenic diet.

Order your copy today!

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  1. chase kaczmarek says:

    Hello Dr. Nally I was interested in your KetoEssentials MultiVitamin but I had a question before I buy. I noticed that a lot of the nutrients that are in the multivitamin are very prevalent in a keto diet. Is there a reason we need more of these nutrients that we are already getting a decent amount of by eating keto?

    Thank you for your time,

    • chase kaczmarek says:

      Sorry I did not know where to leave this question. I listen to you on KetoTalk and am very excited to read The KetoCure when it releases.

  2. Nancy says:

    Hey Dr. Nally I have recently had lab work that says I am in keto sis but I haven’t lost but 2lbs in a month. I have had a h/o gastric bypass as well. I have dry mouth a lot.. I really want this to work but really need help troubleshooting. Do you have any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance


    • DocMuscles says:

      Thank you so much for contacting me! I am excited that you are enjoying my content and my staff and I want to answer your questions the best that we can. As a medical professional, I cannot answer individual medical questions for those who aren’t patients but I can answer general questions not related to a specific person. That is why I will be answering them for you live on one of my shows. Each week I will be doing a live segment called #DocTalk to answer your questions. Follow me here on Facebook or on Periscope @DocMuscles. If you would like a medical consultation, click this link to see if you are eligible for a HIPPA compliant Telemedicine visit. If you haven’t already gotten on our email list, go to and connect today!

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