“I lost had 100 lbs with surgery and gained it all back.  

When I started reading DocMuscles’ blog and following his program, I weighed 220 pounds. When I became a patient, our first body weight measurement in the office in October of 2015 was 202 lbs (70.5lbs of FAT) and my last measurement a year later was weight 149lbs (36.8 lbs of fat). 

I lost over 65 lbs total,  35lbs of fat, and increased my muscle mass from 64% to 74% in a year.”

– Michelle Bjorklund

“Hey Doctor Nally, I don’t know if you heard that my Dad, Jim West passed away about three months ago. Among many other things he had type 2 diabetes and at the end kidney failure and he was only 61. I know that sounds familiar to you from listening to you talk about your father on the podcasts.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. I had had some success last year losing some weight on a low carb, high protein diet but had gotten away from it for several months. When Dad passed that kinda kicked me in the butt to get in better health again.

So I started my diet again, but shortly after that a friend who is a patient of yours told me about Keto and that you were a big proponent of it. He was really excited about it so I decided to tweak my diet a bit and go full Keto.

I started feeling better and losing more weight. I’m down to 270lbs from my high of 318lbs.

My Mom was going the other direction, eating junk all day and not even cooking for herself anymore(understandable). But she knew she needed to get into better health too. In fact she had been in the hospital with high blood pressure and chest pain just a couple weeks before Dad passed.

So Mom started doing Keto with me a little less than a month ago. She’s been to the doctor twice since she started for blood work and she’s lost 30lbs (she started at almost 400lbs, but I didn’t tell you), her BP was 120/80 or better both times, her A1C had gone down (she’s type 2 also), and her cholesterol was “perfect”.

Her doctor is so excited that she’s been studying and telling her patients about Keto and said she’ll be calling you soon pick your brain. The only sad part is that we wonder a lot how much this diet could have helped Dad.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know how much you have helped us and I know Mom wouldn’t have listened to me and this “crazy” diet had it not been for your name attached to the information. You were an awesome spiritual leader to her and now there are temporal rewards she is seeing from loving and trusting you.”

– Jeffrey West

I’m Carnivore! Zero to 20 grams of carbs per day and cooking with high fat (butter and Tallow or bacon fat). Super east! 

I’m down 60 lbs in 18 months, not pre-diabetic anymore. A1C…4.7 and I’m going to be 79 next month!
So happy Doc is my PCP! Saved my life!!!
Donna Henning. – Surprise, Arizona

My wife and I have been Keto since 2016, she lost lost 115 lbs. and took her body fat from a morbidly obese 52% down to 26% in just 11 months. It was a sight to behold, to watch the fat just melt off her, since she had been struggling with weight gain for two decades. Many Dr.s, many Dieticians, many Endocrinologists and many Rx drugs did NOT produce any sustainable weight loss for her, until KETO! 

This was a woman who tried every diet, drug regimen, exercise routine and punishing starvation all to no avail. She cried herself to sleep many nights and cried in clothing store changing rooms, all unbeknownst to me until a couple years into KETO, when she confessed this to me. She went from a size 16 to a 6 where she remains today.
Off course NONE of the “Professionals” ever educated her on Insulin resistance and the hormonal response to food that humans have. Which is downright criminal at this point knowing what we know now. 
Myself, I went down from 185@31% body fat all the way to 139@9% body fat! From a 35 waist to a 29 slim. OMG, we had such fun shopping for our new wardrobes! No crying in the change rooms anymore! 139 was too thin for me, so I joined a gym and began the arduous task of building some new muscle mass. It took a little over a year, but with consistency of resistance training and proper nutrition I put on 10 solid lbs. of new muscle and kept my body fat in the 11-12% range where it remains today. At my age then of 62 that was an accomplishment! I can’t tell you how many people of ALL ages approach me in the gym and ask, “What is your body fat % and how old are you, because you look fabulous.” 
We switched to a mostly Carnivore and slightly Keto lifestyle about 3 months ago now and it is working great. We did it mostly to try and reduce inflammations, especially for my wife’s hips, and it has worked. She employees strict Carnivore and eats 3 meals daily with a calorie intake very close to her BRM. She also does 48-72 hour water Fasts once a month. I do mostly Carnivore with the 20 grams limit of carbs per day and I eat the 20/4 intermittent fasting way. I eat right at my BMR of 1550 calories/day. My energy levels at both work and the gym are high, my sleep is good and my cognitive responses are excellent. My blood pressure is rock steady at 130/78. 
Thank you for the continuing information and discussions on the Keto lifestyle, I believe with all my heart that it has saved my wife’s life since she was diagnosed as “Pre-diabetic” before we converted. Her blood glucose runs 79-85, mine runs 85-95. 
Carl Cook – Scottsdale, Arizona

Dear Dr. Nally, 

I have been keto/carnivore for a little over 2 years.  I lost a 100 pounds in 13 months and went into a 9 month stall.  Lost 5 more pounds and then stalled again.  My HbA1c keeps hanging around 6.5% and my blood sugars were in the 140 mg/dL range in the morning.  So, I ordered the Berberine Plus (containing berberine and chromium picolonate with corosolic acid).  THANK YOU so much. My blood sugars have now been as low as 102 mg/dL now.  Getting the insulin under better control I’ve started losing weight again.  I really want to take 150 pounds more off. 
Again, THANK YOU so much for your knowledge and your videos. 
JF from Wisconsin

Dr Nally,

The summer of 2010 my husband and I walked into your office for the first time. We felt so defeated as we had tried for several years to start a family. We had spent all summer in and out of doctor/specialist offices and they all told us the same thing, we had a 0-5% chance of having children biologically. We were devastated and did not know where to turn. We decided to focus on my health and go from there. We found you online and decided to give you a try. I came into your office that morning grumpy and frustrated. I remember sharing with you what I ate (thinking at the time it was healthy). You looked at me and told me about the low carb diet (since changed to “Keto”). You said most people you know that do the diet successfully are pregnant within a couple months.
My husband and I left your office that day and went to the store. We went up and down the aisles reading nutritional labels till we filled our cart with no/low carb food.
In two months, I was down 35 lbs and had never felt better. We also found out two and a half months after visiting you the first time we were pregnant with our first. I had a healthy pregnancy and felt great. The day I went into the hospital to be induced I weighed what I had weighed before you put me on the diet.
We now have four children ages: 4, 5, 7, and 9. Your expertise and care for me as a patient has never been lost on me. I am so grateful for you guidance and wisdom into the Keto diet. You changed my life. Thank you.
Thank you also for speaking on COVID! I have never been more confident that our bodies have been created to fight. Our immune systems, when cared for properly are astounding.
Thank you again for speaking truth in this difficult time and all you have done over the many years for your patients!
Melinda Swetnam – Surprise, Arizona

“I’ve had hypoglycemia since I was 18 and since living a Ketogenic lifestyle I have lost weight, have more energy and I haven’t experienced any dramatic fluctuations in my blood sugar. Plus I get to eat BACON!”

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