Essential guide for you and your family in protecting yourself from Omicron . . .

Viruses get less virulent over time, not more virulent. We’ve demonstrated this over the last 100 years in the medical literature. And, according to the experts as of today, there is no evidence that Omicron is more severe or more infective.
Yet, Pfizer, Moderna and the other vaccine manufacture’s response is “let’s just double the vaccine dose.” They are recommending this because the “double dose” increases the antibody titer in the 309 people it was tested on.
For a vaccine that doesn’t prevent viral infection nor prevent viral transmission, just raising the antibody titer with a double dose is like saying “we should each wear two diapers so that your neighbor doesn’t get diarrhea.”
Over the last two years, clinical experience has demonstrated over and over that those who are the sickest from a COVID-19 infection are those who are obese, have elevated insulin levels and/or have significant lung disease. Reducing your weight, exercising and limiting your starch, sugar and carbohydrate intake have been the most powerful forms of prevention.
If you want prevention that works, read my article on how to prevent at treat COVID-19 here.