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The Religion of the Mask

A commentator and pastor recently noted that we a have reached a mark where two seemingly contradictory ideology’s define our society.

  1. There is a denunciation of all claims of absolute truth.
  2. There is powerful fanaticism in which one position or group is absolutely right, nothing at all ambiguous, and any divergent view should be expunged, removed or destroyed.

Interestingly, the second ideology will always attempt to fill the void created by the absence of the first. This contradiction of ideologies held within the same human mind is the definition of “double-mindedness” found biblically. It is also one of the signs of the times.

It is and always has been, that in the absence of absolute truth, “my truth” progresses down the road of authoritarian power to become “kneel before Zod!” It is the direction that corrupts the soul drawing one, in the words of Emperor Palpatine, to seek for “Power, unlimited power!”

In the absence of absolute truth, the Beatitudes are replaced with fanaticisms. These are ever-changing, non-eternal, and often entirely arbitrary relating to one’s ability to hold or grab power. Humility and healing are thrown out with the bathwater and half-truths are elevated to the level of ultimate individual justice.

The latest fanaticism is our wearing of masks. We’ve progressed miles past science in this personal truth and we now sit squarely in the realm of voodoo. Yet, this voodoo gets louder and stronger and more obnoxious the more it is proven to be a complete and utter fraud.

In Arizona, we’ve had a mask mandate for almost 150 days, Ohio for 112 days, Maryland for 106 days, New York for 128 days. Yet all of these states are currently threatening more shutdowns of schools, business, and gatherings because of a new “surge” in coronavirus.

Absolutely nowhere upon the earth have masks been scientifically shown to slow COVID-19 in real time after almost 6 months of trying. Not a state, not a country, . . . nowhere has this mandate been effective. The science published by the CDC itself even said masks would be ineffective for control of respiratory bacterial and viral infections prior to COVID-19 rearing it’s ugly head.

Yet, today through the necromancy of media, mask wearing has become the sign of worthiness for worship at the alter of Baal. It’s become the symbol of false righteousness many times over. The witch doctor atop the CDC has incredulously taught us through a daily camera dance, much like the rain dance of old, that masks are better than a vaccine.

Masks are a vaccine, of sorts, not meant to kill the virus, but to kill hope, liberty and civility within the human soul. The more they don’t work, the more we continue to and agree to wear them. Action is our communication with Providence that our fear is our greatest certainty and the flatness of the earth actually brings us comfort.

It’s no wonder we’ve attempted to elected one of our elders with dementia. He is the mask personified. The twice failed presidential candidate with a 49 year track record of public “service” never once improving humanity, government or the human condition. Let’s just try using him harder this time. It has to work. What could go wrong?

This failure has literally become sacramentalized. Fundamentalization of failure into the religion of the mask becomes a personal truth, when the increasingly preposterous becomes our governing idol.

This is the exact opposite of creation. It is the only religion that can exist in the absence of absolute truth. God’s grace steps into the void and compels the creation of good and holy. In opposition to this, the religion of the mask is the fanaticism that propels the abuse of everything so that one might worship the oppressed and then celebrate the anointing of nothing at all. Power over the abyss is the destination of those that govern.

It is the greatest swindle of all time. It is working on you, and it is working on me . . . so sayeth the mask.

(Adapted from Steve Deace’s mask commentary)

– Update – November 18, 2020 –

The Danish Study on Masks was finally published today. It is the largest and the ONLY randomized control trial (RCT) on 6000 people wearing masks and the results . . .

Masks DON’T protect you!!!

Authors state, to the chagrin of the CDC, that the results were NOT statistically significant, but Reuters and NY Times is going to spin this to say they protect you from others . . . that statement is, again, NOT statistically significant.

The CDC, prior to changing its position on universal mask-wearing, had previously cited 10 randomized controlled trials that showed “no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks.” Now, the CDC and other elite institutions would have us believe that coronavirus is somehow different. The Danes were the first to actually study the effect of large-scale universal mask-wearing specifically against the spread of COVID-19.

Remember in science class when you found out that the placebo effect was up to 40%? The FDA will NOT approve ANY drug or medical treatment unless is passes 40% effectiveness (placebo) for effect.

Masks ARE NOT, and never have been, any more effective than placebo. . . Period. Hard stop. End of story. And, the ONLY RCT trial ever done now proves it. I can give you a Skittle and you’re probably less likely to get COVID-19 then you are wearing a mask. . . the reason is placebo, up to 40% reduction if I tell you that “it’s a powerfully protective Skittle.”

Interestingly, this study was completed in October, but three medical journals refused to publish it because it “wasn’t politically correct.”

Hmmm. That should tell you something.

Fat Phobia . . . The Religion

Low Carb Communication Challenges“You want me to eat WHAT?!  But that’s . . . ,it’s . . . FAT, really?”

” Yes, it is.”

Every day, instruction to my patients is initially seen as Food Pyramid heresy and My Plate iconoclasm. Yes, I want you to flip the Food Pyramid on its head, and push everything off My  Plate and fill it with fat. . . Really. . . Yes, I do.

I was counseled by many school professors over the years that there are two things you should avoid talking about: Religion & Politics. The ketogenic or low carbohydrate dietary conversation involves both.  “Fat Phobia” is a Religion.  We have demonized fat and sainted the treadmill.  You see, fat got a bad wrap when the bomb calorimeter was invented.  We realized that there was twice as much energy found in fat that there was in carbohydrate or protein.  Early nutritionists, understanding that heat is a form of energy, and realizing that energy is conserved, found that food substrates contain a set amount of energy that can be measured in a closed environment.  Naturally,  the Law of Thermodynamics got applied to lend understanding in how people gain or loose weight. We coined the term “you are what you eat” based upon our understanding of the Laws of Thermodynamics. The calorie became “king.”

  • 1 gram of carbohydrate = 4 kcal
  • 1 gram of protein = 4 kcal
  • 1 gram of fat = 9 kcal

For the last sixty years (an entire generation of humans) we have based our diet around the calorimetry of food and have labeled them as good or bad based upon calories. To loose weight, we are taught, you either have to eat food containing fewer calories (fat has the most calories per volume so it must be bad!) or burn it off faster than you take it in (did you go exercise at that new gym next door), right?  Wrong.

First, you and I are not bomb calorimeters.  We are not closed systems. We harbor variable levels of symbiotic bacteria (these also burn fuel at variable rates) and our body temperatures fluctuate to regulate other enzymatic and hormonal processes.

Second, bomb calorimetery functions on the premise that volumes are also held at a constant. Human volume and density change daily.  Simple chemistry tells us that volume = mass / density. The average human mass fluctuates by 5lbs every day and our density changes based upon our hydration status (the amount of water we drink). Because these two variables are not constant in a human being, it is impossible to correctly apply the Laws of Thermodynamics to the human body and accurately predict weight gain or loss.

Third, hormones!  (Anyone married to a pregnant female understands that nothing is as it seems when hormones are involved.) We have a plethora of hormones that change the rate in which fuels are burned or stored in the human body. Our GI flora (symbiotic bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract) are also affected by hormones and do not have set rates of fuel use or breakdown.  What this means is that you and I process food at different rates and derive different levels of energy and fuel from the same donut.  Genetics plays a leading role in how these hormones are used and turned on and off.  Fat is burned or stored in the body based on a hormonal mechanism I described in a previous post you can read here.

Asking patients to reduce carbohydrate intake to less than 20 grams per day and increasing fat intake to up to 70% of total caloric intake is essentially 20th century nutritional apostasy.

The dietary concepts from the Food Pyramid and My Plate have been embraced by our country for over sixty years.  Changing our views on these as a country will be for many like changing religions.  For those of us “with eyes to see and ears to hear” our work is cut out for us.

Your Work