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Israeli Ministry of Health Files Public Warning on COVID Vaccine

Rates of mycarditis/pericarditis in Israel is usually around 1/50,000. Since the onset of vaccination the rate of myocarditis/pericarditis increased to 1/5000.
https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCIMAGING.120.010897. Arrows in figure C reflect fluid and inflammation around the pericardial sac
The Ministry of Health in Israel just filed this statement with the press:
“There is some probability for a possible link between the second vaccine dose and the onset of myocarditis among young men aged 16 to 30. This link was found to be stronger among the younger age group, 16 to 19, compared to other age groups. This link became weaker the older the vaccinated individual is. In most cases myocarditis took the form of mild illness that passed within a few days.
The recommendation to vaccinate teenagers aged 12-15 shall be discussed in the forum of the Pandemic Containment Task-Force and submitted to the approval of the Ministry of Health’s Director General. We shall issue a public update once a decision has been made.”
But, You Can Still Get Free Beer, Free Krispy Kreams and Free Pot If You Get Vaccinated, Right?!!
VAERS and CDC both report INCREASE IN MYOCARDITIS AND PERICARDITIS (up to 25 times greater than normal rates) in young men who received COVID-19 vaccination, a life threatening inflammation of the heart wall or the tissue surrounding the heart.
This has been seen in Israeli young men who have already had mass vaccination in that country. (The report concluded that around 1 in 5,000 men who receive the vaccine may experience this side effect, known as myocarditis).
And, to date, this is largely being ignored by employers and schools.  I just saw two patients today who were threatened with termination of their employment if they were not vaccinated immediately.  And, the CDC is STILL recommending vaccination of young adults. Until severe questions of medial risk regarding these issues is resolved, this is medically reckless and immoral.
More than double the number of deaths (5160 deaths) in the last 6 months due to vaccination have occurred compared to deaths from vaccines in the last five years – 1997 to 2013 (2149 deaths in US in all vaccines combined).
Yet, Ol’ Joe claimed in February, and then again just two weeks ago, that these vaccines “are safe, they are safe.”  Pfizer showed that symptoms of myocarditis was higher in their clinical studies in young adults in their early testing, and yet they’ve still pushed this vaccine.  And two weeks ago, the CDC ignored these findings when they released their statement that the vaccine is safe for youth 12 years and older.  If what we are seeing in this group of young men is real, these statements will be the most reckless health recommendation ever to be spoken by a siting American president.
Transparency is the foundation of medical ethics.  First, COVID-19 is NOT a threat to young children or young adults. Forcing college students and employees to get the vaccine “or else” is a violation of civil liberties in the most egregious way.
Today on their own website, the CDC reports myocarditis and pericarditis are risk factors with these vaccines:
Since April 2021, there have been increased reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of cases of inflammation of the heart—called myocarditis and pericarditis—happening after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) in the United States.”
The reports show that most of these cases have been mild and occur within a week of the second dose with both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. As of today, most employers and colleges refuse to give any COVID vaccine exemptions to their employees or students.
The only way this unethical behavior and totalitarianism stops is if we, the people, demand a change.  You and I must be willing to walk into the arena, whatever it may be—a new relationship, an important meeting, the boss’s office, the school board meeting or a difficult family conversation—with courage and willingness to engage. Rather than sitting on the sidelines and hurling judgment and advice, you and I must dare to show up and let ourselves be seen. Change will take vulnerability. It will require daring greatly.  I will require you to make a decision and then take a stand.

Vaccine Propaganda

Let’s call it what it is – propaganda.  Over the last few months, as I drive down the freeway, I continue to see Arizona Department of Transportation signs and other media advertising the number of people vaccinated, and how we are supposedly “saving our country by getting a shot.”  This morning at 7 am the message board on the 303 freeway loop stated:
Now colleges & universities are considering mandating vaccination before allowing students to return to class.  Travel companies and international airlines have actually already mandated vaccination. I am actually horrified that our state officials pay for and  support this type of propaganda. The scientific evidence to support this type of health propaganda does not exist.  I’ve scoured the medical literature for it and it just doesn’t exist.
In fact, my patients are showing up in my office after being told by their cardiologists and gastroenterologists that they need their COVID vaccine.  I can guarantee that many of these specialists have never read the vaccine literature and have no idea of the side effect profile and/or risks of this or any other vaccine.
Let me start by stating up front that I am a strong proponent of vaccines.  We have many tried and true, fully vetted vaccines to prevent many diseases.  The science states that if you’ve already had the virus, you have two to four years of immunity. We know the vaccine doesn’t prevent the virus, it just decreases likelihood of severity for 4-6 months.  In fact, I’ve already had four patients in my office get a full blown COVID-19 infection post vaccination.  However, this and seven other essential points are being blatantly ignored by governments, churches, college campuses and other organizations encouraging, propagandizing and even “requiring” vaccination.
  1. Young adults are a healthy and immunologically competent and vibrant group that is at “extraordinary low risk for COVID-19 morbidity and mortality.”
  2. Even though the FDA granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for three COVID-19 vaccines, they are not FDA approved to treat, cure or prevent any disease at this time.
  3. The COVID-19 vaccines on the market in the U.S., produced by Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, have been associated with serious side effects. These adverse reactions result in absence from school and work, hospital visits, and even loss of life. More than 2,300 deaths have been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as of April 20, 2021.
  4. Students who have recovered from COVID-19 already likely have protective immunity, and vaccination of these groups significantly increases risk of autoimmune reactions.
  5. Protections expressed by the Nuremberg Code require individuals “to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force.”
  6. Informed consent is the standard for all medical interventions. The FDA fact sheet for the healthcare provider reads: “The recipient or their caregiver has the option to accept or refuse [the] vaccine.”
  7. College-age women may be at unique risk for adverse events following administration of the experimental COVID vaccinations currently available. According to the CDC, all cases of life-threatening blood clots subsequent to receiving the J&J vaccine have so far occurred in younger women. In addition, “women are reporting having irregular menstrual cycles after getting the coronavirus vaccine,” and 95 miscarriages have been reported to VAERS following COVID vaccination as of April 24, 2021.

This is the position of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons and it is my position.  This push for vaccination when these questions still remain may appear prudent in an emergency situation to those who have been selected and elected to lead us, however, after five months of availability to evaluate this approach it is actually coercive and blatantly ignores the science that supports these points.  This course of action is, in my opinion, an egregious lack of insight, or if done knowingly is actually malevolent.

As a family physician, whose job revolves around vaccination of children and adults, and one who is given the mission of providing appropriate preventative medical care to his community, I cannot in good conscience support the propaganda behind this vaccine.