If Barney was put on a Ketogenic Diet.
Tag: Low Carb Humor
What Do You Mean Bacon Isn't Good for Me?
Pizza & Family Gatherings, Is A Carb A Carb, Cataracts, & Hyperinsulinemia On Keto
If you are interested in the low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat, ketogenic diet, then this is the podcast for you. We zero in exclusively on all the questions people have about how being in a state of nutritional ketosis and the effects it has on your health. There are a lot of myths about keto floating around the blogosphere, and our two amazing co-hosts are shooting them down one at a time. Keto Talk is co-hosted by 10-year veteran health podcaster and international bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” and Arizona osteopath and certified obesity medicine physician Dr. Adam Nally from “Doc Muscles” who thoroughly share from their wealth of experience on the ketogenic lifestyle each and every Thursday.
But I Said You're The Good Kind of Fat…
Can Healthy Fats Make You Fat?
Are Zero-Carb Diets OK?
And, Can You Heal A Damaged Metabolism With Keto?
Listen in to KetoTalk.com for Podcast #26.
The health podcast legend, Jimmy Moore, and I talk about how much fat is too much. Or, is it? What’s the deal with Zero-carb ketogenic diets? We answer your questions and try to give you the most up-to-date knowlege regarding the ketogenic lifestyle and how it affects your metabolism. We zero in exclusively on all the questions people have about how being in a state of nutritional ketosis and the effects it has on your health.
There are a lot of myths about “keto” floating around out there and we shoot them down one at a time.
You can down-load it for free on iTunes or listen to KetoTalk.com on your computer.
KetoTalk From the Caribbean Sea
Dr. Nally recently spoke about Low-Carbohydrate/Ketogenic Diets on the 2016 Low Carb Cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. While there, he and Jimmy Moore recorded another episode of KetoTalk with Jimmy and the Doc.
Listen in to KetoTalk Episode 20: A LIVE Q&A Session From The 2016 Low-Carb Cruise
Here’s what Jimmy and Dr. Nally talked about in Episode 20:
– We are in front of a LIVE audience of Ketonians
– How long will you experience hair loss when you go ketogenic?
– What role does resistant starch have on the keto diet?
– Is eating high-fat with high-carb harming my boyfriend?
– How does intermittent fasting help with keto?
– Whether to count total vs. net carbohydrates
– Whether you need to cycle carbs when building muscle
– What the best way to test your ketones is
– How to test blood ketones on a budget
– What the difference is between an NMR and basic lipid panel
– The dramatic changes in your cholesterol when going keto
– How long should you be on keto before running blood tests?
– Whether you should cut fat lower on keto to speed up weight loss
– Is having a lower body temperature a bad thing when eating keto?
You can listen at the iTunes page here, or download it for free to your favorite iTunes player.
Santa's Gone . . . Low Carb
It appears that Santa reviewed the low-carbohydrate, ketogenic science and while vacationing in South Africa, was introduced to Banting (the South African term for carbohydrate restriction).
Take Just A Moment and Admire . . . (Then Calculate Your Ideal Body Weight)
A patient just sent this picture to me this evening. I got a good laugh out of it.
It brought up a couple of principles. So, Seriously, take just a moment and admire this pile of bacon. . .
- First, it’s important that we take a moment and think about what is important in life. What really makes you tick? To those of us following a ketogenic lifestyle (low carb, moderate protein & high fat living), this represents food, fuel, taste and a great conversation tool. This pile of bacon forces one to think about what is really important in ones life.
This pile of bacon represents 2-3 weeks of breakfasts.
It represents wonderful flavor for a salad.
It becomes something wonderful to dip in guacamole.
Second, how much of this bacon can one following a ketogenic lifestyle have at a meal? That depends upon your need of protein. We base our basic protein need on a persons calculated ideal body weight. (No, your ideal body weight is not the weight you’re supposed to reach! It is a calculation based on height that gives us a starting point fro protein needs).
Many people have asked me how to calculate ideal body weight this week. I’ve provided the calculation below:
Males: IBW = 50 kg + 2.3 kg for each inch over 5 feet.
The One Benefit to Being Overweight . . .
Low Carb Salad

Essential Life Facts for Growing Older
Nine Facts About Growing Older
1. Death is the number one killer in the world.
2. Life is sexually transmitted.
3. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
4. Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach that person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months or even years.
5. Health nuts are going to feel a little sheepish someday, just lying on a hospital bed, dying of nothing.
6. All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays absolutely no attention to criticism.
7. In the 60’s, people took acid to make the world feel weird. Now, the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it feel normal.
8. Life is essentially carbohydrate induced. . . This all started because someone was tempted into eating an apple.
9. Don’t worry too much about old age; it doesn’t last that long.
What is the “Fountain Of Youth” as We Know It Today?
- A ketogenic or carnivorous diet placing one into ketosis regularly slows aging and reducing the risk of dementia dramatically (1, 2).
- Berberine Plus 500mg twice a day if you are at all insulin resistant has been shown to stop progression to diabetes and insulin resistant, improve weight loss, reverse symptoms of PCOS and has notable research demonstrating anti-inflammatory properties (3) all of which are know to slow aging.
- Vitamin D 1000-5000 IU Daily (4.)
- 6-8 hours of restful sleep nightly (5.)
- At least 15-30 minutes of HIIT exercise 5-6 days per week.
- Stress reduction through journaling, meditation, hypnotherapy or story telling/reading.
- Daily expression of gratitude, Doc Holiday was right . . .
Check out my recent video talking about this an answering over 100 of your ketogenic related questions:
- Veech RL, 2004, “The therapeutic implications of ketone bodies…,”Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 2004 Mar;70(3):309-19.70
- Ott A, Stolk RP, Hofman A, van Harskamp F, Grobbee DE, Breteler MM. Association of diabetes mellitus and dementia: the Rotterdam Study. Diabetologia. 1996 Nov;39(11):1392-7. doi: 10.1007/s001250050588. PMID: 8933010.
- Yin J et al., Efficacy of Berberine in Type II DM, Metabolism, May 2008
- Gallagher JC. Vitamin D and aging. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am. 2013 Jun;42(2):319-32. doi: 10.1016/j.ecl.2013.02.004. Epub 2013 Apr 9. PMID: 23702404; PMCID: PMC3782116.
- Scott, S.B., Graham-Engeland, J.E., Engeland, C.G. et al. The Effects of Stress on Cognitive Aging, Physiology and Emotion (ESCAPE) Project. BMC Psychiatry 15, 146 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-015-0497-7
The Low-Carber's Plea
Cured . . . by Definition.
A friend posted this image and I couldn’t help but think about this little cartoon throughout the day. In the 15 years that I have been in medical practice, it was re-emphasized to me that my definition of cure and the patient’s definition of cure may at times be notably different or even in opposition.
I am reminded of a sweet a patient in her early nineties that was brought in by her three well meaning and very caring daughters. This patient was a type II diabetic and, for the most part, her blood sugar was in pretty good control. To put it in medical terms, her morning blood sugars were in the 120 range and her Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was a 6.4%. She was obese by the standards of her body mass index (BMI) and her cholesterol was elevated.
The concern of her three daughters, “there to rat her out,” as the patient put it, was that she was eating donuts for breakfast each morning for the last few months. I noted that her HbA1c had gone up from 5.9% at the last visit. We discussed the fact that the change in her dietary intake appeared to have caused the rise in her blood sugar and her cholesterol.
With my affirmation of the cause as ammunition, the patient’s daughters began to individually take shots at her choice of meals over the last year. They did it, I could see because they loved and cared for heir mother. But I noticed the patient’s demeanor change suddenly, and a bit of trust between me and my patient began to slip.
This sweet centenarian turned and looked at me, square in the eye, and then proceeded to give me an education.
“Dr. Nally, do you know how old I am?” she asked.
“Why, yes, you are 93 years old,” I replied.
“And do you know how much longer I am going to be alive on this earth?” she inquired.
“Well, no. I do not know how much longer you will be alive, but I can tell you that you have out lived most of your peers and the average age of most Americans.”
“Then, why the hell are you, and my daughters, worried about me eating a damn do-nut?” she yelled. “My blood sugar is still pretty good and I figure that if I have to be around on this earth any longer, then by stars, I am going to enjoy my favorite breakfast. If it kills me, then so be it. I am going to enjoy it.”
Well, that was that. The cure was to enjoy her last few years upon this earth.
She did just that.