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Tag: Lifestyle Change

How to Stay Motivated on Carbohydrate Restriction

This evening on PeriScope, we talked about the 10 things you can do to stay motivated on your low-carb lifestyle.  A number of great questions were asked including:

  • How much carbohydrate should be restricted?
  • What labs should you be monitoring regularly?
  • What’s a normal blood sugar?
  • Why is Dr. Nally freezing in Denver?
  • Is fermented food good for you?
  • Why should you eat pickles and kimchi even when you’re not pregnant?

And, much much more . . . It’s like a college ketogenic course on overdrive . . . for FREE!!!

You can see the PeriScope with the comments rolling in real-time here: katch.me/docmuscles

Or, you can watch the video stream below:

See you next time.

Four Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes that Halt Your Weight Loss

What are the four most common mistakes I see in the office when it comes to weight loss?  Watch Dr. Nally on today’s PeriScope as he answers that question and many others.  You can see it here with the live stream comments on: https://www.katch.me/docmuscles/v/392e5d3e-bb28-3176-a03a-83433878a5ce

Or see the video below: