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One more Star-Spangled day of hamburgers, brisket and hot-dogs has passed.  The fireworks have exploded and the dogs are not freaking out any more. 

The kids had fun. Smiles were had.  Bellies were filled.

So, let’s talk about what this holiday really means, today, for you and I, here in grownup land . . .

The Fourth of July is no longer for celebrating “independence.”

It’s to see its loss, and planning to re-take it once again.

Our “free” country has slowly been covered with a slow mold that has crept into every corner and under every wall and in every crack and crevice.

Under the pen of every lawmaker some of that “freedom” has been usurped.

With every government circumvention. . .

With every bail out. . .

With every re-distributive measure . . .

With every affirmative action . . .

With every mask over the face . . .

With every closed gathering place, church and gym . . .

The mold gets thicker, darker, and deeper . . . all the while bringing us one step closer to outright tyranny.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste” they said. . . and continue to say this morning.

COVID-19 has been a gift for tottering regimes around the world . . .

A chance to sweep decades of fiscal incompetence and unkeepable promises under the rug of the economic shutdown . . .

It’s provided the mother of all scapegoats to pin it upon.

“Your freedom will return when we have a vaccine,” they say.

“This is for the public good . . .” they say.

“This is too difficult for you to think for yourself . . .” they say.

We’ll give you back your liberty when we’re all “inoculated,” they promise.

Yet, the plan backfired.

Behind closed doors many have talked of forced quarantine as the “test run”

. . . as a means to measure your backbone and mine . . .

Even to condition a compliant populace.

However, from this side of the fence . . . it’s had the opposite effect.

You and I have tasted tyranny.

Have they really softened us up for another dose?

Or, have they hardened resolve

. . . Awakened the sleeping giant that is a still-free, still-sovereign people?

There is no “effective” vaccine for COVID-19 . . . There never will be.

There is no means of “inoculation.”

Yet through their overreach, they’ve unwittingly created a different immunity . . .

We’ve been inoculated against a disease fare worse: tyranny.

As long as we’ve not been emasculated . . .

As long as we remind our public servants that it is the will of WE THE PEOPLE, not themselves that they are bound to serve . . .

Then their plans have failed.

Where they see the “great unwashed” in need of a corral . . .

I see you, my compatriots.

I see my brothers and sisters, woken from a deep sleep . . .

Seeing perhaps for the first time how precious, how easily lost freedom can be.

So, on the week following the remembrance of Independence Day, let us resolve:

  • There shall be no slow frog boiling here
  • There shall be no toe-hold for tyranny, no matter how sweet the promise of familiarity or safety may be.
  • We cannot afford the “help” of an over-reaching government if the price is freedom and liberty.
  • No matter the cost, we must prevail as a free people . . . come what may.

To your freedom and a renewed and wonderful 2020!

Adam Nally, D.O.

Aka @DocMuscles.

(Adapted from Bryan Ward’s Third Way Man)