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Is Your Celebration of Independence Day a Deception?

Our celebration of Independence Day is a deception.

Laying beneath the fireworks, barbecue and fun is the hard to swallow truth . . . It’s all a sham.

Are you and I really independent anymore?  No. Not anymore.

243 years ago, the British oppression was a threat. It was singular, visible and involuntary.

Now, the threat we face daily is an entirely new form of tyranny, infinitely more complex.

The scary thing is that oppression is now:

  1. Fractionated
  2. Invisible
  3. Voluntary

Fractionality of Our Millennial Tyranny

Slavery has changed.  The oppressor previously owned the slave individually. However, with time we learned that when there are multiple owners, the burden of ownership is lessened.  Joint ownership became the norm. Now we have joint ownership of our condos, boats, and jets.  The burden of slave ownership was the risk of revolt and revolution.

If ownership of debt can be spread among the masses, the individual risk is mitigated.

Our fractional oppression is spread throughout the legion, and the tyranny is masked as a principle of the great “free market.”

BIG FOOD sells cancer, diabetes, heart disease and fatigue through the FOMO of fake food.

BIG MEDIA sprinkles us with malaise, despair, anxiety and post-traumatic stress with lurid half-truths, click-bait shock value, and salty emotion all with the intent to sell us more advertisement.

BIG PHARMA peddles side-effects, addiction and false hope convincing the feeble mind, created by BIG FOOD, that a pill is necessary to prevent us from experiencing the pain, emotion and struggle of life – that same life that BIG MEDIA keeps ever present in the palms of our hands.  In bed with BIG GOVERNMENT, their evangelism recommends medicating instead the more difficult learning from struggle and failure.

BIG GOVERNMENT covers us with red tape to stop the financial bleeding and hemorrhaging of the tumor’s growth it stimulates, through greed and invasion of individual inalienable right.

BIG MONEY circles us on wings of dread and fear singing a song of doom, all the while sampling emotional cookies and Danishes of immediate gratification, while slipping the “plastic card with a security chip” shackles over the wrists of the enslaved.

BIG EDUCATION preys upon our children with glib platitudes, group-think, and participation trophies.  It teaches the weakened minds to prize test-taking, rote memorization, and fact regurgitation above problem-solving, creative thinking, and learning from failure.  They prepare our children to work as drones on the factory floor of cyberspace instead of art and enterprise.

And, that’s just the beginning.

Look no further than your bank statement to see how the oppression is itemized.  Each line item takes it’s pound of flesh round the clock each month.

Invisibility of Oppression

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe that they are free.” -Goethe-

200 years ago, the shackles were visible.

Today the shackles are disguised. Independence is a deception.

We are smarter than an outright shackle.  So, they were re-tooled, re-imagined, re-formed, and hidden like landmines in cyberspace:

  • 0% APR
  • Matching contributions
  • Free Miles
  • Free Samples
  • No Money Down
  • 84 Month Installments

These are just grease on the slaughterhouse chute.

It Can’t Be Oppression if You & I Now Volunteer?

Forced slavery is no longer acceptable in our “free society.”  The dark genius of modern oppression is the creation of cultural norms, rituals and addiction that invite us to PUT ON OUR OWN CHAINS.

Modern slavery is now VOLUNTARY.

“No one put a gun to your head or forced you to buy our product or service,” is the mantra of the oppressor while billions are spent on engineering conditions that make the shackles look like icing on your cyberspace cake.

But there is an escape . . .

Massive in scale, fractional, and nearly invisible, there is still a choice.


So, this evening, as the cardboard tubes of fireworks lay discarded in the park grass, and the toy flags lay rolled up on top of the fridge, awaiting their return to the attic for storage, let your Independence Day celebration be much deeper. Choose.

Let your Independence Day stir the same indignation for oppression that our fore-fathers felt.

Cultivate within yourself the desire to fight and win a second Independence Day.

You will need every ounce of resolve and strength you can muster.

Today, there are no chains, hangman’s noose or firing squads, there is but chemistry, habit, choice and instinct.   The Oppressor will attempt to use it against you. You can still see it if you look. You can still choose.

Have the courage to flip them the bird of indignation as they present you the “standard American prepackaged life.”

Reject What Isn’t Real

Reject the drama and depletion of paycheck-to-paycheck living . . . instead, create wealth. Save a few dollars each day.

Reject the cardboard food in the grocery store and eat real food: bloody, fresh and wild. It will re-energize you.

Reject the FOMO of the dutiful consumer and become a CREATOR. Create the world you dream of by small and simple daily choices.

Reject the fake new, fake government, fake food, fake medicine, fake success, fake friendships, and fake happiness that encircles us.  Create a life that is REAL.  You’ll know it’s real because you can feel it, beyond the pain of trial and error and failure, REAL encompasses heart, mind, body and soul at the same time.

Take off the blinders so that you may see the leeches and parasites sticking to you.  Rip them from your body and warm yourself as you burn them in the fire.

Only then will you escape the clutches of the modern tyrant.

Only then will you be free.

[Adapted from Bryan Ward and his “Third Way Man” series]



Adam S. Nally, D.O. (aka DocMuscles)






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