Too much protein, too little protein? How do you know how much protein to eat? This has become a very confusion question for many of my patients in recent years. There a a large amount of “mis-information” in the ketogenic world about the effect of protein of gaining and losing fat.

For the person exercising 5-6 days a week, 1 gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight is the formula that works quite well. However, for the average Joe or Mary who doesn’t work out for an hour a day 5 days a week, I’ve provided the calculation below. This calculation is a baseline starting point. It is the basic amount of needed protein to maintain muscle on a ketogenic or carnivorous diet:
Ideal Body Weight (IBW) is based on your height:
Males: Protein in g/day of IBW = 50 g (for the first 5 feet of height) + 2.3 g for each inch over 5 feet. Then multiply the number you found by 1.2 (multiplier for sedentary male). [This lets you calculate the average male needs that are approximately 1.2 g of protein per kg of ideal body weight (IBW) per day.]
Males: Protein in g/day of IBW = 50 g (for the first 5 feet of height) + 2.3 g for each inch over 5 feet. Then multiply the number you found by 1.2 (multiplier for sedentary male). [This lets you calculate the average male needs that are approximately 1.2 g of protein per kg of ideal body weight (IBW) per day.]
Females: Protein in kg/day of IBW = 45.5 g (for the first 5 feet of height) + 2.3 g for each inch over 5 feet. (This lets you calculate the average female needs 1.0 g per kg of ideal body weight per day.)
A 6 foot male’s protein calculation for IBW would be 50 g of protein (for the first 5 feet )+ 27.6 g (2.3 g x 12 inches) = 77.6 g x 1.2 = 93.2 g.
A 5 foot 4 inch females protein calculation for IBW would be 45.5 g (for the first 5 feet) + 9.2 g (2.3 g x 4 inches) = 54.7 g.
If you are exercising more than 60 minutes 5 days per week then the values above should be multiplied by 1.4 grams per kg for females and 1.6 grams per kg for males.
Heavy Exerciser Protein Calculation Example:
6 foot male’s base protein needs: 77.6 g per day (IBW calculated number before using the multiplier).
77.6 g x 1.6 = 124.5 g max
5′ 4″ female’s base protein needs: 54.7. g per day
54.7 g x 1.4 = 76.6 grams per day max
If you eat three times per day, then simply divide your protein needed for you IBW by 3 to get the maximum protein you need per meal.
I hope that helps.