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Ten Life Lessons From Star Wars You Must Know

Commit to the life that you want to live – then live it.

“Do or do not… there is no try.” – Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back

We can spend our entire lives debating actions and, frozen in fear, fighting uncertainty.  Yet, in life, nothing is certain. We can either waste precious time in limbo or make a decision and stick with it!  Just start.

If you’ve fallen off track, just restart.  Try again.  You’re mindset should rejoice in success or learn from failure.

Surround yourself with people who are supportive of and believe in you.

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” – Darth Vader in A New Hope

Even the great Lord Vader needed supportive people around him.  There is absolutely no reason to waste your time and energy on people who bring you down. Rather, fill your life with the believers and doers, people who inspire you and bring positive energy to your life. Otherwise, you may resort to the dark side…

Don’t lie to yourself. You usually already know what you should be doing.

“Already know you, that which you need.” – Yoda

Listen to your heart, The Force, and your conscience.  Listen to that Yoda voice you hear as you fall asleep or the nagging thoughts that simply won’t go away.  Though the road ahead seems perilous, the solution is within.  You know what you should be doing, just do it.

Don’t let the impossible hold you back.

“Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1,” stated C-3PO.

“Never tell me the odds!” retorted Han Solo

(The Empire Strikes Back)

Even if an asteroid field is hurling towards you and your odds of success are 3,720 to 1, don’t let this daunting ratio prevent you from following your heart.

If people aren’t laughing at your dreams, your dreams are NOT big enough.  You should be striving for big hairy audacious dreams.  Seriously.

Success often stems from overcoming failures.

“Strike me down and I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” – Obi- Wan Kenobi in A New Hope

Success cannot flourish without hard work. Losing weight is hard, but being obese for a lifetime is even harder.  Success is only found through trial and error, profound dedication, and the ability to see setbacks as stepping stones towards later victory.

You may have to learn 301 ways that don’t work before you try the 302nd method that is successful.

Do not let fear guide your life

“Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” – Yoda in The Phantom Menace

Fear cripples us from doing what needs to be done. It prevents us from becoming the people we’re meant to be. It isolates us from others and makes us scared of those we do not understand. Historically speaking, fear has fueled many wars, genocides, persecutions, and riots. Clearly, Yoda was onto something. What are you actually afraid of?

Humor goes a long way

(As the garbage compactor closes in on Luke and Han Solo) “One thing’s for sure, we’re all gonna be a lot thinner.” – Han Solo in A New  Hope

When things get tough, it’s natural to freak out. However, freaking out isn’t the most productive or efficient way to solve a problem. Humor lightens the mood and allows everyone time to regroup and reassess the situation. It also keeps spirits high, enabling people to do what needs to be done. Plus, girls dig a guy who can crack a joke every now and again.

Humor is a method of alleviating stress and giving your brain a chance to reset for success.

Thoughts and actions directly impact the future

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.” – Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace.

What we spend our days thinking about, and actively pursuing, directly affects our future (for better or worse). Considering this, we should invest our time and energy into the things and people we’re passionate about, and the dreams we have, rather than focusing on the negative or filling our lives with empty distractions.

Sometimes we just need to let go

“Let go of your hate.” – Luke Skywalker in Return of the Jedi

There is no room for hate, fear, and regret in our lives. Often, we just need to let it go so that we may finally be free.

When in doubt, improvise

If you are backed into a corner, do your best and improvise, then move on and don’t waste your time.

If you find this helpful, check out my membership programs.

May the Fourth be with you today!!

The Shovel will Fail You in Obesity, Finances & Life

A few years ago, my family and I set out to build a pond.

I have always loved Koi and the serenity of a Koi pond in my own back yard was very enticing. I spent about a year planning my design and the location.  I dreamed of a serene evening after a very long, hectic day seeing patients relaxing beside the pond.  The sound of trickling water, the occasional splash from fish, the cool breeze passing over the mist from a water-fall would sooth my soul after a busy day in the office.

I envisioned the perfect area.  An unused access path, previously worn by the previous owner with truck and trailer traffic, beside my now expanded patio. Twenty feet wide, thirty feet long and four feet deep. . . that seems just perfect.

I pulled out my shovel and set about digging. Eager to begin and filled with the energy of the final product, I set to digging.  What could be so hard about digging my own pond?  Think of the exercise I will be getting.  Thoughts spurred me on.

Minutes later, chest heaving, face glistening with sweat, I stared in dismay at the ground. All I had to show for my wild digging was a small 1/2 inch dent in the dusty Arizona top soil.

Sonoran Clay

Over time, calcium-carbonate, along with other minerals, accumulates and dissolves into the topsoil of the very arid regions of Arizona Sonoran Desert.  It forms a two to three-foot layer of soil called “caliche.” Periodic rains carry the calcium as far as three feet down into the soil, then the water rapidly evaporates in the blistering Arizona heat.  This often forms two to three feet of soil that is “literally” harder than concrete.

With tremendous zeal, a great deal of sweat and a round of painful blisters, I broke my third shovel on this impenetrable ground.  I realized this was much more difficult than I thought.  I pulled out the back-hoe attachment for my small farm tractor.  After a few hours and few gallons of diesel fuel later, still very little progress occurred.

Multiple weekends and evenings of digging in the Arizona caliche left me with three broken shovels, a ruptured hydrolic line in my tractor, anger that my expensive back-hoe attachment didn’t work, and only a small dent in the ground near my patio.  Even the brute force from the tractor would not budge the clay.  I wondered if dynamite would be effective?  (My wife would have none of this idea).

With my exuberance quashed, I concluded that this would require much more measured exhuming.

Escape From the Prison

We often imagine, with great delight, the removal or destruction of that which enslaves or imprisons us.  We dream that just a little sweat, exertion of a few shovel scoops of dirt and the foundation to our prison of obesity, addiction, debt, and depression are exposed.  A few extra scoops and we imagine freedom from that prison cell.

If only I had a jack hammer and a bigger, more powerful scoop, I imagine . . . I could make short work of these manacles that bind me.

But, our manacles and prison cells do not so easily give way.

The failings of our sharpened spades and powerful back-hoes form a new, even stronger fetter – the belief that our prison cell is unbreakable, that our challenge is just too great. These failings usually leave a person cured of any further desire to break free.  It quashs the dream and solidifying the depression of stagnation.

The in-fecundity of my shovel, no matter the strength and effort put behind it, was not cause to quit.  It was life’s lesson that prisons and shackles often only need a simple tool.

Enter the pick-axe.  During this process my wife said, “Honey, why don’t you use the pick in the garage?”

“If my shovel and the back-hoe didn’t work, there was no way I was going to break through this clay with a pick axe.” That was absurd, I thought.

Yet when I humbled myself to try, it was simple.  The pick-axe was unpretentious.  This simple tool allowed for an almost effortless stroke to a small area of weakness in the caliche.  A large flake of soil would pop free with each stroke. The process was repeated.

Scale by scale, the dragon’s flank was exposed. Careful work of the pick-axe began to loosen layer after layer, section after section, pellicle after pellicle.  Yes, it was slow work. But, each swing was a small victory.

At each little victory, my heart would leap, the dream would become ever clearer.

Working this magic again and again until finally the specter was weakened enough to pull out the shovel.  And, further work, allowed for bringing back the powerful back-hoe, in gratifying scoops.

The excavation that I thought would take two months took me fourteen.  But, it was gratifying.

I learned a powerful lesson. Wherever life has pinned you, fettered you or barred you in, put down the shovel, and pick up the pick-axe.  Second, if you really listen, your spouse may point out the tool you really need. Don’t be afraid to chip away at it a piece at a time.


Stop waiting for the sharper shovel or the bigger back-hoe to dig yourself out of your harrowing debt, mega mortgage, or your income dwarfing spending. The jackpot or financial windfall won’t come. While others await the jackpot, put down your shovel and shoulder your pick-axe.

  1. Pick one small debt and begin to pick at it by applying just a little extra each month until it is gone.
  2. Cancel your extra cable, sell the motorcycle and payoff the 21% interest credit card.
  3. If you must, pick up a side-hustle for extra to sharpen the pick.

Once you’ve lifted one flake, chip away at the next. Making progress will make it easier to continue.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes, just keep at it.


You long for resolution of the apathy, progressive resentment and mutual stalemate that permeates your relationship.  You look in vain for the bigger shovel that will uncover the treasure that years of apathy have buried. You long to uncover your dreams and needs that have been covered and hardened under the clay of resentment.  The shovel and the back-hoe won’t help you here.

Drop the shovel.  Shoulder your pick-axe.

  1. Kiss your wife every time you leave, even if it’s just for a ten minutes to run to the convenience store.
  2. Hold her for five seconds longer every time you hug.
  3. Find a gift you can give her once a week, just because.
  4. Put down your phone and look her in the eyes when she talks to you and listen. Really listen and the flakes of hard clay will unveil the beauty of her soul.
  5. Find a way to praise her every day, even if it is through a simple text.


You long to rid yourself of your addiction to sugar, bread, stress, and sleep deprivation.  You’ve tried to scoop them out of your life.  You even hired a trainer with some muscle to force you to change.  You’ve tried in vain to save yourself from yourself.

Trying to use the shovel here is like trying to use the shovel on steel forged walls of your life’s prison fortress.  Forget the shovel.  Shoulder your pick-axe.

  1. Start with one meal and make some substitutions.  My dietary plan can help you with this.
  2. Go to bed an hour earlier. Really, you’ll be surprised that the focus you have will more than compensate for the hour of lost time in the evening.
  3. Add a quality vitamin to your morning routine.
  4. Take ten minutes and do 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups, then take a 10-minute walk.
  5. Simply remove the “white stuff” from your meals. You will be amazed at the results.
  6. Put down your phone for 30 minutes and read that book you’ve been meaning to read, instead of surfing Facebook.

Grand-standing with your back-hoe doesn’t help you.  Just swing the pick-axe once or twice.  Simple daily picking with the sharp point weakens the hardest of ground and the prison walls in our lives.  It takes time, so be patient.

Find the weak point, apply the pick.  Day by day, little by little you will be free.

I’ve been there.  I’m with you.  Keep me posted on your journey.

If you’re looking for a program that teaches you how to do this, check out my membership site.