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Myokines and Weight Loss

Since the very first muscle derived myostatin protein was identified as a myokine in 1997, over 600 myokines have been identified to date (Gorgens et al., 2015).  However, the majority of these myokines are still not sufficiently characterized.

Why is this important? This frequently neglected topic plays a central roll in diet and exercise in those people trying to lose or maintain their weight. Myokines are the key actors in muscle development and size, and and they influence weight gain or loss in a pretty dramatic way.

Myokines Produced In Skeletal Muscle

The myokines are a subclass of interlukins. Interlukins are a group of naturally occurring proteins that mediate communication between cells. They are like the rapid text messages between teenagers in the same room communicating with each other. Interleukins regulate cell growth, differentiation, and motility. They are particularly important in stimulating immune responses, such as inflammation.

Muscles Make Their Own Interlukins

A few years ago, research demonstrated in the Journal of Experimental Biology that there is a notable increase in the plasma concentration of IL-6 during exercise (Pedersen and Febbraio, 2008). This is followed by the appearance of IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Concentrations of the these cytokines, IL-8, macrophage inflammatory protein 1a (MIP-1a) and MIP-1b are elevated after strenuous exercise.

Thus, the cytokine response to exercise is not preceded by an increase in plasma TNF-a. Even though there may be a moderate increase in the systemic concentration of these cytokines, the underlying fact is that the appearance of IL-6 in the circulation is by far the most marked and precedes that of the other cytokines (Pedersen and Febbraio, 2008).

Muscle Interlukins Create Good Inflammation

When IL-6 is produced by macrophages, it leads to an inflammatory response, whereas muscle cells produce and release IL-6 without activating classical pro-inflammatory pathways. The fact that IL-6 can sometimes act as a pro-inflammatory and sometimes as an anti-inflammatory agent appears to be more dependent on the environment (muscle versus immune cell) than on whether IL-6 is activated in an acute or chronic fashion (Pedersen and Febbraio, 2008). This essentially means that strenuous exercise is a good form of stress, stabilizing the muscle, causing growth and not adversely affecting the immune system.

Interlukins From Muscles Talk to Fat Cells

At the same time, IL-15 is expressed in human skeletal muscle (Pedersen et al., 2007). C2C12 tubule contraction in the muscle stimulates the IL-15 release. It possesses anabolic effects on skeletal muscle in vitro and in vivo and may also take part in reducing adipose tissue mass (Pedersen et al., 2007). Therefore, IL-15 has been suggested to be involved in muscle–fat crosstalk. Recently, we demonstrated that IL-15 mRNA levels were upregulated in human skeletal muscle following a bout of strength training (Nielsen et al., 2007), suggesting that IL-15 may accumulate within the muscle as a consequence of regular training.

What is fascinating is that there is a negative relationship between IL-15 and truncal fat mass, but not limb fat mass. That means that the more resistance exercise you participate in regularly, the lower your truncal fat becomes.

BDNF Stays Active Even After Exercise

Another cytokine actor in this opera of human metabolism is Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). BDNF is a fascinating hormone produced in the brain. In humans, a BDNF release from the brain was observed at rest and increased 2- to 3-fold during exercise. Both at rest and during exercise, the brain contributed 70–80% of the circulating BDNF, while this contribution decreased following 1h of recovery. In mice, exercise induced a 3- to 5-fold increase in BDNF mRNA expression in the hippocampus and cortex, peaking 2h after the termination of exercise.

Matthews and colleagues studied whether skeletal muscle would produce BDNF in response to exercise (Matthews et al., 2009) and found that BDNF mRNA and protein expression were increased in human skeletal muscle after exercise. However. muscle-derived BDNF appeared not to be released into the circulation. BDNF mRNA and protein expression were increased in muscle cells that were electrically stimulated.

You can augment the presence of BDNF with curcuminCurcumin is a natural isolate derived from turmeric an has been show to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-depressant properties through its ability to raise BDNF.  Using curcumin daily with a regular exercise program helps to improve brain function and reduce mental and physical stress (4, 5)

How HIFEM Exercise Is Effective

Why is this important? Because, BDNF increased phosphorylation of AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) and enhanced fat oxidation both in vitro and ex vivo. In layman’s terms, that means that regular exercise stimulates the burning of fat for 1-2 hours after exercise. This can be exercise from resistance training or from HIFEM like EMSculpt or electromagnetic stimulus.

What is the take home message from all this geeky science stuff?

Resistance exercise improves muscle regeneration, fatty acid oxidation, fat metabolism, muscle repair, mitochondrial biogenesis (increasing numbers of mitochondria). So if you are not participating in at least 3 days of resistance exercise per week, I’d encourage you to do so.

If you are looking for a simple body weight exercise program that can be done at home. I’ll send you my program for free. Go to docmuscles.com/exercise and sign up.


  1. Pedersen BK. Muscles and their myokines. J Exper Biol. 2011. 214:337-346. doi:10.1242/jeb.048074.
  2. Furuichi Y, Manabe Y, Takagi M, Aoki M, Fujii NL (2018) Evidence for acute contraction induced myokine secretion by C2C12 myotubes. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0206146. https://doi.org/ 10.1371/journal.pone.0206146.
  3. Han LJ & Hee-Sook J. Role of Myokines in Regulating Skeletal Muscle Mass and Function. Frontiers in Physiology. Jan 2019. Vol 10:1-9. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.00042
  4. Ga-Young Choi, Hyun-Bum Kim, Eun-Sang Hwang, Seok Lee, Min-Ji Kim, Ji-Young Choi, Sung-Ok Lee, Sang-Seong Kim, Ji-Ho Park, “Curcumin Alters Neural Plasticity and Viability of Intact Hippocampal Circuits and Attenuates Behavioral Despair and COX-2 Expression in Chronically Stressed Rats”, Mediators of Inflammation, vol. 2017, Article ID 6280925, 9 pages, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/6280925
  5. Hurley LL, Akinfiresoye L, Nwulia E, Kamiya A, Kulkarni AA, Tizabi Y. Antidepressant-like effects of curcumin in WKY rat model of depression is associated with an increase in hippocampal BDNF, Behavioral Brain Research. 2013(239):27-30. ISSN 0166-4328, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.2012.10.049.

What Does a Strong Core Do for You?

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I am amazed after just two treatments.

100 percent of the muscle contracts with this amazing technology. Nothing else does that like EMSculptNEO.

I am personally amazed at how much better my motorcycle riding, fencing and sword-fighting has improved with just two core treatments. He is absolutely correct. It’s amazing what you can do when you strengthen your core.

4-6 treatments one week apart. HIFEM + RF gives you 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes while burning fat through a patented radiofrequency wavelength between contractions. I cannot tell you how amazed I am by this technology.

30% more muscle and 25% fat reduction – you can’t beat that.

When combined with a daily exercise program, and a ketogenic diet, you will see AMAZING results. Cut your carbohydrates back to less than 20 grams per day. For women, I recommend 90 grams of protein or more daily. For men, I recommend 150 grams of protein daily or more to see the best results.

Call the office and schedule your consultation with me today!!

Office Number: (623) 584-7805.

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Dr Nallys Lasers: #PicoSure #Icon #SculpSure #TempSure #EMScuptNeo #EMSella #EMFace

High Fat? High Protein? Low Protein? What is really ketogenic?

The daily question that I get asked by my patients, and from those around the internet, relates to burning one’s own fat. “Don’t you have to limit the calories and limit fat you eat to burn your own body fat?

It seems everyone has a differing opinion on this question and a few of them have two opinions (you know who you are).  Very few of these opinions are grounded in the actual science of weight loss.

I hear coaches, trainers and even a number physicians argue, name call and rant about the need to cut calories to lose fat.  Yet, most of my patients “cut their calories” 200-1000 per day without successful fat reduction.  They may increase their exercise by 400-600 calories per day and still no weight loss.  This is the same crazy ineffective instruction we’ve been given for the last 50 years.

To be honest, there is a percentage of those in the fitness and modeling worlds upon which this dogma is effective and that is because of normal insulin levels and significant exercise. However, for the other 85% of the world who work over 40-80 hours a week, have children and families, serve in our churches and occasionally have a social life, myself included, it doesn’t work.  If we were all paid to exercise 2 hours a day and take “butt selfies” on Instagram, it might be easier.

Yes, you will probably lose 20 lbs. with calorie restriction, but your testosterone will drop by up to 50%, sex hormone binding globulin will double, and over time your basal metabolic rate will slow due to dramatic and often permeant reduction in thyroid function.  This makes it nearly impossible to lose more than that 20 lbs, and then you will regain the weight once calorie levels return to normal within 18-24 months.  (No one ever talks about that little problem, do they?)

For those of you that want to see success in weight loss, let’s outline a few essential principles that the trainers, keto-coaches and social media talking heads aren’t mentioning.

First, insulin has to be kept at a baseline.  The reason that 85% of people don’t, won’t and can’t see effective weight loss beyond 20-30 lbs long term (greater than 2 years) with calorie restriction is that 85% of the population has some degree of insulin resistance.  It’s not a disease, it’s a syndrome associated with the effect of the standard American diet.  I wrote a whole book about it called The Keto Cure.  We know that insulin and catecholamines increase the rate by which fat is stored.

Second, glucacon is a counter active hormone to keep your blood sugar from bottoming out.  The presence of glucagon stimulates fat burningIntermittent fasting and ketogenic dietary intake allow blood sugar to drop below 70 mg/dL (3.9 mmol/L) causing glucagon release and stimulate increased release of free fatty acids from the fat cells.

Third, two hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, are produced when blood sugar drops below 67 mg/dL (3.7 mmol/L).  Exercise lowers blood sugar to this level and stimulates additional burning of fat by engaging the release of glucagon and epinephrine and norepinephrine.  Exercise, also, has three other myokine hormonal effects making weight loss more successful when the diet is correctly balanced.

The fourth principle that is essential to understand relates to growth hormone.  Growth hormone stimulates and preserves muscle tissue, has a suppressive effect on insulin. Growth hormone increases with exercise, sleep, intermittent fasting and when protein intake is at least greater than 90 grams per day in women and around 1 gram of protein per body weight in men.  This is notably higher than previous calculations on protein that I have written about in the past.  Recent research, also found here, here and here, demonstrates that increased protein above 90-100 grams per day enhances muscle growth and stabilization and further suppresses insulin production beyond what we previously understood.


Contrary to what the media has been saying about protein sources, not all protein is absorbed in the same way.  When it comes to absorption in the human gut and use by the human metabolism, protein sources differ in their effectiveness:

    • Egg protein utilization – 50%
    • Meat protein utilization – 40%
    • Cheese protein utilization 35-40%
    • Whey protein utilization – 18%
    • Vegetable protein utilization – 14%

Lastly, release of fat from the fat cell is mediated by natriuretic peptides and cGMP through the release of catecholamines, prostaglandins and nicotinic acid.  Interestingly, the major positive regulators of human lipolysis are catecholamines and natriuretic peptides (NPs). Fatty acid release from fat cells triples when catecholamines and natriuretic peptides are released.  Catecholamines are produced by exercise, stimulants and stress, and natriuretic peptides are stimulated by short change fatty acids (ketones).

For the science geeks in who follow my blog, I’ve included the following picture that summarizes the effects of these hormones on the fat cell.  The figure below shows the major pathways by which insulin, thyroid, catecholamines, testosterone and sympathomimetics effect fatty acid release from adipose tissue.

Primary signaling pathways in human lipolysis. Black and red lines indicate pro-lipolytic and anti-lipolytic signaling events, respectively. Arrows indicate stimulation and/or translocation and blunt lines indicate inhibition. Stimulation of lipolysis is dependent on PKA- or PKG-mediated phosphorylation of HSL and PLIN1. PKG is activated by cGMP, which is increased in response to activation of the GC-coupled NPR-A. Similarly, stimulation of the Gs-protein-coupled β1/2-ARs activates AC, which generates cAMP and activates PKA. Conversely, activation of Gi-protein-coupled α2-ARs inhibits AC and thereby reduces cAMP-dependent signaling to lipolysis. Stimulation of the insulin signaling pathway through the IR increases the activity of PDE3B, which converts cAMP to 5′-AMP, thus decreasing PKA activity and suppressing lipolysis. PKG activity is reduced by PDE5-mediated conversion of cGMP to 5′-GMP, although the upstream signals regulating this process are currently unknown. The dashed line indicates a putative Akt-independent insulin pathway acting selectively on PLIN1. α2-ARs, α2-adrenergic receptors; AC, adenylyl cyclase; TG, triglyceride; ATGL, adipose TG lipase; β1/2-ARs, β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors; CGI-58, comparative gene identification-58; DG, diacylglycerol; FFA, free fatty acid; GC, guanylyl cyclase; HSL, hormone-sensitive lipase; IR, insulin receptor; IRS1/2, IR substrates 1 and 2; MG, monoacylglycerol; MGL, monoglyceride lipase; NPR-A, type-A natriuretic peptide receptor; PDE3B, phosphodiesterase 3B; PDK, phosphoinositide-dependent kinase; PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; PKA, protein kinase A; PKB/Akt, protein kinase B; PLIN1, perilipin 1. (Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 52, 3; 10.1530/JME-13-0277)

The take home message from this information is this, effective long term weight loss cannot be achieved by calorie restriction.  Effective weight loss (specifically fat loss and muscle gain) is most effectively achieved when carbohydrates are restricted, protein is optimized, and proper exercise adequately triggers the release of fat burning hormones.

Click HERE and get a copy of my ketogenic diet.

Get a copy of my diet and 13 learning modules with coaching and online assistance by becoming a member of Dr. Nally’s KetoClan.

I’d like to know, what combination has been most effective for you?

Have a great day!

Adam (eat your bacon) Nally, DO

The Shovel will Fail You in Obesity, Finances & Life

A few years ago, my family and I set out to build a pond.

I have always loved Koi and the serenity of a Koi pond in my own back yard was very enticing. I spent about a year planning my design and the location.  I dreamed of a serene evening after a very long, hectic day seeing patients relaxing beside the pond.  The sound of trickling water, the occasional splash from fish, the cool breeze passing over the mist from a water-fall would sooth my soul after a busy day in the office.

I envisioned the perfect area.  An unused access path, previously worn by the previous owner with truck and trailer traffic, beside my now expanded patio. Twenty feet wide, thirty feet long and four feet deep. . . that seems just perfect.

I pulled out my shovel and set about digging. Eager to begin and filled with the energy of the final product, I set to digging.  What could be so hard about digging my own pond?  Think of the exercise I will be getting.  Thoughts spurred me on.

Minutes later, chest heaving, face glistening with sweat, I stared in dismay at the ground. All I had to show for my wild digging was a small 1/2 inch dent in the dusty Arizona top soil.

Sonoran Clay

Over time, calcium-carbonate, along with other minerals, accumulates and dissolves into the topsoil of the very arid regions of Arizona Sonoran Desert.  It forms a two to three-foot layer of soil called “caliche.” Periodic rains carry the calcium as far as three feet down into the soil, then the water rapidly evaporates in the blistering Arizona heat.  This often forms two to three feet of soil that is “literally” harder than concrete.

With tremendous zeal, a great deal of sweat and a round of painful blisters, I broke my third shovel on this impenetrable ground.  I realized this was much more difficult than I thought.  I pulled out the back-hoe attachment for my small farm tractor.  After a few hours and few gallons of diesel fuel later, still very little progress occurred.

Multiple weekends and evenings of digging in the Arizona caliche left me with three broken shovels, a ruptured hydrolic line in my tractor, anger that my expensive back-hoe attachment didn’t work, and only a small dent in the ground near my patio.  Even the brute force from the tractor would not budge the clay.  I wondered if dynamite would be effective?  (My wife would have none of this idea).

With my exuberance quashed, I concluded that this would require much more measured exhuming.

Escape From the Prison

We often imagine, with great delight, the removal or destruction of that which enslaves or imprisons us.  We dream that just a little sweat, exertion of a few shovel scoops of dirt and the foundation to our prison of obesity, addiction, debt, and depression are exposed.  A few extra scoops and we imagine freedom from that prison cell.

If only I had a jack hammer and a bigger, more powerful scoop, I imagine . . . I could make short work of these manacles that bind me.

But, our manacles and prison cells do not so easily give way.

The failings of our sharpened spades and powerful back-hoes form a new, even stronger fetter – the belief that our prison cell is unbreakable, that our challenge is just too great. These failings usually leave a person cured of any further desire to break free.  It quashs the dream and solidifying the depression of stagnation.

The in-fecundity of my shovel, no matter the strength and effort put behind it, was not cause to quit.  It was life’s lesson that prisons and shackles often only need a simple tool.

Enter the pick-axe.  During this process my wife said, “Honey, why don’t you use the pick in the garage?”

“If my shovel and the back-hoe didn’t work, there was no way I was going to break through this clay with a pick axe.” That was absurd, I thought.

Yet when I humbled myself to try, it was simple.  The pick-axe was unpretentious.  This simple tool allowed for an almost effortless stroke to a small area of weakness in the caliche.  A large flake of soil would pop free with each stroke. The process was repeated.

Scale by scale, the dragon’s flank was exposed. Careful work of the pick-axe began to loosen layer after layer, section after section, pellicle after pellicle.  Yes, it was slow work. But, each swing was a small victory.

At each little victory, my heart would leap, the dream would become ever clearer.

Working this magic again and again until finally the specter was weakened enough to pull out the shovel.  And, further work, allowed for bringing back the powerful back-hoe, in gratifying scoops.

The excavation that I thought would take two months took me fourteen.  But, it was gratifying.

I learned a powerful lesson. Wherever life has pinned you, fettered you or barred you in, put down the shovel, and pick up the pick-axe.  Second, if you really listen, your spouse may point out the tool you really need. Don’t be afraid to chip away at it a piece at a time.


Stop waiting for the sharper shovel or the bigger back-hoe to dig yourself out of your harrowing debt, mega mortgage, or your income dwarfing spending. The jackpot or financial windfall won’t come. While others await the jackpot, put down your shovel and shoulder your pick-axe.

  1. Pick one small debt and begin to pick at it by applying just a little extra each month until it is gone.
  2. Cancel your extra cable, sell the motorcycle and payoff the 21% interest credit card.
  3. If you must, pick up a side-hustle for extra to sharpen the pick.

Once you’ve lifted one flake, chip away at the next. Making progress will make it easier to continue.  It doesn’t matter how long it takes, just keep at it.


You long for resolution of the apathy, progressive resentment and mutual stalemate that permeates your relationship.  You look in vain for the bigger shovel that will uncover the treasure that years of apathy have buried. You long to uncover your dreams and needs that have been covered and hardened under the clay of resentment.  The shovel and the back-hoe won’t help you here.

Drop the shovel.  Shoulder your pick-axe.

  1. Kiss your wife every time you leave, even if it’s just for a ten minutes to run to the convenience store.
  2. Hold her for five seconds longer every time you hug.
  3. Find a gift you can give her once a week, just because.
  4. Put down your phone and look her in the eyes when she talks to you and listen. Really listen and the flakes of hard clay will unveil the beauty of her soul.
  5. Find a way to praise her every day, even if it is through a simple text.


You long to rid yourself of your addiction to sugar, bread, stress, and sleep deprivation.  You’ve tried to scoop them out of your life.  You even hired a trainer with some muscle to force you to change.  You’ve tried in vain to save yourself from yourself.

Trying to use the shovel here is like trying to use the shovel on steel forged walls of your life’s prison fortress.  Forget the shovel.  Shoulder your pick-axe.

  1. Start with one meal and make some substitutions.  My dietary plan can help you with this.
  2. Go to bed an hour earlier. Really, you’ll be surprised that the focus you have will more than compensate for the hour of lost time in the evening.
  3. Add a quality vitamin to your morning routine.
  4. Take ten minutes and do 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups, then take a 10-minute walk.
  5. Simply remove the “white stuff” from your meals. You will be amazed at the results.
  6. Put down your phone for 30 minutes and read that book you’ve been meaning to read, instead of surfing Facebook.

Grand-standing with your back-hoe doesn’t help you.  Just swing the pick-axe once or twice.  Simple daily picking with the sharp point weakens the hardest of ground and the prison walls in our lives.  It takes time, so be patient.

Find the weak point, apply the pick.  Day by day, little by little you will be free.

I’ve been there.  I’m with you.  Keep me posted on your journey.

If you’re looking for a program that teaches you how to do this, check out my membership site.

8 Reasons You Can't Lose Fat #DocMuscles #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

Eight Reasons You Can’t Lose Fat

Inability to lose weight is the most common reason people see me. It’s often a combination of small things of which they are unaware.  What simple things are keeping the spare tire inflated around the your waist?  I’ve listed the eight most common reasons you can’t lose the fat.

You Eat Too Many Carbohydrates

About 85% of the people that walk through my office doors have some degree of insulin resistance. This means that they produce 2-20 times the normal amount of insulin in response to ANY form of starch or carbohydrate. Insulin is the hormone responsible for letting glucose into the cell to be used as fuel. More importantly, it is the hormone responsible for dampering glucose production in the liver and, it is the primary hormone responsible for pushing triglycerides into the fat cells (essentially, the master hormone for making you FAT). The more insulin you make the more fat you store. Insulin resistance, the inability for insulin to signal glucose dampering at the liver receptors, is the first stage that starts 15-20 years before you become a diabetic.

#DocMuscles #KetonianKing #WeaponOfMassDestructionIn order to lose fat, you have to decrease the insulin to a basal level. If you don’t the fat enters the fat cell faster than it exits and the fat cells get bigger. This is RULE number one to weight loss. You gotta turn down the high insulin surge that 85% of us are really good at producing. If you don’t do this, it is almost impossible for many of us to lose weight.

For at least 1/3rd of the people I see, this cannot be accomplished unless TOTAL CARBOHYDRATES are decreased to less than 20 grams per day. Yes, you read that correctly . . . Less that 20 grams per day.

  • Your banana contains 30 grams of carbohydrate
  • Your yogurt has up to 60 grams of carbohydrate
  • That oatmeal you thought was good for you has up to 200 grams of carbohydrate
  • The half and half you put in your coffee is half lactose (sugar from milk), 10 grams per cup.

You Eat Too Much Protein

Yes, protein can cause weight gain.  And, no, it’s not because gluconeogenesis is on overdrive.  There is always a body builder that sends me a nasty message after I say this.  But the fact is that it’s true. (I’ll keep an eye on my e-mail).

#EatMoreChicken #DocMuscles #KetonianKing #TooMuchProtein

Five of the ten essential amino acids stimulate an insulin response. Remember why carbohydrates cause weight gain . . . ? (I will give you a hint . . . INSULIN).

Certain amino acids that make up proteins can do the same thing.  Arginine, Lycine, Phenylalanine, Leucine & Tyrosine, in that order, stimulate insulin enough to halt weight loss or increase weight gain in a significant way (1).  We need protein to stay healthy, but too much of these amino acids in someone who is insulin resistant will inhibit weight loss and stimulate fat gain.  I’ve also seen it raise small dense LDL particles in the cholesterol (the heart disease causing particle driven by insulin over production)  I’ve seen this time and time again with many people.  Simply modulating down the protein to the calculated needs lets the weight start coming off again.

So, what foods contain these in the highest amounts? Sea lion liver (I know, this won’t go over very well with the polar bears), soy protein isolate, crab, shrimp, sesame flour, turkey breast, pork loin (it’s the leanest cut of pork – No. BACON is fine), chicken, pumpkin seeds, soybeans, peanuts, spirulina (blue green alge that is found in the sea).

Yes, I get it. We’ve been told these were the healthy foods for the last 50 years. But, think about it. When did we start gaining weight as a country? 50 years ago.

Too much chicken, shrimp, crab and soy foods will inhibit weight loss in those with insulin resistance. So, consider whether it should be chicken you add to your salad. Consider, instead, bacon or beef as a wonderfully tasty substitute.

How much protein do you need?  My formula for calculating your individual amount is here in my blog Calculating Protein Needs.

You Don’t Eat Enough Fat

#Snaccident #DocMuscles #KetonianKing #BaconBoy

To successfully lose fat on a ketogenic diet, 30-70% of your caloric intake should come from fat. Yes. You read that correctly. (The definition of a high fat diet is any diet containing more than 30% of fat from calories).

If we limit carbohydrates (which is currently 80% of the body’s fuel on the standard America plate), and moderate excessive protein which also halts weight loss, you have to replace the fuel. That fuel replacement should come from fat.  Increasing fat will improve the sensation of fullness, provide all the fat soluble vitamins, and actually makes food taste good again.

As long as you are lowering the insulin to basal levels, you can actually eat all the fat for which you are hungry. Add bacon, butter, coconut oil, avocado, hard cheese, and oh, did I say bacon?

But Dr. Nally, what about all that saturated fat?

The saturated fat is only a problem with vascular disease, cholesterol and heart disease when the insulin level is also high at the same time. It’s the high insulin in the presence of large amounts of fat that drives the risk for atherosclerosis (vascular and heart disease).  Instead of cutting out the fat, we’re cutting out the insulin.

How much fat should you be eating? Shoot for 60-70% of your calories from fat for the first 3 months.  If your fat grams are slightly higher than or equal to your protein grams, you’re there. Listen to your body and eat fat until you’re full. That’s how most of my patients gauge their need and suppress hunger.

You’re Now Eating Too Much Fat

After the third month, most of us are fat adapted.  You may notice your weight loss slows or halts. This means that our ability to absorb fat into the blood stream is dramatically more efficient.  It also means that your taking in more fat into the fat cell then you are pulling out of the fat cell.  I’ve found this to be the case with people who are loading butter, MCT or heavy whipping cream into their coffee.  In this case, back off the “extra fat” your are loading or drinking.  It’s not the calories  in this case.  There are 3-4 hormonal reasons this occurs once you are fat adapted.  (We’ll talk about this in another blog post.)

You’re Drinking Tea

Black Tea #KetonianKing #DocMuslces #WeightLoss #KetosisI know, I know.  Tea is a national pass time in Europe. And, it is deeply embedded in the culture of many other countries.  I’m probably not winning any friends across the pond by saying this, and it may bring back memories of the Boston Tea Party.  However, the problem is that leaf based teas stimulate a rise in insulin (not taxes).  I have had many patients hit a weight loss plateau because of the use of tea, specifically black tea, oolong tea, and green tea (2,3,4).

Yes, I am well aware of the tremendous benefits of the epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC) found in green tea. ECGC, which can be isolated as an extract, improves insulin resistance and improves GLP-1 signaling.  ECGC has, also, been show to improve triglycerides (5).  For this reason, it is one of the components in the KetoEssentials Multi-Vitamin I developed a few years ago and recommend to all my patients.

It appears, however, that the theaflavin within the leaf of the tea may be playing the offending role in the insulin spike seen with their use (6).

You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep has been implicated in difficulty with weight loss and weight gain (7). Lack of sleep places the body into a state of chronic stress. This elevates cortisol, lowers testosterone, increases insulin (there’s that insulin problem, again) and increases the other inflammatory hormones. This perfect storm of stress, driven by lack of restful sleep, plays a big role in fat loss.

My average patient needs at a minimum of 6-7 hours of restful sleep to maintain and lose weight.

This is where untreated sleep disorders like sleep apnea play a big role. If you have sleep apnea, get it treated. What else can you do to help improve sleep?

  • Remove the computer, iPad and cell phones from the room.
  • Lower the room temperature. Men sleep better around 68-70 degrees F and women sleep better when the temperature is <70 degrees F.
  • Close the blinds or shades to add or darken the room.
  • Don’t study or watch TV in the same room you sleep in. Your body gets used to doing certain activities in certain rooms of the house. The bedroom should be reserved for sleep.
  • Go to bed at the same time
  • Get up at the same time.

It may take your body and body’s biorhythm 3-4 weeks to adjust to changes you make around sleep habits. Be patient with yourself.

You’re Married to Stress

Just as lack of sleep is stressful, other forms of chronic stress also raise cortisol, insulin and the inflammatory hormones. Chronic stress also lowers testosterone. It, also, has the potential to lower neurosignaling hormones in the brain like serotonin and dopamine, putting you at greater risk for depression and anxiety.

Other forms of chronic stress can occur from poor relationships, chronic pain, stressful employment, unfulfilled expectations, chronic illness and all forms of abuse. If any of these are playing a role in your life, you need to address them, and address them now.

As a physician, my job is stressful. Dealing with life and death issues with multiple people through the day, six or seven days a week, takes it’s toll. I’ve found that weight lifting, horseback riding, and taking care of my animals are my outlets. Find something physical, that takes you outside in the elements and forces you to break a sweat for 15-20 minutes is the key.

#FightOrFlight #DocMuscles #KetonianKing Bear Chasing ManOur bodies have a “fight or flight system.” 100 years ago, the stress was fighting or running from the bear that squared off with you when you happened upon him in the woods. Cortisol, adrenaline, epinephrine, insulin, glucose, and inflammatory hormones pour into the blood stream.  The heart beats faster, blood flows rapidly to the muscles, sensory awareness is heightened in the brain and increased oxygen flows to the lungs. This lets you fight the bear or run from the bear.

But, you can’t fight or run from your cynical boss. You can’t fight or run from oppressive finances, the person that cuts you off on your one hour commute in traffic, or your coworker who keeps pestering you. However, your body still releases adrenaline, cortisol, epinephrine, insulin and a number of inflammatory hormones prepping you to fight or run. If you don’t burn these hormones off, they halt weight loss, and actually can cause weight gain, increase anxiety and over time disrupt sleep.

So find your favorite way of physically relieving stress, and do it 2-3 times per week. (No, gentlemen, sex doesn’t count).

You Have An MTHFR Deficiency

In the last few years, we’ve been able to identify a number of genetic deficiencies that play a role in weight gain. One of those is an methyl-tetrahydrofolate enzyme deficiency (MTHFR deficiency for short). This is a genetic deficiency in the enzyme that converts adds a methyl ion to the folic acid in the cells of your body.

This is important, because if you can’t methylate folic acid inside the cell, you’ll have difficulty using vitamin B12 and B6 very efficiently to form methionine (a key amino acid in blood vessel and nerve function). There are two genes that encode for the enzyme that does the methylation of folic acid. Deficiency in one or both of these can lead to problems.

In severe cases, it causes homocysteine to build up to unsafe levels in the blood and slow the formation of methionine.  It is associated with B12 deficiency, weight gain, fatigue, migraines, depression, anxiety, neuro-developmental disorders like autism, pregnancy loss, blood clots and neuropathy in pre-diabetic and diabetic patients (8, 9, 10).

Giving extra vitamin B12, B6 and folic acid (vitamin B9) doesn’t appear to help.  Clinical evidence is pointing to the pre-methylated form of the folic acid.  Finding this pre-methylated form has been difficult and notably expensive for patients. I found this deficiency to be so prevalent in my office, I added methylated folic acid to the KetoEssentials Multivitamin.

You Give “Couch Potato” A New Name

We have become a very sedentary people. We have engineered physical activity out of our lives. Remote controls, elevators, escalators, people movers, and automation have made our lives physically easier.

The average office worker burns 300 kcal per day sitting at a desk on a computer. The average farm worker burns 2600 kcal per day. That’s the equivalent of running a marathon every day.

Physical activity doesn’t necessarily cause weight loss.  However, physical activity changes the hormones of the body including increasing a hormones like catacholamines, testosterone and a hormone called atrial naturitic peptide (ANP).  ANP opens the fat cell, and lets more fat out (11).

When physical activity is paired with the correct diet, the weight come off.  This is where exogenous ketones may play a role.  The increased presence of ketones in the blood increases the release of ANP helping to activate triglyceride release from the fat cell.

Don’t get me wrong, many of my patients can lose weight with just dietary carbohydrate restriction alone, however, if you’ve hit a stall, you may need to look at your physical activity levels and many people like me, who are notably insulin resistant, benefit greatly with the addition of exogenous ketones.

Kickstart Ketosis over the Plateau

Is your fat loss on a plateau?  Knowing that these challenges plague people on and off throughout the year, and, seeing people get hung up on these issues, I’ve created the Ketogenic Lifestyle 101 Course.  This program gets you jump-started into ketosis and gives you the tools to overcome the individual hurtles you will experience on your health journey.

If your the really motivated type, and want a true 30 day challenge, then join my Kickstart program.


  1. Floyd J et al., Stimulation of Insulin Secretion by Amino Acids, Journal of Clinical Investigation. 1966. 45(9).
  2. Bryans JA et al., Effect of black tea on post-prandial glucose and insulin. Journal Am Coll Nutrition 2007, 25(5): 471-7.
  3. Store KS & Baer DJ. Tea consumption may improve biomarkers of insulin sensitivity and risk factors for diabetes. The Journal of Nutrition. Aug 2008, 138(8): 1584S-1588S.
  4. Hosoda K et al., Anti-hyperglycemic effect of oolong tea on type II diabetes. Diabetes Care. Jun 2003. 26(6): 1714-1718.
  5. Chia-Yu Liu,Chien-Jung Huang, Lin-Huang Huang, I-Ju Chen, Jung-Peng Chiu, Chung-Hua Hsu.  Effects of Green Tea Extract on Insulin Resistance and Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Lipid Abnormalities: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, and Placebo-Controlled Trial. PLOS one(online). March 10, 2014.
  6. Cameron, Amy R.; Anton, Siobhan; Melville, Laura; Houston, Nicola P.; Dayal, Saurabh; McDougall, Gordon J.; Stewart, Derek; Rena, Graham (2008). “Black tea polyphenols mimic insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 signalling to the longevity factor FOXO1a”. Aging Cell. 7(1): 69–77.
  7. Beccuti, Guglielmo, and Silvana Pannain. “Sleep and Obesity.” Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care 14.4 (2011): 402–412. PMC. Web. 18 Sept. 2017.
  8. Divyakolu S, Tejaswini Y, Thomas W, Thumoju S, et al. (2013) Evaluation of C677T Polymorphism of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Gene in various Neurological Disorders. J Neurol Disord 2:142. doi: 10.4172/2329-6895.1000142
  9. Gilbody, S., Lewis, S. & Lightfoot, T. (2007). Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) genetic polymorphisms and psychiatric disorders: A HuGE review. American Journal of Epidemiology, 165(1), 1-13.
  10. Menon, S., Lea, R., Roy, B., Hanna, M., Wee, S., Haupt, L., & … Griffiths, L. (2012). Genotypes of the MTHFR C677T and MTRR A66G genes act independently to reduce migraine disability in response to vitamin supplementation. Pharmacogenetics And Genomics, 22(10), 741-749.
  11. Lafontan M et al., Control of lipolysis by natriuretic peptides and cyclic GMP. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism. 19(4): 130-137.

High Blood Ketone Levels, Effect Of Alcohol On Ketosis, Doing Keto Without Exercise

24: High Blood Ketone Levels, Effect Of Alcohol On Ketosis, Doing Keto Without Exercise

If you are interested in the low-carb, moderate protein, high-fat, ketogenic diet, then this is the podcast for you. We zero in exclusively on all the questions people have about how being in a state of nutritional ketosis and the effects it has on your health. There are a lot of myths about keto floating around out there and our two amazing cohosts are shooting them down one at a time. Keto Talk is cohosted by 10-year veteran health podcaster and international bestselling author Jimmy Moore from “Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb” and Arizona osteopath and certified bariatric physician Dr. Adam Nally from “Doc Muscles” who thoroughly share from their wealth of experience on the ketogenic lifestyle each and every Thursday. We love hearing from our fabulous Ketonian listeners with new questions–send an email to Jimmy at livinlowcarbman@charter.net. And if you’re not already subscribed to the podcast on iTunes and listened to the past episodes, then you can do that and leave a review HERE. Listen in today as Jimmy and Adam have some fabulous questions to answer for you in Episode 24!

KEY QUOTE: “Initially you’ll see a higher level of ketones (when you begin eating ketogenic). But as the body becomes better able to use the ketones, the overall level will drop to more normal readings.” — Dr. Adam Nally




Have you experienced Keto//OS?  A revolutionary way to enter ketosis in 60 minutes or less. . .

Ketogenic Rule #7: Abs are Made in the Kitchen – Not the Gym

Abs female Abs made in kitchen

“Doc, how do I get six-pack abs?”

I get this question almost daily. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there is NO exercise program that will give you “six-pack” abs.

Really.  You can do sit-ups, leg lifts and crunches ’till the cows come home and it will do nothing other than give you abdominal cramps.  It will also make you hungry.  I don’t care what Men’s Fitness, Bodybuilding.com, Muscle Magazine, Shape or even Doctor Oz said. There are no “6 Best Exercises for Ripped Abs.”  There is only one exercise . . . throwing the carbs in the trash (or giving them to the neighbor you don’t like.)

The “12 Step Ab Program” really only has ONE STEP . . . cut the carbs.  Let me repeat that.  There is only ONE STEP to “six-pack abs,” . . . cut the carbs.  Cardiovascular exercise does nothing for amazingly toned abdominal muscles, other than make you hungry.   Resistance exercise improves insulin resistance, but doesn’t build the abs.  Avoiding the milk, rice, wheat, oatmeal and fruit allows the abs to appear.  Yes, I’m serious.  What do bears eat? Berries.

When did you last see the a bear with “six-pack abs?”

The only way to see your “six-pack” is to remove the fat covering your “six-pack.”  The only way to get rid of fat covering your “six-pack” is to stop drinking it and lower the carbohydrate content to less than 20 grams per day.  Seriously . . .

So you’ve done 100 crunches a day for six months?  Do you see your “six-pack” now?  Exactly.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Follow the principles outlined in my past articles like The Principle Based Ketogenic Lifestyle . . . Part I & Ketogenic Principles . . . Part II and make sure you are avoiding Common Ketosis Killers.

Dr. Nally’s Favorite Exogenous Ketones

Staying in ketosis and adding 2-3 days of resistance training will melt 2-5 lbs of abdominal fat away each month.   Yes, I know it is slow . . . but that is weight (fat) that will stay off.  Use whole foods high in fat, moderate in protein and low in carbohydrate.  Use supplements like Keto//OS & Adapt bars to help when you don’t have access to a good meal or as a snack when you are hungry.  Look at the list of Low Carb Links above to get great ideas for meal preparation and sweeteners that you can use.


Adapt Your Life



PeriScope: How Does Exercise Help Ketosis?

In light of the fact that exercise DOES NOT cause weight loss, exercise has a fascinating ability to enhance ketosis.  No, seriously, I don’t care what your trainer told you, you won’t loose weight with exercise, no mater how hard you try.  However, exercise does help you body attain a ketogenic state.

When you exercise, the muscles take up glucose and oxygen to burn as their primary fuel.  Exercise has actually been shown to enhance this process and reduce the “insulin resistance” effect that the the SAD diet (Standard American Diet) has on 2/3rds of the population (whether they realize it or not).  Mild to moderate exercise like a walk or even a mild jog, and resistance training like weight lifting, yoga or Pilates increased the drive of the glucose into the cells and improves the ability of the cells to use the glucose.

In a person following a carbohydrate restricted diet (Ketogenic, Low-Carb, and even Paleolithic to some degree), the body maintains a stable level of blood sugar by releasing glycogen from the liver and gluconeogenisis as needed to support the 100 grams necessary per day required by the brain (the liver makes about 240 grams per day no mater what you do).  In the absence of extra glucose as fuel, the body will then use triglyceride and/or ketones as fuel.  Exercise improves the sensitivity to the small amount of glucose and actually ramps up the presence of ketones placing the person into a more ketogenic state.

This enhanced ketogensis is often experienced as “second wind” or “being in the zone” or even as an ability to “hyperfocus” during exercise.  But the exercise levels must be in the mild to moderate range for this to be accomplished.

But, there’s a fine balance, if the muscles are pushed too hard to fast, lactic acid builds up because of a shift to an anaerobic state and the acid creates a stress response, triggering cortisol and increased glucose formulation, causing one to shift out of ketosis.

How do you know if you exercising too hard?  You should be exercising hard enough to break a sweat, but not so hard that you can’t carry on a conversation with your partner at the same time.  Over time, as the body becomes more effective at using ketones, you’ll find your exercise intensity can and will improve.

See Dr. Nally try to explain all this while riding his horse Bailey in the White Tank Mountains:

Or you can Katch it here: https://katch.me/docmuscles/v/ce43292a-296f-3de4-bf6f-d19cd688fc62

Have a great weekend!!