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Autoimmunity Resulting from Molecular Mimicry between COVID Vaccine and Human Proteins

I’ve been seeing this for two years, elevated d-dimers, blood clots, myocarditis, spontaneous colitis non-responsive to anti-biotics, sudden spontaneous bruising and bleeding after vaccination. Now, it all makes more sense.

In a recent study, researchers discovered molecular mimicry hotspots in the Spike protein and highlight two examples with very high autoimmune potential. This helps us understand the prolonged COVID-19 complications we’ve been seeing for the last two years. The spike protein shares similarities with 34 different human proteins in amino acid sequences in sets of sixes. These similarities stimulate high potential for autoimmune attack – causing the body’s immune system to attack its own organs with similar protein sequences.

These protein sequences are found in the thyroid, brain, nose, ear, skin, muscles, heart, blood, nerves, joints, intestines, and many more. In my office, I’ve seen over 50 patients with bleeding, bruising, rash, heart inflammation, intestinal inflammation, uterine and ovarian inflammation and abnormal menstrual changes spontaneously that I have never seen in 22 years of medical practice. All of these patients have had prolonged d-dimer levels elevated for 12-18 months post vaccination. These symptoms all started with in 4-8 weeks of vaccination as well.

The spike protein may also trigger Guillain-Barre syndrome, viral arthritis, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (bleeding), antiphospholipid syndrome, Kawasaki disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and many others.

Two other recent studies here and here confirm that autoimmunity is the driver behind these post COVID vaccination symptoms. These two studies demonstrated that people who were vaccinated for COVID-19 had more antibodies against human tissues than people who were not infected and/or had natural infection.

Vaccine Thoughts

Today my office got a “1 star” review from a person who isn’t even a patient.  She was upset that I do not require my staff to be vaccinated.  So, I thought I would lay it out there so that you and all my followers can understand my thought process on this whole vaccine issue.

I Support the Use of Safe Vaccines

First and foremost, let me state that I am a proponent of vaccines. I have been fully vaccinated with every other vaccine under the sun (I was in the military and we were given EVERYTHING) and was adamant about getting my flu vaccine until 2016 when I had a severe anaphylactic reaction to the influenza vaccine. 

I’m Personally Allergic to the Components of COVID-19 Vaccines and Influenza Vaccines.

Thinking this was just a hypersensitivity issue, I got my yearly flu vaccine in 2017 and my reaction of hives and inflammation were worse.  We concluded that I am allergic to the base in the vaccine polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate.  In doing a great deal of research trying to find out what it was I was reacting to, I changed my position on the need for the yearly influenza vaccine.  (It causes a 36% increase susceptibility to coronavirus infections.  You can read about that information here.)  

Polysorbate or PEG is a component of all three COVID-19 vaccines, and is a contraindication to getting the COVID-19 vaccines (listed right on the CDC website – as there is NO package insert on any of the vaccines to date), so I have been very leery of getting vaccinated with anything containing these chemicals.

I’ve Already Had COVID-19 Twice

Near the end of March 2020, I had six patients (3 couples) come off of a cruise to the Caribbean, and had symptoms that we thought were Parainfluenza virus, but later turned out to be COVID-19.  2 weeks later, I and the majority of my staff became ill with COVID-19.   I had classic symptoms of COVID-19, however, my symptoms only lasted about 3 days, many of my staff members were sick for 1-2 weeks, and my wife was sick for 3 weeks.  It was about this time that nasal swab testing became available. 

Over the last 18 months, we have treated over 400 positive COVID-19 cases outpatient.  I have an active patient population of about 8,000 patients.  Between myself and my PA, we see about 13,000 patient visits per year, so we are a busy practice.  The average age of my patients is 65 years old and the majority of these patient have insulin resistance and/or diabetes.   My concern was that we have a huge practice susceptible to severe COVID-19 infections.  However, amazingly in the first 12 months of this pandemic we only had 12 hospitalizations for COVID-19 infections and those were the patients who were not following a low carbohydrate or ketogenic diet and were not controlling their blood sugars or insulin levels.

As predicted, and like any coronavirus, yearly resurgence of the infection will re-occur.  We’ve seen about 15 new cases of COVID-19 in the office in the last four weeks which appear to correlate with the Delta Variant being seen in the hospital across the street from my office.  In the last month, we have seen a resurgence of COVID-19 infections, and five of my staff members were out of the office due to positive COVID-19 infections.  Symptoms lasted 3-14 days in my staff.   All of these patients and my staff were treated with my protocol and none have been hospitalized. 

I personally came down with a reoccurrence of the infection and had symptoms of sore throat, headache, sinus pressure, loss of taste & smell, and productive cough resolve within 72 hours following our treatment protocol.  Like the flu with over 600 variants, there are already 160+ variants of the COVID-19 virus around the world.   So, it is to be expected that we will see this yearly, much like we’ve seen the flu.

Because of my position on this particular vaccine and the influenza vaccine, many members of my church (who has heavily supported this vaccine) and the medical community have ostracized me and my family, as I’ve raised concerns and been vocal about this issue. And yet, a recent real world study in Israel of over 800,000 people demonstrates that those with natural immunity to COVID-19 have 13 times greater protection than those that are vaccinated.

I’ve Seen More Adverse Reaction to COVID-19 Vaccine Then Any Other Vaccine

In January, when the vaccine came out, I was interested in using this in our practice, but I had concerns regarding the untested delivery mechanism that this vaccine used and I was concerned that there were no clinical trials established at the time to know what to expect from this vaccine.

About 30-40% of my practice opted to get vaccinated.  And about 30% of my staff opted to get vaccinated as well.

Of great concern to me is that I have started seeing strange long-term vaccine reactions in those patients that got vaccinated:

  • I have three patient that had profound fatigue – literally could not get out of bed for 4-5 months after getting vaccinated.  Two of these patients are still experiencing these symptoms today.
  • I have two patients who had pericarditis/myocarditis from the vaccine (Now a Black Box Warning for these vaccines)
  • I have seven patients with persistent elevated D-Dimer levels 3-6 months after vaccination predisposing them to blood clots and pulmonary emboli.  Two actually had life threatening blood clots in the lungs. (Blood clots is also a Black Box Warning on these vaccines)
  • Four of these seven had colitis that persisted for 6-8 weeks that was unresponsive to antibiotic therapy.
  • And, one of these patients has symptoms of severe fatigue & tachycardia (rapid heart rate) upon standing that has yet to resolve.
  • I have two others that had spontaneous bruising over their lower extremities for 6 weeks associated with severe fatigue.

95% of the people that get vaccinated in my clinical experience seem to have no problem.   5% of patients have profound symptoms of illness as if they had a mild to moderate case of COVID-19 that can last up to 7 days.  

When I have commented about what I am seeing to my colleagues, they roll their eyes at me and blow it off.   And, behind my back, they tell others that I’m just blowing things out of proportion. Yet, the patients I have seen above are real and these symptoms have dramatically affected their lives, their families and their ability to work and provide a living for themselves.

Am I against getting vaccinated?  No, but I want people to clearly understand the risks and benefits of vaccination.  To date, there is still no package insert that is given to those receiving the vaccines, providing any warning, including the Black Box Warnings. And, the patients that have had adverse reactions have told me that they would never have considered getting vaccinated if they knew about the symptoms they were potentially going to experience.

Vaccine Guidance Got You Confused?

Do you find yourself confused about mixed guidance when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines and safety concerns?  You’re not alone.  Even we, as physicians, struggle to wade through the ever changing guidance, research and new adverse events popping up every day.

Today, the Surgeon General recommended that we as physicians try to calm your concerns about the vaccine and encourage you to get it. While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Surgeon General are marketing widespread use of the emergency-use vaccines in the U.S. for both old and young alike, many other countries are limiting COVID-19 vaccine use. Health officials around the world are giving varying advice on safety issues as COVID-19 vaccines are given to more people, and more information can be collected.

Below are summaries of some of the concerns as of July 15th, 2021, that have emerged or been raised by medical officials around the world.  I’ve written about many of them.  Hopefully, this summary gives you a good 30,000 foot perspective.


Fifty-seven authors from 17 countries have signed an endorsement urging that Covid-19 vaccinations be stopped unless new safety mechanisms are immediately implemented.

The authors include Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, who has called for a halt to vaccinating 30-year olds due to “no clinical benefit” and safety concerns.

In the United Kingdom, some scientists analyzed adverse event reports and called upon the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency to stop the Covid-19 vaccines as “not safe for human use” due to reports of issues with bleeding/clotting, pain, immune system, neurological, loss of sight/hearing/smell/speech, and questions about impact in pregnant women.

A petition of scientists led by Linda Wastila, Professor, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research University of Maryland School of Pharmacy is calling for Covid-19 vaccines to be disapproved.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome Autoimmune Paralysis

As of July 13th, 2021, the FDA issued a warning about Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis, in which the immune system attacks the body’s nerves, after immunization with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. According to reports, the cases have primarily been reported about two weeks after vaccination, mostly in men, and “any aged 50 and older.” The risk of contracting this syndrome is 3-5 times higher, meaning up to 10 out of every 100,000 vaccinated persons are at risk.

Numerous case reports of Guillain-Barre syndrome paralysis after Covid-19 vaccine have prompted scientists to warn that “all physicians” should be “vigilant in recognizing Guillain-Barre syndrome in patients who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine.”  Observations suggest that “this clinically distinct [Guillain-Barre syndrome] variant is more severe than usual and may require mechanical ventilation.”

In the U.K., scientists flagged “bifacial weakness and normal facial sensation in four men between 11 and 22 days after their first doses of the Astra-Zeneca vaccine.” A case has also been reported in a patient who got the Pfizer vaccine. In India, there are reports of seven severe cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome 10 to 14 days after the first dose of AstraZeneca’s vaccine. Six were women, all had facial paralysis, “all progressed to quadriplegia, and six required respiratory support. Patients’ ages ranged from 43 to 70. Four developed other cranial neuropathies, including abducens palsy and trigeminal sensory nerve involvement.”

Guillain-Barre syndrome has been reported after other mRNA vaccinations like Gardasil. The cause is believed to be damage to the immune system. The disorder can be extremely serious and can lead to total paralysis with dependence on artificial respiration. Even those who recover may have serious muscle wasting and may have to slowly teach the body to relearn most every normal task, such as walking.

Statistically, one in 20 cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome is fatal.

Heart Issues

The Food and Drug Administration has added a new warning to Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines about risk of heart inflammation.

As of June of 2021, CDC said that more than 1,200 cases of heart inflammation (myocarditis of pericarditis) in young people had been reported after Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccination.

  • More than half were after the second dose.
  • Most of the injuries are in males under age 30.

The Israeli Ministry of Health announced it’s monitoring for heart inflammation after Pfizer’s vaccine due to reports of problems.

Myocarditis and Other Cardiovascular Complications of the mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines [Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna] in a number of patients are described in a scientific article:

  • Two patients with clinically suspected myocarditis
  • One patient with stress cardiomyopathy 
  • Two patients with pericarditis 

According to the research: 

  • The two patients with clinically suspected myocarditis were otherwise healthy young men who presented with acute substernal chest pressure and/or dyspnea after receiving the second dose of the vaccine and were found to have diffuse ST elevations on electrocardiogram (ECG), elevated cardiac biomarkers and inflammatory markers, and mildly reduced left ventricular (LV) function on echocardiography. Both patients met the modified Lake Louise Criteria for acute myocarditis by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. 
  • A case of stress cardiomyopathy occurred in a 60-year-old woman with known coronary artery disease (CAD) and previously normal LV function, who presented with new exertional symptoms, ECG changes, and apical akinesis following the second dose of the vaccine. 
  • The two patients with pericarditis who presented with chest pain, elevated inflammatory markers, and pericardial effusions after receiving the vaccine.

Blood Clots

In late June, the first case of a blood clot disorder called “thrombosis with thrombocytopenia” after an RNA double-dose vaccine was been reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The case was that of a 65-year-old man who developed symptoms ten days after his second dose of the Moderna vaccine. Because the blood clot disorder was not previously warned about in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, doctors treated the patient with heparin, the very drug that’s not supposed to be used in post-vaccine patients suffering from the disorder because it could actually worsen the condition.

The Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine was temporarily removed from the market in the U.S. on April 16, 2021 while health officials studied reports of blood clot injuries. Among them was an 18-year old teen named Emma Burkey, who got sick about a week after the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine and ended up having three brain surgeries related to blood clots and seizures.

The Johnson and Johnson vaccine was allowed back on the market April 27, 2021 with new warnings about the disorder.

Swedish health officials determined that people under age 65 should not get the Johnson and Johnson vaccine due to reports of blood clots.

An editorial published in the Journal of the American Medical Association recommended women under age 50 avoid the Johnson and Johnson Covid-19 vaccine due to concerns about blood clots. The recommendation discussed 12 case reports of a blood disorder known as cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) with thrombocytopenia following the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine (not currently approved in the U.S.) has been linked to a dangerous disorder involving blood clots with low blood platelets. On April 7, 2021, the European Medicines Agency says it made the association after it analyzed 62 cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis and 24 cases of splanchnic vein thrombosis reported in the EU drug safety database (EudraVigilance) as of March 22, 2021. Eighteen of these cases of were fatal.

An otherwise healthy South Florida doctor, Gregory Michael, died of a brain hemorrhage 16 days after he got Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine. Authorities concluded he died of a blood disorder called “immune thrombocytopenia” (ITP) that can prevent blood from clotting and cause internal bleeding. His wife said a blood test showed the level of his platelets to be at “zero.” She said before the shot, Dr. Michael had “absolutely no medical issues” and no underlying conditions. However, authorities later categorized his death as “natural.”

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a Canadian physician with 28 years of medical practice, was relived from hospital duty and placed on a gag order after sounding the alarm that 62% of the 900 dose of the Moderna Vaccine he gave in his office caused an elevated D-Dimer test, implying microscopic clotting throughout the body.

I’ve personally seen and treated five patients with elevated D-dimer and abnormal blood clotting post COVID-19 vaccination in the last 6 months. These clots have occurred with 4 hours to 2 weeks after vaccination in otherwise healthy patients with no other risk of clotting.

In Spain, the AstraZeneca shot has been restricted in people under age 60 due to reports of blood clots in younger people.

Bulgaria, Iceland and Norway have halted AstraZeneca shots. 

Austria, Italy and Romania banned certain “lots” or batches of the AstraZeneca shots.

Denmark stopped using the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine altogether as well as the Johnson and Johnson vaccine after investigations into blood clots, saying “the benefits of using the COVID-19 vaccine from Johnson & Johnson do not outweigh the risk of causing the possible adverse effect in those who receive the vaccine.”

The Italian government recently restricted AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine to adults over age 60 after a teenager who got the shot died from a rare form of blood clotting. Eighteen-year-old Camilla Canepa died after getting vaccinated May 25, 2021. 

Several other European countries have also stopped giving the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine to people below a certain age, usually ranging from 50 to 65. 

Grave’s disease Autoimmune Disorder

Studies in Mexico and Turkey link the autoimmune thyroid disorder Grave’s disease to Covid-19 vaccination in numerous female health care workers, including two who were breastfeeding. Pfizer-BioNTech was the vaccine given in Mexico. A Chinese vaccine was given in Turkey. Read more here.

Frail & Elderly

Health officials in Norway sounded the alarm after 23 patients died shortly after getting the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. They advise doctors to use caution in administering the shot to “very frail elderly patients.” 

After investigating 13 of the deaths, the Norwegian authorities concluded that common side effects from so-called “RNA” vaccines may be too much for a frail elderly person to handle, and may contribute to their death. 

“There is a possibility that these common adverse reactions, that are not dangerous in fitter, younger patients and are not unusual with vaccines, may aggravate underlying disease in the elderly,” said Steinar Madsen, medical director of the Norwegian Medicines Agency.

CDC said it is monitoring the impact of the vaccines on already-frail patients such as the chronically ill in nursing homes.

Several clusters of elderly patients in U.S. nursing homes died after Pfizer or Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. In one group, a number of the patients who died tested positive for Covid-19 after vaccination.

Pregnant Women

Several Brazilian states suspended use of AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine for pregnant women in May 2021 after a pregnant woman died after getting vaccinated. The decisions follow the recommendation of the country’s National Health Surveillance Agency, which recommended “immediate suspension” of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine for pregnant women after results of vaccine adverse events monitoring in the country.

CDC says that with limited data on impact of Covid-19 vaccine in pregnant women and on their unborn children, the decision on whether to vaccinate while pregnant is an individual decision to be made between a woman and her physician.


CDC falsely claimed that studies showed Covid-19 vaccines are effective for those who already had Covid-19. In fact, studies showed the opposite.

Manufacturing Problems

On June 11, the European Union’s drug regulator announced it will not use batches of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine that were made at a Baltimore, Maryland-based plant around the time that cross-contamination manufacturing problems were reported at the facility.

Anonymous sources claimed that up to 60 million doses of the Johnson and Johnson vaccine had to be thrown out. But the FDA issued a news release saying that two batches from the Baltimore plant were safe to use. The FDA said “several other batches are not suitable for use, but additional batches are still under review.”

Lack of Immunity

Israel announced that about half of the adults infected with Covid-19 during its outbreak in the June 2021 time period were fully vaccinated. The fully-vaccinated individuals had gotten Pfizer’s shots.

According to Epoch Times, in June 2021 nearly 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts tested positive for Covid-19. On April 30, “the CDC reported that some 10,626 breakthrough cases were reported in 46 states and territories.” Breakthrough cases are where fully vaccinated people still end up infected with Covid-19.

Scientists hoped that Covid-19 vaccines would be effective in variants of Covid-19, which are mutations that occur naturally with viruses and were always expected with Covid-19. However, the vaccine effectiveness against variants may be limited. CDC and vaccine makers are studying the medical landscape to find out more. Other states, such as Maine, are noting Covid-19 deaths occurring in fully vaccinated people.