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Every American Parent Needs To Hear This

Today during the Senate Health Committee Hearing, Senator Rand Paul noted that the current administration and CDC recommends that everyone over age five get vaccinated against the coronavirus, including taking a booster shot. “Are you aware of any studies that show reduction in hospitalization or death for children who take a booster?” Paul asked.

“Right now, there’s not enough data that has been accumulated, Senator Paul, to indicate that that’s the case,” Fauci answered.

To be fair, the CDC, the FDA, medical societies (including AAFP and ACP) and many health systems around the country recommend COVID-19 vaccination to those 6 months and older. These recommendation are all based upon the CDC and FDA data. These recommendation come in light of the fact that “there is not enough data to indicate children should be taking a booster.”

If you are a patient, parent or grandparent, please take seven minutes and watch this set of questions closely. Your health and the health of your children depends on it.

I have been criticized by my medical colleagues and specialists, about holding these concerns regarding the risks of COVID-19 vaccination. Yet, I’ve had over twenty patients with significant adverse and life threatening reactions in my office due to the vaccine. As a physician, my first duty is to do no harm. Yet, I am being threatened on all sides because I don’t just roll over and lend my support to this vaccine. I am told that my concern about the CDC vaccination recommendations for children are unfounded.

My concern about these vaccines is identical to that of Senator Rand Paul’s. Namely, there are no actual medical studies that COVID vaccination for children and those under age 24 years old are at risk of death or hospitalization warranting a booster vaccine, especially a vaccine that comes with significant health risks.

When 75% of the U.S. population has already had COVID and has antibodies from the exposure and/or infection, there is NO legitimate medical reason to vaccinate this age group. As of today, the Director of the NIH, Dr. Anthony Fauci himself, cannot give legitimate reason for vaccinating this age group. Yet he and the CDC have approved these vaccines and recommend that children be fully vaccinated.

The COVID Vaccine Horror Story

A very troubling trend has occurred in the last six months.  I’m now seeing those who were vaccinated and boosted testing positive for COVID-19 more often than the unvaccinated.  Is it a coincidence, or is there a connection between the number of shots you receive and your risk for COVID and other severe diseases?  The numbers say it’s more than a coincidence.

Speaking about this publicly and sharing my experiences on this subject has cause me to be ostracized from many of my peer groups, be reported to the medical board, receive condemnation from religious leaders, condemnation from many “so called” friends and even members of my own family.  Yet, I cannot deny what I am seeing with my own eyes.  In my office alone, we had multiple cases of myocarditis, colitis, blood clots, chronic fatigue due to vaccination with a recent uptick in COVID positive cases in those who have been vaccinated.  More and more data appears, demonstrating that I’m not alone in this finding.

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention data, more than 1 million excess deaths – that is deaths in excess of the historical averages – have been recorded since the COVID-19 pandemic began two years ago. These are excess deaths from heart disease, high blood pressure, dementia, worsening obesity and many other illnesses [1, 2].

“We’ve never seen anything like it,” Robert Anderson, CDC’s head of mortality statistics, told The Washington Post in mid-February 2022 [3].  University of Warwick researchers stated, “the scale of excess non-COVID deaths is large enough to be seen as its own pandemic” [4].  A number of explanations including lockdowns and other COVID restrictions have been proposed, but another looming factor no one is talking about appears to be at play.

As I have been watching the trends across the world, death rates have risen in tandem with COVID vaccine administration.  The most-jabbed areas have surpassed the least-jabbed areas in terms of excess mortality and COVID-related deaths.   This doesn’t correlate at all with the official claims touted across the media and social media sites that the vaccination prevents severe COVID infection and lowers your risk of death from COVID or all other causes [5].

If You Were Boosted, You’re Now At the Highest Risk of COVID

Many of my, and the experts I closely follow, worst fears are coming to fruition.  Fully vaccinated individuals are now more likely to be infected with COVID variants and are more likely to die, whether from COVID or from some other cause.  This is what we feared and now it’s happening.

Jeffery Jaxen, an investigative journalist, reported Walgreens’ COVID-19 tracker data that COVID vaccinated people are testing positive for COVID at higher rates than the unvaccinated [6].

During the week of April 19-25th, 2022, 13% of unvaccinated tested positive for COVID (Omicron being the primary variant).  Of those receiving two does over five months ago, 23.1% were positive.  And, those who have had a third dose, over five months prior were 26.3% positive.   Data demonstrates that those who have been boosted are at the greatest risk of reinfection with COVID and its variants.

According to Jaxen, two doses was protective for a short while, but after five months, it becomes more harmful.  The group faring the worse is the 12 to 17 age group cohort where after the second and third doses positive cases shoot up after the fifth month [7].

Death by Vaccination in the UK

An even greater trend is being seen in the U.K.  Data from the Office for National Statistics illustrates increased all-cause mortality based on vaccination status.  In Jaxen’s compilation of the data below, bars going up are good, bars going down are indicative of increased death by all causes based on vaccination status [8].

As you can see, the trend is just getting worse.  Mortality is between 100-300% greater in those who had their first dose of the vaccine more than 21 days ago.  Risk for death from all causes is significantly elevated in those that were vaccinated with their second dose more than six months ago.

More Jabbed, More COVID Deaths

Don’t believe me, look that the two videos below demonstrating the rate of excess death from all causes and how it suddenly trends with the rate of COVID vaccination.  I wish I was wrong, but the data tells a gruesome story that no one is talking about.

The first video below is an animated illustration[9] from Our World In Data, first showing the vaccination rates of South America, North America, Europe and Africa, from mid-December 2020 through the third week of April 2022, followed by the cumulative confirmed COVID deaths per million in those countries during that same timeframe.

Africa has had a consistently low vaccination rate throughout, while North America, Europe and South America all have had rapidly rising vaccination rates. Africa has also had a consistently low COVID mortality rate, although a slight rise began around September 2021. Still, it’s nowhere near the COVID death rates of North America, South America and Europe, all of which saw dramatic increases.


The second video below is from Our World In Data [10], first showing the excess death rate in the U.S. (the cumulative number of deaths from all causes compared to projections based on previous years), between January 26, 2020, and January 30, 2022, followed by an illustration of the tandem rise of vaccine doses administered and the excess mortality rate. It clearly shows that as vaccination rates rose, so did the excess mortality rate.

Risk-Benefit Analysis Says the COVID Jab Shouldn’t Happen

Risk-benefit analysis demonstrates that with very few exceptions, COVID vaccinations do more harm than good.   For example, a risk-benefit analysis by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and independent researcher Kathy Dopp, published in mid-February 2022, concluded that the COVID jab is deadlier than COVID-19 itself for anyone under the age of 80 [11].

Even this data is conservative as it ignores the fact that adverse events from the vaccine like blood clots, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), Bell’s Palsy, and other vaccine-induced injury can lead to shortened life spans.

When you take into consideration that there is a 90% decrease in the risk of COVID-19 death with early treatment given to high risk persons, one can only conclude that mandates of COVID-19 inoculations are ill-advised.  For most age groups with the emergence of anitibody-resistant variants like Delta and Omicron, COVID-19 vaccine inoculations result in higher death rates than COVID-19 does for the unvaccinated [11].

Even more concerning is that the U.K. data above demonstrates the increased risk of death by all causes is 300% greater for those who got a second dose more than six months ago.

Teens Are at Dramatic Risk of Death from the Vaccine

Analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) by researchers Spiro Pantazantos and Herve Seligmann point out that shots ONLY increase the risk of death from COVID-19 if you are under age 18 years old. There is no point at which a single COVID vaccine dose prevented a single COVID death in this age group no matter how many children under 18 we vaccinated [12].

If you’re under 18 years old, you’re 51 times more likely to die from the COVID vaccination than you are to die from an infection with COVID if not vaccinated.

Stop for just a second and re-read that statement above.

In the 18 to 29 age range, the shot will kill 16 for every person it saves from dying from COVID, and in the 30 to 39 age range, the expected number of vaccine fatalities to prevent a single COVID death is 15.  That is, 15 people will die from the vaccine for every one death it prevents.   If that doesn’t scare the $#!$ out of you, I don’t know what will.  Because, as physician in the trenches dealing with these reactions for the last 2 years, this is what keeps me awake at night.

Only when you get to the 60 year old and older categories does the risk between vaccination and COVID infection even come close to leveling out.   In the 60-69 age group the shot will kill one person for every person it saves from a COVID death.  So, it’s really a game of Russian Roulette as to whether is might be worth it for a given person to get vaccinated.

Now, patients are showing up in my office asking if they should get a fourth dose.   My answer is a resounding “Hell NO!”

How Many Body’s Are You Willing To Sacrifice?

We have access to the risk-benefit analysis by researchers in Germany and The Netherlands. This analysis was initially published June 24, 2021, in the Journal Vaccines [13]. The paper caused an uproar among the editorial board, with some of them resigning in protest [14].

In the end, the journal simply retracted it — a strategy that appears to have become the norm among the medical literature community.

After a thorough re-review, the paper was republished in the August 2021 issue of Science, Public Health Policy and the Law [15].  The analysis found that, “very likely for three deaths prevented by vaccination we will have to accept that about two people die as a consequence of these vaccinations,” the authors wrote in a Letter to the Editor of Clinical and Translational Discovery [16].

While a much better system for monitoring vaccine safety is essential, there is no doubt that the COVID vaccines are ill-advised for most people.  I surmise to say that in years to come, our children and grandchildren will look back at this period in time in horror, vowing never to repeat it.


  1. S. CDC, Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19
  2. MarketWatch February 16, 2022
  3. The Washington Post February 15, 2022
  4. Studies in Microeconomics October 19, 2021
  5. CDC MMWR October 29, 2021; 70(43): 1520-1524
  6. Walgreens COVID-19 Index Data
  7. Bad Cattitude Substack – April 15, 2022
  8. gov.uk Deaths by Vaccination Status
  9. Twitter TexasLindsay April 23, 2022
  10. Twitter TexasLindsay April 25, 2022
  11. COVID-19 and All-Cause Mortality Data Analysis by Kathy Dopp and Stephanie Seneff
  12. COVID Vaccination and Age-Stratified All-Cause Mortality Risk
  13. Vaccines 2021; 9(7):693
  14. Science, Public Health Policy and the Law – August 2021; 3:81-86.
  15. Science, Public Health Policy and the Law – August 2021; 3:87-89.
  16. Clinical and Translational Discovery, February 25, 2022; 2(1); e35