I am always fascinate when religious or spiritual topics collide with medical evidences and/or disease. I am convinced that “the natural man” has trouble recognizing that all things are spiritual unto God (1 Corinthians 2:14). Unfortunately, training in medicine often attempts to “educate the spirituality out of you.”
However, this week,and in church today, I’ve been reading about “signs of the times.” Of interest, and something that I’ve been pondering, is the statement made in Luke 21:25-26 where the Savior, Jesus Christ, specifically foretells the signs of His Second Coming. Among the perplexities and distress outlined, one statement stands out this week and has been the food of much thought, “Men’s hears failing them for fear,…” (Luke 21:26).
This food for thought is actually what directed me to this verse, as I’ve had a number of people express notable fear and worry over whether their diet is correct, because so much miss-information abounds in society today. Argument, stress and fear over diet, apparently, is not new and was something that even Paul noticed and wrote about in his Epistle to the Romans (Romans 14:1-3).
Stress and fear are two of the biggest hindrances to health and weight loss in my office. The most common non-food cause of failing to maintain ketosis while living a ketogenic lifestyle is stress. Stress is often due to fear. Men, and women alike, become fearful because they seem to:
Forget their Purpose
Forget their Identity
When heartache arise from illness, injury, disability, death, divorce, wayward children and the other innumerable causes, stress and fear abound. Worry about diet and health, in a time when so much contradictory advise is at our fingertips, adds to that fear.
When we forget our purpose and our identity, three symptoms arise both physically and spiritually:
Apathy toward some or all parts of life (“It’s just going to change again so why even care . . ?”)
A mental slumber due to temporal or carnal pacification (“I can just eat and/or drink my problems away”)
Fear of change and the pain or effort it may take to make a change (“I don’t have the will-power to change anymore.”)
The scriptures call this “weak hands & feeble knees” (Isaiah 35:3), and we in medicine refer to this as dysthymia, the first step in progression toward chronic depression and/or anxiety.
These symptoms all increase chronic levels of cortisol and insulin. Amplified “brain fog,” weight gain, and inflammation are physical responses to the mental fear that is chronically unresolved. These symptoms just add to the apathy, mental slumber and fear of pain that was already present.
The problem is that over time, this progressive triad lead down the hormonal path to what we now call atherosclerosis, narrowing of the blood vessels, increasing the risk for heart attack, heart failure and stroke. This was seen in Hippocrates day as “sudden death related to episodes of chest distress” (Leibowitz, 1970). The Italian anatomist Giovanni Morgagni (1682-1771) described it in his day as “the force of the heart decreases so much more in proportion as the greater number of its parts becomes tendonous instead of being fleshy.”
First, realize that the problems you are facing have been faced by millions of human beings and you are not alone. But, to paraphrase Irene Dunne, if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.
I no longer believe in coincidence. Whether you have thought about it or not, every interaction you have with others (even our interaction . . . your reading this blog), are not by coincidence. There is a reason. Whether you believe it or not, everything around us testifies that God exists; the Hand of Providence can be seen from the rotation of the earth, planets and stars, the precision of the seasons, the balance of the atmosphere allowing for the perfect pressures and concentration of elements to sustain a life giving breath, to the perfect replication of DNA within billions of cells throughout the body.
I’m not trying to get religious, and, no, I can’t prove this through the scientific method . . . But, that is just the point. Hands are weak because of lack of faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidences of which are not yet seen. Even though we do not see the evidences, we can discern the light and that gives hope. Hope is a substance that gives purpose. I can strengthen hands by sharing a little light and stabilize knees through friendship and fellowship (Romans 14:1).
If the Big Bang started the universe, what started the Big Bang? Where did the first atom or molecule or particle of dust come from? I have a very difficult time accepting that you and I are here by accident, by a chaotic explosion that created order. That implies that there must be a plan, and that plan had to have been set in motion by a Creator. You and I have a place in that plan. That also implies that that Creator placed solutions to our challenges, including the diseases of civilization, within our grasp and available to those seeking the solutions upon the earth today.
Second, today’s society teaches the Pleasure Principle. This is the human instinct to seek pleasure and avoid pain, including avoiding painful recollections. We often define ourselves by those things that bring us pleasure. We each go through personal tests, failures and triumphs. Some of us harness all of those experiences for good, others find worsening mental paralysis due to fear of them. We often hide from the painful experiences and attempt to bury or forget them. Food is often involved with many of the experiences of life, and for a significant number of people, the endorphin release from eating a meal, sometimes just the act of chewing, may be the only pleasure one experience in a day, in a week or a in a year. Many people hide from painful recollections behind the simple pleasure produced by the eating of “comfort foods.” Food, and our opportunities to experience pleasure from it’s various flavors, textures and physical stimulus, begin to define us. However, hiding from life’s painful memories with momentary pleasures usually prolongs or makes the problem worse. The ingestion of simple foods containing glucose and fructose, their effect on the liver, and the hedonistic hormonal response is the basis of addiction, and simple carbohydrates provide the perfect fix.
Fascinatingly, when fructose is metabolized in the liver, in the presence of glucose (the basic structure of sugar – one fructose molecule bound to a glucose molecule), the byproduct has a hedonic (pleasure experiencing) effect on the exact same pleasure receptors in the brain that bind to morphine. Yes, that’s why the M&M’s make you forget your troubles and why the Jolly Rancher is so jolly. And, its the same reason you crave another do-nut two hours after you ate the entire baker’s dozen.
Healing can only occur when one is willing to confront and talk about the reasons, the real reasons you’d rather experience the endorphins from the do-nuts with your family instead of acknowledge your weakness, stresses, and fears. Many of us are so afraid of where we might be, we avoid acknowledging where and who we are. It takes courage not to take the easy path. And I will be the first to admit, pizza is the easy path and it’s scenic views are decorated with french fry palms and sunset clouds of apple fritters.
Third, many cultures and most forms of religion or spirituality incorporate the use of fasting to one degree or another. Why fasting? Well, it removes the effect of the pleasure principle for starters.
Fasting is also a simple and inexpensive method of shifting the body’s metabolism to one of ketosis. Spiritual, physical and mental clarity are more prominent in the ketotic state. Finding your identity and purpose are often encouraged while fasting. In fact, a whole chapter in the Old Testament’s Book of Isaiah is dedicated to the powerful effects of fasting and the ketogenic state it produces (Isaiah 58:3-12).
Your life is never without meaning. Keep it real by recognizing that diet alone may not compete your answer for physical health. Having courage and faith allow you to see and embrace the truth that is right in front of you. The Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12 step program only becomes successful when one realistically and courageously applies their faith to align with the truth they have felt all along. For any long-term lifestyle change to take place, one must connect and live the principles before one truly knows they are true. In this way the Ketogenic Lifestyle becomes real and men’s hearts are less likely to fail them. You can start here: The Principle Based KetoDynamic Lifestyle.
A patient recently asked me how bad being in nutritional ketosis was for her. I responded that the worse problem I’ve seen recently is the patient that broke his toe when he slipped on bacon grease. Are there risks with a ketogenic diet? Yes, but these usually only occur when you cheat or fall off the wagon. What problems can arise? Lets talk about them individually.
First, as I stated above, make sure you don’t slip on bacon the grease. It really can be an issue if you’re not used to using increased amounts of fat in your kitchen. So, be prepared for how to cook and use fat. Grandma understood this well, we could learn a great deal from her if you ask her about using bacon grease.
Second, let’s define the difference between ketosis and keto-acidosis and try to clarify the misinformation that is being spread around the blogosphere.
A ketone is a molecule the body produces from the breakdown of fat (specifically triglycerides) and some proteins (amino acids). There are specifically three types of ketones: beta-hydroxybutyric acid, acetoacetic acid and acetone. If ketosis was “bad,” then why would our bodies produce these molecules? They are not bad, and in fact, multiple studies show that the body is often more efficient in weight loss, inflammatory reduction, bowel function, epigenetic influence and maintenance of lean body mass more effectivly when it functions on ketones rather than glucose as its primary fuel source. You can see these studies here, here, here and here.
The body can only supply a limited amount of sugar or glucose for fuel. If you talk to runners, marathoners or triathletes, they will tell you that after about 45-90 minutes of continuous endurance exercise the glucose supply runs out and they will experience what is termed a “bonk” (have a low-blood sugar or hypoglycemic episode). Unfortunately, our bodies can only store about 18-24 hours of glucose.
However, the body can store days upon days of fat in the form of triglyceride in the fat cells. Triglyceride is broken down into ketones. If glucose is the “unleaded” fuel, you can think of ketones as the “diesel fuel” that is easier to store and runs longer.
The average body functioning on ketones as the primary fuel will have a ketone level measured in the blood somewhere between 0.4 and 4 mmol/L. Because of a balance that is created by the use of ketones and a feedback mechanism that kicks in when the ketone level rises, the body will maintain a pH of around 7.4.
Ketoacidosis is dramatically different. If you are a type I diabetic, you don’t produce any insulin. The feedback mechanism regulating ketone use is broken and the ketone levels and triglyceride breakdown speeds up because the body can’t access glucose and can’t produce insulin. The ketone levels spike and the level can rise to > 25 mmol/L. In the presence of a high blood sugar and high ketone level, the acid level in the blood shifts to a pH of less than 7.3. This is referred to as metabolic acidosis and can be life threatening as the low pH shuts down the bodies’ enzymatic processes and a person becomes critically ill and without treatment, can die. Further information on ketoacidosis can be found here.
If you’re not a type I diabetic, you have nothing to worry about. Regardless of what the “ketogenic nay-sayers” blog about, your liver makes approximately 240g of glucose per day, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, this stimulates a basal release of insulin which keeps the pH in check. It’s also what keeps weight loss at a consistent pace of around 2-10 lbs per month.
If you are a type I diabetic, don’t fret. Carbohydrate restriction can still be used very effectively. It just takes some balancing and understanding of your individual metabolism. It does require close blood sugar and insulin monitoring. If you are a Type I diabetic, please talk to your physician, obesity specialist and/or bariatrician about how to follow a carbohydrate restricted diet while using insulin. It can be done and it can be done very effectively, but monitoring is essential.
What are the other potential problems that can arise when you follow a ketogenic diet?
Gastrointestinal (GI) Disturbances – Yes. Any time you change your diet you may experience diarrhea, constipation or gassiness. Most of the time, this is because you are either 1) not eating enough leafy greens (fiber) or 2) you’re using a supplement that contains an artificial sweetener. Most of the studies on ketogenic diets did not incorporate fiber and the studies used to make this point were on children who used a ketogenic fat supplement shake or liquid preparations containing these artificial sweeteners to make them palatable. If you have spoken to any obesity specialist, they will tell you, the best way to follow a ketogenic diet is to eat real food. If you want to read about the anecdotal GI effects of sweeteners, read the comment section in Amazon about the Haribo Sugar Free Gummy Bears.
Oh, by the way, 65% of patients in my practice following ketogenic diet see improvement in gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) symptoms. This was seen in a 2006 study looking at ketogenic diets and reflux.
Hair Loss/Thinning– Yes. This does happen initially and if you are not eating enough fat. It is important to note that hair loss/thinning can occur with any form of weight loss. You can see data on this here. Hair loss is very common if you are restricting calories, which was occurring in a number of the ketogenic dietary studies previously published. You do not, and should not, need to “restrict calories” if you are following a ketogenic diet correctly, and in fact, most people take in more than 1800 calories on a ketogenic diet.
Inflammation Risk– In every patient that I have placed on a ketogenic diet in the last 10 years, all inflammatory markers including CRP, Sedimentation Rate, Apo B, HOMA-IR and Uric Acid have all decreased. Inflammation gets better on an appropriately formulated ketogenic diet. The older studies of ketogenic diets in children contain most of their fat from Omega-6 fatty acids from vegetable oil which will increase inflammation and oxidative stress, spike the cortisol levels and have the secondary effect of actually raising the triglycerides. You can find more information on this here & here.
Kidney Stones/Gout – These (kidney stones & gout) are both commonly caused by spikes in uric acid. As noted above, I’ve seen multiple cases in my practice where a ketogenic diet lowers uric acid. Only a small clinical trial has been published in the literature (and it wasn’t truely ketogenic), but the results point to the potential for ketogenic diets to lower uric acid. Ketogenic diets also have the capacity to lower the formation of calcium oxalate stones through a secondary mechanism where calcium oxalate formation is driven by uric acid formation. Older small case reports in the pediatric seizure literature identify calcium oxalate stones, however, dehydration (too little fluid/water intake) is the primary cause of kidney stones.
So, are ketogenic dietary patients at risk? Only if you cheat on your carbohydrate restriction and you let yourself get dehydrated. So, I warn patients. Don’t cheat and make sure your drinking adequate amounts of water.
Muscle Cramps/Weakness– The process of weight loss occurs by burning fat into CO2 and water. We breathe the CO2 out, but the water produced has to follow salts out through the kidneys. Hence, we lose water and salts. This can cause weakness and muscle cramps. The solution? Stop restricting salt on a low carbohydrate diet. We are the only mammal that restricts salt and we do it because low-fat diets cause us to retain water. Low carbohydrate diets do the opposite. Use sea salt or sip beef or chicken bouillon broth with your dinner. You may consider adding magnesium to your diet. The use of yellow mustard also helps (the small amount of quinine in yellow mustard stops the cramping). If you have congestive heart failure, talk to your doctor about monitoring your salt intake in balance with your diuretic or water pill.
Hypoglycemia– If you read the ketogenic diet research, most of it was done on epileptic children. The diets called for a period of starvation, and then the introduction of a ketogenic liquid based shake following the John’s Hopkin’s protocol. It is a well-known fact in medicine that starvation in children can frequently cause hypoglycemia, especially in children with other genetic or congenital defects leading to forms of epilepsy. In clinical practice, with ketogenic diet use in adults, hypoglycemia is rare. The only time I see hypoglycemia is when patient’s with significant insulin resistance or diabetes cheat on a large amount of carbohydrate and get a secondary insulin surge leading to hypoglycemia 3-5 hours after cheating.
Low Platelet Count (Thrombocytopenia)– Again, this was seen in epileptic children who were placed into starvation first, then introduced a liquid fat replacement shake to stop intractable seizures. These liquids or shakes were often nutrient deficient in other essentials. Folic acid, B12 and copper deficiency can occur when not eating “real food.” Low platelet counts are rarely seen on ketogenic diets based around “real food.” Many children in the ketogenic studies had been on or were concomitantly on valproic acid for their seizures. Valproic acid is commonly known to cause thrombocytopenia and this is another reason that thrombocytopenia was seen in this population. (Barry-Kravis E et al, Bruising and the ketogenic diet: evidence for diet-induced changes in platelet function. Ann Neurol. 2001 Jan;49(1):98-103.; Kraut E, Easy Bruising, http://www.uptodate.com, May 2015.)
Impaired Concentration/Mood– A number of patients starting carbohydrate restriction will go through 2-4 weeks of carbohydrate withdrawal. This carbohydrate withdrawl can be experienced just as powerfully as morphine withdrawal in some patients. Sugar is a drug and has a powerful effect on the same hedonic receptors that morphine does in the brain. Some patients will experience headache, tremor and decreased concentration while “withdrawing” off of starches and carbohydrates. Studies show that after the 4-8 week period of keto-adaptation, cognitive function dramatically improves.
Easy Bruising – This is usually due to inadequate protein supplementation as was the case in much of the ketogenic literature where protein levels were also restricted. (Kraut E, Easy Bruising, http://www.uptodate.com, May 2015.)
Pancreatitis – Patients who are insulin resistant or have impaired fasting glucose commonly have high triglycerides. Elevation in triglycerides itself is a cause of pancreatitis. Ketogenic diets lower the triglycerides. However, if a patient has not been following their diet as directed, spikes in the triglycerides can occur placing the person at risk for pancreatitis.
Long QT Intervals/Heart Arrhythmias – The list of things causing Long QT intervals and abnormal heart rhythms is long and variable (Acquired Long QT Syndrome. Berul C et al. www.uptodate.com, May 2015). It is well know that starvation, rapid weight loss and liquid protein diets can cause a delay in the conduction signal in the heart. Anyone wishing to start any diet should have an electrocardiogram (EKG) through their doctor to ensure that the diet (of any type) doesn’t exacerbate a prolonged QT interval.
Cardiomyopathy– Prolonged QT intervals have been associated with cardiomyopathy and the former can stimulate the later. Any diet that has the potential to prolong a QT interval has the potential to cause cardiomyopathy. Hence the need for regular EKG monitoring on any diet (Acquired Long QT Syndrome. Berul C et al. www.uptodate.com, May 2015).
Lipid/Cholesterol Changes – In the 10 years I have been prescribing ketogenic diets to patients, I have seen dramatic improvement in the triglycerides, small dense LDL particle and HDL levels. The only time triglycerides rise over 100 is if the patient is using artificial sweeteners, is cheating on the carbohydrate restriction, or is taking in too much protein. Total cholesterol commonly rises, however, this is indicative of the fact that there is a shift in the LDL particle size and this affects the calculation of both total cholesterol and LDL-C. In light of this, most of my patients have dramatic improvement in triglycerides and small dense LDL particle number.
Myocardial Infarction – In older papers, elevated total cholesterol was noted and the authors made the “assumption” that myocardial infarction “could” be a risk. We now recognize that elevated Total Cholesterol is NOT a causitive risk for heart disease.
These previous assumptions have been interpreted by the blogosphere ketogenic “nay-sayers” as actual risk. However, a correlation and causation was never made. Again, in the 10 years I have been using and prescribing ketogenic diets, I have seen dramatic improvement in cholesterol profiles, inflammatory markers, atherosclerosis and carotid intimal studies (Shai I et al, Circulation 2010; 121:1200-1208).
Menstrual Irregularities / Amenorrhea– It is well known that any diet causing protein or other nutritional deficiency will affect the menstrual cycle first and growth in stature second. The only time menstrual irregularities occur with a ketogenic or Low-Carb diet is when a patient is not taking in enough protein and/or fat, and is not eating real food. What amazes me is that a properly applied ketogenic diet actually causes normalization of the menstrual cycle, and in my practice, I’ve had a number of women successfully be able to conceive after making a ketogenic dietary change.
Is a ketogenic diet bad for you? You be the judge.
If you are following a ketogenic diet correctly and with real food, the only thing you really need to worry about is slipping on bacon grease.
In an era where over 70% of us (35.7% obesity & 34% overweight in 2015 according to the CDC) have started to resemble the food pyramid, seeing the effect of a carbohydrate heavy diet should give a clue.
Our bodies were meant to burn ketones. We have a parallel system within us designed to use ketones as an energy source. Ketones are faster and more efficient than the way our bodies use glucose. Ketones give you 38% more energy than you can get from glucose. We as a society are following a deceptive food pyramid.
When we limit or remove carbohydrate from our diet, we are left with ketones as a primary fuel. It is time that we recognize what Dr. Yudkin was trying to tell us in 1970’s, that our carbohydrate and sugar intake is the driver for heart disease, diabetes and the diseases of civilization. (Yudkin, John. Sweet and dangerous: the new facts about the sugar you eat as a cause of heart disease, diabetes, and other killers. PH Wyden, 1972.)