I have been very vocal this week about the new narrative for racism that permeates every air-wave and smartphone across the country, “The criminal justice system is to blame.” The logic states that Black men are being rounded up for little reason by a White-run criminal justice system dedicated to the eradication of a burgeoning minority middle class. If it weren’t for the dastardly system, all would be well. All is to blame on “white privilege” they claim. And, the narrative is being driving by the organization called Black Lives Matters.

A significant number of the ketogenic and carnivore world “elites” have significant buy in to this narrative and have come down hard on my position during the last week. I’ve been called a white racial supremacist, a bigot, a fanatic, and I’ve even had a few death threats arise in my “in-box” because I disagree with the agenda of this organization. But those of you who know me, know that I don’t make statements lightly. Any time I take a position, it will be based in scientific fact.
All of this has occurred as protests, riots, looting and murder have flooded the news, social media feeds and airwaves of the world. Anger that justice has not been served was the initial outcry. True it is that any life unjustly taken deserves restitution. Yet, in the attempt to make things right, I refuse to join with a movement that stands for nearly everything wrong and evil in this world.
As of today, more innocent lives have been taken (20 as of today’s count) since these violent protests began over the horrible death of George Floyd. But what about the other black lives that have been lost in the chaos. What about the Black business owners that lost their businesses? What about the families of those that lost fathers and mothers to this violence in response to violence?

“Dr. Nally, you don’t have to agree with everything. Just because it’s on their website, doesn’t make them bad. Just agree with the good things this movement is doing. Just drop to a knee with your sign and show your support for the good parts,” I’ve been told by quite a few people I used to admire.
Let’s apply that logic to other examples. Would you hold your church social on the lawn of the Playboy Mansion because Hugh Hefner was a Methodist who believed in God and had a copy of “The Purpose Driven Life” on his nightstand table?
I am not a racist. Just because I disagree with your position on social justice does not make me a racist either. The definition of racism is the belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities, and that racial differences produce an inherent prejudicial superiority of a particular race. I do not view, interact with or treat anyone of a different skin color any differently than I would treat my own family.
This may offend you, but according to scientific evidence, “white privilege” isn’t real. If it were a real issue, you would not see statistical success of the Asian populations in the United States. Just look at the graph of ethnic incomes below.
And, it’s not just income. Asian students score higher on educational testing like the SAT. How does the argument of “white privilege” explain this anomaly? It doesn’t. If race provided privilege, then these graphs would be notably different.
Those of us that have been raised to abide the law, pay our taxes, set aside our instinctual urge to provide justice by allowing for due process in the civilization we’ve contributed to, act with civility toward leadership, give honor to the experience of our parents and our elders, follow basic civil instructions, provide for our families, protect them and serve our neighbor are horrified that someone would claim we are “subconsciously racist.” This is an attack on and an attempt to verbally disarm the good men and women of this country by creating guilt, claiming that because of your heritage, a part of you is unwilling to protect your neighbor.
Because of this, I cannot sit idly by and watch this country spiral down the drain without making my position loud and clear. Based upon additional thoughts I contemplated after reading Ryan Bomberger’s article in TownHall this morning, here are:
Ten Reasons I Will Never Support #BlackLivesMatters (BLM)
- Their Premise Isn’t True. I despise racism. It is never appropriate. It is even worse when racism is used as a political weapon like is has been this week. According to the FBI’s latest homicide statistics, a black man is 11 times more likely to be killed by another black man than by a white man. The comprehensive 2019 study by PNAS, “White officers are not more likely to shoot minority civilians than non-White officers.” Even the Washington Post’s database on police-involved deaths put this into perspective. In 2020, among those killed by police officers (all male):
- 2 Native Americans
- 9 Asians
- 46 Hispanics
- 76 Blacks (Incidentally only 9 of those 76 Blacks were unarmed)
- 149 unlabeled individuals
- 149 Whites (whose deaths are never reported by national mainstream media.)

2. Goals for Forgiveness or Reconciliation are not Present. On none of the Black Lives Matters websites are there any mention of healing wounds, forgiveness or moving forward. You cannot talk about the sins of distant past and expect to move forward if there is no intention of forgiveness. Ask any counselor, psychiatrist or physician, when your spouse brings up old wounds or grievances with every argument, does the marriage get better? Absolutely not. They’ve never forgiven you and neither will Black Lives Matters. Their paradigm is not centered in any gospel of forgiveness. It is a prejudicial oppressor/oppressed race theory paradigm that is completely flawed. This seems strange when the majority of Blacks in the U.S. are Christian (79%) and profess a belief in Jesus Christ.
Most Christians believe that we are individually responsible for our own actions and, not Adam’s transgression from the fall (that was the whole point of the atonement of Christ). Yet, belief that white people living today are responsible for the slavery their for-bearers participated in is diametrically opposed to Judaeo-Christian philosophy. I am not responsible for my father’s transgressions and neither are you. You can’t stand on both sides of the fence.
What is the solution? Whether you are a believer or not, Jesus Christ taught an inspired model that leads to peace and harmony — to love God first, and then to love our neighbors as ourselves. I don’t pretend that either of these pursuits is easy, but in the 50 years I have been upon this earth, it is the only action that yields the promised fruit.
3. The Focus is 100% Black Power. That’s all you’ll ever see on their websites at M4BL and BLM. Both of these organizations focus on “organizing and building Black power across the country.” This is not what Martin Luther King promoted. He promoted “God’s power and human power.” That’s dramatically different. I agree with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s statement, that “hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.” Only this kind of love and empathy can inspire us to do the rigorous work of rebuilding bridges of cooperation instead of walls of segregation and alienation. I will happily stand and march with the principles outlined by Dr. King.
4. Both Organizations Heavily Promote Homosexuality and Transgenderism. “We foster a queer-affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking.” Any group that claims normative thoughts and attractions as a heterosexual male or female are abnormal is embracing confusion, dubiety and promotes chaos. These are the last people I want my children associating with. Loving every human being is NOT the same as loving every human action. Teaching from this platform is teaching half-truths and is devious and vile.
5. Black Lives Matters Intentionally Ignores and Suppresses the Importance of Fatherhood. From their own website: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” Notice “fathers” is intentionally missing from that statement. We know from years of research that every “village” that has fatherless families is a village that suffers higher crime rates, higher drug usage, higher abortion rates, higher drop-out rates, higher poverty rates, and so much more.
Prejudice, hate and discrimination are learned behaviors. We are not born with them. This is why parents, family members, and teachers must be the first line of defense. Teaching children to love all, and find the good in others, is more crucial than ever. Oneness is not sameness in America. We must all learn to value the differences.
How does the absence of a father play a role in this? Isn’t it interesting that the ethnicity that is the most successful at income and education is also the group that has the lowest number of fatherless homes.
6. They Demand Reparations. On the same BLM website above, they demand, “Reparations for . . . full and free access for all Black people (including undocumented and currently and formerly incarcerated people) to lifetime education . . . retroactive forgiveness of student loans, and support for lifetime learning programs.”
Ummmm, question? What about the mixed racial peoples? Will the white half of their bodies have to pay the Black half of themselves?
7. Complete Abolition of Police Forces. These people assert that complete abolition of prisons, police and any other institution related to civil safety is their goal. Across 30 cities this week you’ve heard the cry, “Defund the police!” This would leave total anarchy in any community. Yet, police chief’s and commissioners around the county have begun to stand with these groups at the behest of their officers. Reforming department codes to control use of force, continued training in use of aggressive force and monitoring systems that identify officers who abuse these policies have been show to be effective and are essential, but abolishing police forces is utter insanity.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill, people who buy this mindset are guilty “Of not understanding the difference between the fire department and the fire.”
8. BLM IS Anti-Capitalistic. They declare “We are anti-capitalist. We believe and understand that Black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racialized capitalist system.” The video and recordings that identify incidences of police brutality and misuse of force are captured on phones and body-cameras that were made possible by capitalism. We have known for over 100 years that the best way to raise people out of poverty is capitalism. Capitalism is what makes the United States of America the most charitable nation on the earth and the nation with the most freedom.
9. Collin Kaepernick Supports It. I want nothing to do with a man who idolizes Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and worships Malcom X (check out his social media feeds and you see all the proof you need). Malcom X was an anti-integration, pro-violence member of the Nation of Islam (virulently racist). Interesting that this #SocialJusticeWarrior is absolutely silent about the fact that he makes millions from Nike whose entire Executive Leadership Team is White, and according to Kaepernick makes its shoes in the most “murderous regime in the world.”

10. Not All Black Lives “Really” Matter. The pro-abortion Black Lives Matter further declares: “We deserve and thus we demand reproductive justice [aka abortion] that gives us autonomy over our bodies and our identities while ensuring that our children and families are supported, safe, and able to thrive.” Aborted children don’t thrive.
Many even argue that Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger, a strong believer in eugenics, intentionally used abortion to lower the Black birth rate. Something is amiss when over one-third of all abortions occur in Black mothers.
BLM has claimed solidarity with “reproductive justice” groups since February 2015 and have been officially adopted into the Democratic National Convention platform since August 2015. Sorry folks, you cannot simultaneously fight violence while all the while celebrating it by destroying lives before they take their first breath.
Will I be ostracized from the keto/carnivore community for my position? Probably, but my conscience is clear, and I can sleep at night.