So, You Fell Off the Ketosis Wagon . . .

You fell off the ketosis wagon, drug it into the forest, set it on fire, and used the insurance money to buy Twinkies . . .

What do you do when the cravings are bad?  Watch this evenings video:

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  1. Suzanne says:

    This is a great essay and very helpful but drug (as a verb) is not correct. The word is dragged. I know it doesn’t follow the rules, it’s one of the many exceptions.

  2. KarenDonegan says:

    Thanks! Appreciate the time you take to send keto info. After years being keto, I continue to learn from you…Karen

  3. Michelle says:

    I listened to this recording during my exercise bike ride this morning, what a GREAT way to spend the usual boring time on a bike. I will be watching more of your past boradcasts every day when I ride the bike! Thank you for filling my brain full of helpful information while I work on my body. You are the best!

  4. Cyndy Mielke says:

    Hi. This is Cyndy Mielke and I am on your Pruvit Team. I have a friend that wants to purchase and I want to be her referrer. The Pruvit website says I need to contact you first before I can sign up someone. Please contact me as soon as possible so I can begin my new journey.

    Thank you Cyndy Mielke

    On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 11:38 PM, Dr. Adam Nally (@DocMuscles) wrote:

    > DocMuscles posted: “You fell off the ketosis wagon, drug it into the > forest, set it on fire, and used the insurance money to buy Twinkies . . . > What do you do when the cravings are bad? Watch this evenings video: >” >

  5. cmans6282 says:

    Testing showed high yeast/fungal markers. On diflucan and Nystatin.
    Paul Jaminet says Candida feeds of ketones so I’ve been advised not to do the ketogenic diet. I did previously and with great success but now wonder if during that time Candida developed.
    Your thoughts?

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