Nutritional Values of Commonly Used Ketogenic Foods

I’ve had a number of emails and requests from patient’s to locate a source for fat percentages and protein contents of various foods as they prepare and follow a ketogenic lifestyle.  I’ve looked all over, however, nothing easy and concise has made itself readily available, and there hasn’t been a simple one page tool at your fingertips . . .

Hopefully, this list will start to fill that gap.  Use the list to calculate protein and fat levels as needed.  Let me know if I can add to the list or if there are foods you commonly use that I’ve missed.  Keep the ketones up and your waistline down!

Nutritional Values of Common Ketogenic Foods:

Food:                                                                       Protein Contents:                                Fat Contents:

Steak (Ribeye) –                                                      65 grams per 8 oz.                                 49%

Steak (Top or Bottom Round) –                             23 grams per 3 oz.                                  33%

Ground Beef (75% Lean) –                                      22 grams per 3 oz.                                 55%

Pork Chop (boneless) –                                            26 grams per 3 oz.                                15%

Ham –                                                                      17 grams per 3.5 oz.                              12%

Bacon (grilled) –                                                      22 grams per 3.5 oz.                               75%

Sausage (beef) –                                                     14 grams per 3.5 oz.                              79%

Sausage (pork) –                                                     17 grams per 3.5 oz.                              75%

Chicken Breast (boneless, skinless) –                     24 grams per 3 oz.                                  18%

Turkey Breast –                                                       24 grams per 3 oz.                                  15%

Yellowfin Tuna –                                                     25 grams per 3 oz.                                  10%

Light Tuna –                                                             22 grams per 3 oz.                                 8%

Halibut –                                                                  23 grams per 3 oz.                                  19%

Sockeye Salmon –                                                   23 grams per 3 oz.                                  22%

Tilapia –                                                                   21 grams per 3 oz.                                  13%

Deli Meats:

Roast Beef –                                                            18 grams per 3 oz.                                  16%

Canadian bacon –                                                    15 grams per 3 oz.                                  33%

Pepperoni –                                                             18 grams per 3 oz.                                  83%

Roast Turkey Breast –                                             18 grams per 3 oz.                                  15%


Beef Jerky (Jack Links) –                                          13 grams per 1 oz.                                9%

Peanut Butter (Peter Pan Crunchy) –                      8 grams per 2 tbsp.                                76%

Mixed Nuts –                                                           6 grams per 2 oz.                                    79%

Almonds, raw –                                                       6 grams per 1 oz.                                    66%

Walnuts, raw –                                                        4 grams per 1 oz.                                    85%

Sunflower seeds, raw –                                          6 grams per 1 oz.                                    76%

Tofu –                                                                      12 grams per 3 oz.                                  30%

Greek Yogurt –                                                        23 grams per 8 oz.                                  0%


Swiss Cheese –                                                        24 grams per 3 oz.                                  66%

Cream Cheese –                                                      11 grams per 3.5 oz.                               79%

Ricotta cheese –                                                      10 grams per 3.5 oz.                               63%

Cheddar cheese –                                                    24.6 grams per 3.5 oz.                            74%

Eggs –                                                                      6 grams per 1 large egg                         60%

(Adapted from

A printable PDF copy of this information is available here:

Nutritional Value of Common Foods.

To live in the presence of great truths and eternal laws, to be led by permanent ideals –  that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores him, and calm and unspoiled when the world praises him.  Hopefully, these posts are adding to your stable ideals.

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