Microglia and the Noise in Your Head #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com

Microglia and the Noise in Your Head #DocTalk #KetonianKing DocMuscles.com
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How do exogenous ketones expedite getting into ketosis??
Lately sometimes feel vertigo….friend on Keto for a month mentioned this too…thoughts?
Gday Doc, missed your LIVE
Been on keto 6 months and the last 8 days I have disaster pants with anything I eat….?????
your thoughts on glutamine for gut health
(Type 2 diabetic) Any worries about staying on Metformin indefinitely?
Oh god, its live. Ugh botyle blonde and packing my suitcase
Collagen tablets versus bone broth?
What is berberine?
I haven’t added any more fat than I usually have
When ya move to Texas your talking with slow down.
What was your fasting insulin before you got into ketosis and what is it today?
Had Graves’ disease 20 yrs ago now it’s under of course
Oops now on keto I’m finically feeling better or normal
Can you take Berberine and metformin?
Thank you so much
Holy spell check ,, finally
Are there any keto/os drinks without stevia ? I’m allergic to Stevia. What could I substitute ?
I think you need an east coast office too.
Keto with IBS?
We haven’t had many trolls in a while.
Ok,, thyroid connection to keto ? I feel so much better and my thyroid is under active due to treatment of Graves
collagen peptides ok if you dont eat enough red meat/protein
I was wondering if it is a gut infection too!
Hi Susan Hales!
Do you have a theory as to why so many compounds stimulate insulin release?
Hi Shelley.
I am almost use to your accent now. Why do I spike so high like a drug addict on Ketosis even if I eat a choc chip biscuits and get blurry wtw vision. Just had bloods tests at QML Pathology. IF Ab, GPA Ab, Se B12, anti gladien lgG. Looking forward to the results if there is an issue with probmatic deficiencies.
A question again about Microglia. So sudden cravings may be related to nothing more than thoughts?
What would an artificial sweetener stimulate insulin release?
can I stay in autophagy without fasting for too long?
Are there any keto/os drinks without Stevia ?
What’s a good workout to doto get ready for a 5k?
Any side effects for Berberine?
Very few if any that I have seen clinically
Is refined coconut oil okay?
I prefer cold pressed.
Are there any issues for marathon runners who want to do keto?
Just realize there is a ketoadaptation phase. A great book to read is Stephen Phinney’s “The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performance”
I need to move to Arizona. Am fed up with my Drs mocking me on Ketosis let alone the benefits of bikram yoga for my dangerously low blood pressure
Suggestions to get enough fat if I eliminate all dairy? I think it is contributing to my inflammation. (Can only do limited amounts of coconut oil too
Is there a blood test that shows risk for atherosclerosis?
Doc, will CBD oil knock me out of Ketosis
Studies are limited.
Doc, I struggle sometimes with your accent. Why does anything I eat that has sugar give me severve blurry vision again?
My accent . . . Sandra where are you from?
Born in Wellington NZ but arrived in Brisbane Australia in 1981. Your accent is delightful but at times I struggle with your speed lol.
Ahh, so I need to slow a bit an add a bit o’kiwi?
Lol. Why does my blood pressure drop so low also with the sugar. I collapsed and had a seizure and passed out opposite Disney Music Centre in LA, 3 yrs ago. Blacked out 8 times since then. Hoping the blood tests I mentioned from QML Pathology will find answers.
How do you break a stall in weight and measurements? Still eating 20 carbs or less and positive urine sticks
Do you really need to fast if you do keto?
collagen peptides if not a big meatlover ok
Do you know Dr. Eric Westman? He seems to use keto in his practice as you do.
yes, Anna, I know Eric Westman very well.
Recommendations for getting off of statin drugs, if you’re eating keto and blood work is good-if you have had a stent?
Start by reading https://www.docmuscles.com/the-ketogenic-cholesterol-quandry/
Thank you Dr. Nally! Much appreciated!
What test to I need to get to quantitate level of insulin resistance?
Get a fasting insulin test
I purchase Vital Proteins from USA for Collagen Peptides. Unsure if this will knock me out of Ketosis?
Test your ketones Sandra
Can’t thank you for all your time Doc.
Thank you. Having a wonderful week.
See ya doc, thanks.
How do you break a stall in wt loss and measurements. Still doing 20 carbs with positive sticks
That’s what my membership site is for Antoinette! Or come and see me in my office.
St. Louis
Georgetown, Texas!
I spent 20 years in Az, back in Texas! Welcome toTexas!
both myself and my friend have been doing Keto for a year. We both have high calcium. Thoughts?
So true Doc, emotional eating is cognitive behaviour from triggers. Eg Food for myself is associated with my mother who was not maternal could only associate her love by endless food given to me.
Hi from Gozo near Malta. On holiday from the Nottingham freeze.
Poo! Missed you live again, I’m on the East Coast
West Virginia
Waiting on my signed one!!!!
You need an office on the East Coast!!!
Do you know of a good location?
Dr. Adam Nally I work at Cabell Huntington Hospital and we’re part of Marshall Health (Marshall University Medical Center)
Get your butt up here!
Dr. Nally, I’m in the Washington DC area. There are many places where I believe your knowledge and services would be more than welcome. How can I help?
I think I’ll order your book to give my Dr! After 10 months and down 60 lbs, he saw me and was amazed! He admitted the medical field of behind.. looking into Keto for himself!
That’s a great idea!!!
My kidney function is now normal after eating this way….from stage 3 CKD – YAY!
Congratulations, Ruth. This is the VERY best dietary approach I’ve found to chronic kidney disease
Thank you! Hi blood pressure is now normal and even though I am not taking gout medication anymore, my uric acid has improved greatly as well!
visit our website docmuscles.com
That’s awesome about CKD. My wife is in stage 4. We’re planning to move to Surprise as soon as we can.
I hope she can see improvement
Would vaping kick u out of ketosis
Actually, yes. And vaping has now been directly associated with “popcorn lung”
My daughter thinks the same thing if eating spring mix lettuce. I love it.