Magic In the Void

You’re standing at the grocery checkout line.

“How are you?” the cashier says muffled behind her mask.

You mumble, “fine thanks,” and wait for the little black box on the counter to beep “Insert Your Card.”

Then, groceries packed in your bag, you hurry back to your car and back to your real life as soon as possible.   With your family and friends you are the real you.

But, with everyone else . . . the sea of clerks, cashiers, tellers, operators, receptionists and waiters . . .

You are the robotic consumer.  Insert your card . . . Enter your PIN number . . .

You are a cog in the machine, just another blank-faced human perpetuating the dehumanization and castrating commercialism.  And, so the lines are drawn.

Subconsciously, all that “transactionism” is a dead spot in your life, a black hole . . . something you have to “get through.”

But, for the true creator, there is no limit on his or her art.

Every moment is an opportunity to create meaning, to create joy, to tell a story . . . even for the stranger.

When you FORGO that moment . . . when you spill that opportunity upon the ground, you not only lose the chance at creation, you lose your chance at reclaiming your POWER.  You become a slave to the dehumanizing system that saps your power drop by drop with every transaction allowing it to estrange us from each other unchallenged.

Why come home from your daily errands, chained to the commercial robotic scripts when you could be shining as the sun, creating art wherever you go.  If all of us are caught up in the machine, then it is time for you to gum up the works.

Make them laugh, make them blush, make their tight jaws fall agape.  Become the bright spot, the light that fills their feculence filled day. 

Not to make friends. . . Not to be nice. . .

But, because every human interaction is a chance to make magic in this crazy human circus.  And, those interactions heal the immune system, heal the body and heal the soul. Make some magic today.

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