Ketogenic Brisket #DocMusclesLife #DocTalk Find out more at

Ketogenic Brisket #DocMusclesLife #DocTalk Find out more at

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    • Anonymous says:

      Ours isn’t even a normal store package doc M.
      It’s crap in a bag. Lol
      Far as I know we don’t even have a bonifide butcher in town. Lol
      Just guys that out meat out for the store.

      Maybe I could talk a local farmer into donating me a brisket. No I don’t want the whole cow, just take out the brisket and stitch that baby back up. Lol

      Kinda like that pic in the Ray Stevens song
      We couldn’t bear to eat him all at once so we cut off the ham and made him a peg leg.

      I saw plain brisket here at Walmart once and it was outrageous but man I wish I had bought it.
      And it truly makes no sense
      I’m Irish descent but I don’t like corned beef OR shepherds pie!!!

  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve seen the butt rub at a Jerry place in Edmond Ok but wasn’t sure how good it was! Definately will be getting some for this summer!

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