Ketogenic Brisket #DocMusclesLife #DocTalk Find out more at

Ketogenic Brisket #DocMusclesLife #DocTalk Find out more at
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Hi Doc Nally! Rhonda from Alabama
Beef or pork brisket ?
That’s sharing size!!!
Hi dr nally !!!!
Hello, Amy
Hi doc long time. No see
Bless her !
Hey Meredith and Dad!
What’s in the shaker bottle???
Exogenous ketones.
Butt rub Katee.
Can you post this recipe please?!
My hubby loves making brisket, I’d love to try your way?
It’s Butt Rub from Costco
Hi Doc!!! Glad to catch you live!
The real question is what time do you want us there at?
Exactly . . .
Donna, it’s brisket and butt rub
So happy you are back live.
Taking the KETO CURE camping this weekend to read!!
Hey so glad I found you. 7.5 inches down!!
Dont know about anyone else..but this is very hard to hear you…) :
Michelle Fout Majors
Hey Doc!! Long time no see!
Very Yummy
Hello Rhonda
Beef Brisket
Bad Byron’s Butt Rub from Costco
Hello Larry
Hey Doc!!! Hope your wife feels better!!!
Loved this video! <3
Bad Byron’s Butt Rub
Hello Jennifer
My Costco doesn’t sell that rub.
Marquette, that’s terrible!
Looks great !!
Lucky it was just a leg. That type of accident usually ends in a broken pelvic bone. Here’s to a quick mend ♥
No kidding.
Broken bones suck. Sending healing vibes her way!
I use coffee in my rub.
Hello From Australia, long live Ketosis
Hello Matatia
You are so domesticated Dr. Nally
Domesticated? No, I’m just a man . . . every man should know how to smoke meat . . .
Holy Cow Doc, that looks fantastic!
It is fantastic.
Brisket, yum!
Gosh I wish we could get plain brisket here
It’s all corned beef.
Most butchers in the store will cut a brisket for you if you ask.
Ours isn’t even a normal store package doc M.
It’s crap in a bag. Lol
Far as I know we don’t even have a bonifide butcher in town. Lol
Just guys that out meat out for the store.
Maybe I could talk a local farmer into donating me a brisket. No I don’t want the whole cow, just take out the brisket and stitch that baby back up. Lol
Kinda like that pic in the Ray Stevens song
We couldn’t bear to eat him all at once so we cut off the ham and made him a peg leg.
I saw plain brisket here at Walmart once and it was outrageous but man I wish I had bought it.
And it truly makes no sense
I’m Irish descent but I don’t like corned beef OR shepherds pie!!!
Dwayne Robinson Oh, wow! I see a course in becoming a butcher in your future . . .
I did work in a deli during my one semester of college. HAHAHA
Hi-dee-ho good neighbor
I make my own rub we don’t have BUTT RUB in Australia
Hope Tifani heals quickly!
Hey Hey!! This will be great! I’m excited to watch this!
I’ve seen the butt rub at a Jerry place in Edmond Ok but wasn’t sure how good it was! Definately will be getting some for this summer!
You’re awesome!
Get in my belly!!!!!
What do you do with your leftover brisket? Other recipes please for the leftovers.
We refrigerate it and eat it as leftovers through the week
Tacos without the shell
Hi Dr. Nally – wish you were in Cali. Can you recommend a keto general physician in Orange County?
Where do you buy brisket from? And
is that a corn beef brisket ?
I buy it from Costo or Sam’s Club. No it is not corned beef.
Dr. Adam Nally thanks Dr ! I’ll be looking for this next Costco visit
NOT corned beef (too high in carbs), I buy a regular old brisket from Costco or Sam’s Club or from my butcher when I or a family member butchers a cow.
Sabrina Bowers
The book is amazing!
Thank you Colleen!
Nichole Bright
That s great
Brian Crenshaw