Is Mandatory Vaccination Worth The Risks?

As of today, there are 6,183 COVID-19 vaccine related deaths in the United States according to the CDC’s VAERs website. We as health care providers are required to report vaccine related injury to the VAERs site.

And, yet, when we site this data (being the ONLY DATA available to us as clinicians required to make judgement calls in real time on the use of these vaccines) we are labeled “conspiracy theorists.”

Many of you have been very vocal, threatening me and stopped following my social media channels recently,: “Dr. Nally, why do you keep harping on this vaccine risk issue? I used to trust you . . .”

In fact, Facebook has consistently blocked me from doing any “live-streaming” for the last six months. They keep finding posts from 1-2 years ago that “violate community standards” and extend my ban on live-stream posting privilege’s.”

The Answer: Because, two more of my patients have been hospitalized with life-threatening blood clots in the lungs after vaccination, both of which have never had any history of clotting problems. “Houston, THIS IS A PROBLEM! Are you listening?!”;jsessionid=6D180E77E02D9533F8867A5708ED

Are there errors in public reporting? Of course. That is to be expected. However, some researchers that use these data sets state that VAERs reporting may be under-reported generally by up to a factor of 5. That means that the number of vaccine related deaths could between 6,000 – 39,900 as of today.

Of course,, and have no medical malpractice risk looming over their heads when they make their “fact checking” statements, nor do they have the life and health of a family member depending on their recommendations sitting in front of them in the exam room.

So, you be the judge. Just remember, the Swine Flu vaccine got pulled off the market after 450 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) appeared and 3 deaths in elderly patients were reported within days of vaccination (

Influenza and Menactra vaccines increase the risk of GBS by 2 per 1,000,000 doses (

Currently the CDC admits that COVID-19 vaccines have been directly implicated in:

Blood Clots (life-threatening thrombosis and thrombocytosis syndrome) like blood clots in the lungs occur in 7 per 1,000,000 vaccinations.

Anaphylaxis occurs in 5 per 1,000,000 vaccinations.

Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) has occurred in 137 patients vaccinated.

Myocarditis/Pericarditis has been confirmed in over 700 cases of those vaccinated. (

It is hard to imagine a more dangerous and asinine way of making decisions than by abdicating those health decisions into the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.

So, for a virus that has a 99.98% unvaccinated survival rate across the US population, is the risk of giving up your freedom of choice worth taking?

Well, that’s really your choice. My job as your physician is to give you the pros and the cons. That’s what I’ve done. You’ve probably already commented to me about how you either agree or disagree with me. That’s OK. Because, unlike many other medical professionals, I’ve done my job.

Now, you need to decide, is the risk of a mandated vaccine worth defending your freedom over, or do you give up this hill, tuck your tail between your legs, roll up your sleeve and then retreat?

As for me, I may be alone, but I’m standing on this hill. You’re going to have to bury me to take it.


  1. J Handau says:

    As a fellow physician. Thank you. My daughter is currently being bullied into becoming vaccinated by her college. I find it outrageous. I am EM. I’ve seen Covid. I u derstand its risks. But I also read the science and like you the facts and unfortunately no longer trust the cdc to give unbiased information and advice.

    • Mike Cathey says:

      While I in no way condone the bullying, look into the Novavax vaccine, which is traditional non-mRNA. If anyone just has to have one, this would be the one to choose when approved IMO.

    • Anna Scheidt says:

      Thank you for your comment. You are planting the seeds from which wisdom, discernment and courage are born.

  2. Cheryl A Pittiglio says:

    Thank You Thank You!!! It Feel’s like rational people are few and far between the silence is deafening. Thank you for being our voice against this craziness!!

  3. Yvette says:

    Thanks for all the information you provide so freely. Currently quite worried as I have cancer and currently on maintenance infusions and my haematologist just told me at my last infusion on Tuesday that I should get vaccinated before my next infusion which is in September. The research suggests that my body would not even be able to make antibodies but still she wants me to get vaccinated as in her words – “some protection is better than none”. I am very worried about getting vaccinated while in treatment.

    • Mike says:

      Some protection??!! That’s BS. Some protection would be vitamins A, D, C… zinc and even some colloidal silver perhaps. Visit too where you can be helped to get hydroxychloroquin and ivermectin. Heck, HQ is made from boiling a “tea” for a couple hours of grapefruit peel and lemon peel. Google it.

    • Mike says:

      Major smart move on your part to skip the second. Some just plow right ahead after going for the first one.

  4. Docia Lenz says:

    Keep being that beacon on the hill – we need more. This jab is not a vaccine, is not approved, and is not going into my arm!

  5. M. Goodwin says:

    Thank you for all you do and the risks you take to speak up. Where I live (Florida), it was just announced that local government employees must get shot by Oct 1 or be fired. I will not trade my health for a job. I pray you keep informing us.

    • Mike says:

      These governments need to be schooled on the ten point of the Nuremberg Code, wherein participants of medical experiments CANNOT under any circumstances be forced to participate. So after the attorneys are clueless on the Code. Heil Hitler, I guess!!!???

  6. Betty Morrison says:

    Thank you for your thoughtful, honest evaluation of this vaccine and the risks and benefits involved. I question, if vaccine is so wonderful, why are vaccinated people testing positive and why is there a mask mandate for vaccinated people once again. Keep up the good work and I stand on the hill with you.

  7. TOM says:

    Diogenes, we’ve found your man. Thank you Dr Nally. Always reassuring to read your intelligent and well presented posts. Got your 6.

  8. Keto Jack says:

    “Many of you have been very vocal, threatening me and stopped following my social media channels recently,: “Dr. Nally, why do you keep harping on this vaccine risk issue? I used to trust you . . .”

    I can’t believe that Adam (and yet sadly, I can). I am so sorry you have to deal with all the uninformed/misinformed people out there. This data is important. And I appreciate the fact that I can rely on you to give me a balanced and very informed view of what it all means, as I can’t rely on the media to give an honest look. If someone wants to make an informed decision to get V#$ked, then that is their choice as it is mine to choose my own path.

    You have a great following in my circles, and we rely on your advice and professional opinion.


  9. tom seng says:

    Thanks for your insight Dr. Nally. We were some of your first patients in Sun City West back in 2003, and have since moved to Show Low, but still, thankfully, receive your emails. We decided no to the vacine when the cdc couldn’t keep their stories straight about masks, etc.. thanks again.
    Tom & Susie (bacon earrings)

  10. Jen F says:

    I look forward to your writings. I check daily for them as it is getting harder to find truth from doctors . They are out there but “ disappear “ as their truth gets to close to those that are policing SM platforms. We are living in a very sick and twisted world right now snd it’s VERY concerning.
    We have an 18 year old daughter getting ready to go to her university this month. We are watching closely all info regarding masks and “ vaccines”. She will NOT be vaccinated and masks are just as concerning. What are we living in??? People should be very concerned.
    We have nine grandchildren… what is their world going to look like? It really doesn’t matter to me anymore if people get this jab … it’s their bodies. But I have the right to not get it as well. That’s the America I’ve lived in until recently.

    Thank you Doctor for your time, research, passion and internal drive to do what is RIGHT because it is RIGHT. There are MANY of us who depend on your wisdom and truth EVERYDAY!!!!! We need you!!!!

  11. Anna Schneidt says:

    Dr. Nally, many of us stand on that hill with you. With principled doctors – like you – and those to whom freedom means life worth living we will persevere and see this era of Nominalism vanish. THANK YOU.

  12. Karen Celone says:

    Dr. Nally, I so admire you. This COVID thing has spiraled into idiocy. I’m 63, no vaccine (s) and I am made to feel like I’m a degenerate. My pregnant niece won’t come anywhere near me. I don’t want to feel guilty for choosing to let it be. But I am ostracized from the family.

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