Insulin Resistance 101

Insulin Resistance 101 #KetonianKing

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  1. Robin Muske says:

    This was amazing. I knew my numbers were bad (on their way, lots of heart disease and diabetes in the family) I didn’t realize how bad. F-insulin was 12, triglycerides were 174, tri/hdl was 5.47 but f-bs was 97. Haven’t had the insulin retested because doc thought that was normal! Tri down to 53, and tri/hdl down to 1.53! Proof is in the pudding so they say!

  2. Doc, the whole skin tag thing is amazing. Why don’t more people know that that is such a simple way of telling that you are insulin resistant? I think I’m going to tell every random stranger I know who has skin tags to go see the doctor. It’ll be a lot safer than telling all the overweight people to stop eating sugar 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Keto Jack Jacques Lauzon yes! Great sensitivity is very important for every doctor to have…insensitive doctors cause patients to be discouraged cause they can be arrogant…& not even realize how insensitive they are…when the patient is already insulin resistant.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have been detoxing from mold & environment toxicity using activated charcoal & activating broccoli sprouts at a certain temperature…
      drink it & the flush begins.
      The weight is falling off!

    • Anonymous says:

      Dr. Rhonda Patrick is am amazing an amazing biomedical science & expert on nutritional health- our brain health & aging! She is amazing, helpful & sensitive!

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