Is trigger finger related to insulin resistance? Because I’m type 2 diabetic and when I went keto mine went away and my brother also has trigger finger and has diabetes.
This was amazing. I knew my numbers were bad (on their way, lots of heart disease and diabetes in the family) I didn’t realize how bad. F-insulin was 12, triglycerides were 174, tri/hdl was 5.47 but f-bs was 97. Haven’t had the insulin retested because doc thought that was normal! Tri down to 53, and tri/hdl down to 1.53! Proof is in the pudding so they say!
Doc, the whole skin tag thing is amazing. Why don’t more people know that that is such a simple way of telling that you are insulin resistant? I think I’m going to tell every random stranger I know who has skin tags to go see the doctor. It’ll be a lot safer than telling all the overweight people to stop eating sugar
Keto Jack Jacques Lauzon yes! Great sensitivity is very important for every doctor to have…insensitive doctors cause patients to be discouraged cause they can be arrogant…& not even realize how insensitive they are…when the patient is already insulin resistant.
I have been detoxing from mold & environment toxicity using activated charcoal & activating broccoli sprouts at a certain temperature…
drink it & the flush begins.
The weight is falling off!
Dr. Rhonda Patrick is am amazing an amazing biomedical science & expert on nutritional health- our brain health & aging! She is amazing, helpful & sensitive!
Hi! Good evening!!!
Hey my friend!
Hello, Keto Jack, my Canadian Superhero!
Hi Nally!
Hello Dr. Adam Nally!!!
I got all my peeps here for ya doc!
You are a very good man Keto Jack!!
I wish every diabetic or pre-diabetic understood this concept!
You and me, both!
My ears?? are getting used to your fast talk ??
Ketosis allows for increased brain speed and speed of speech.
My ears
are getting used to your fast talk 

More info per square second
You are a blessing to all of us Doc . Thank you my friend .
You are very kind, Donald Clifford!
Is trigger finger related to insulin resistance? Because I’m type 2 diabetic and when I went keto mine went away and my brother also has trigger finger and has diabetes.
Dr Adam Nally is the best
Melissa Orr Azzarto Lisa Ammirati Quish Lisa Higginbotham Luísa Parnes Miriam Reitman Ruchman Lissa Sarno Welles Karen Carrigan Karen Mykytka Ray
Is keto bad for hypothyroidism?
Not at all. Keto helps all my hypothyroidism patients
Should I continue metformin with the keto/os?
When will the Skin tags go away
It takes 10-12 months
Some never go away.
Dr. Adam Nally
How to avoid kidney stones ?
John Beaupre.. addresses your friends issues.
Hi Dr Nally ?
Hi Dr Nally
Interesting on coconut oil, sometimes I eat a tsp by itself.
Hi Adam
Nuance Type 1 diabetic, insulin reliant unfortunately
Thanks Doc ? Will you be at Low Carb Breckinridge this year?
Thanks Doc
Will you be at Low Carb Breckinridge this year?
hi from Australia
Good evening Adam
Angela Whitfield you need to listen.
How do you know when you are keto adApted
body stops spilling ketones into the urine . . .
This was amazing. I knew my numbers were bad (on their way, lots of heart disease and diabetes in the family) I didn’t realize how bad. F-insulin was 12, triglycerides were 174, tri/hdl was 5.47 but f-bs was 97. Haven’t had the insulin retested because doc thought that was normal! Tri down to 53, and tri/hdl down to 1.53! Proof is in the pudding so they say!
Proof shouldn’t be in pudding . . . It is in the “heavy whipped cream.”
You haven’t learned easy fat pudding yet?! ;P
Doc, the whole skin tag thing is amazing. Why don’t more people know that that is such a simple way of telling that you are insulin resistant? I think I’m going to tell every random stranger I know who has skin tags to go see the doctor. It’ll be a lot safer than telling all the overweight people to stop eating sugar
I think you are on to something there Keto Jack!
Keto Jack Jacques Lauzon yes! Great sensitivity is very important for every doctor to have…insensitive doctors cause patients to be discouraged cause they can be arrogant…& not even realize how insensitive they are…when the patient is already insulin resistant.
Miss ya, Doc. Thanks so much for your vids. I share your amazingness like crazy.
Haha! Truth!
How much do you deal with UK patients?
Hello from Goodyear!
Vitamin B1 cured my restless leg syndrome. Just had to share!
Sugar is the enemy.
Hi what is the test for insulin resistance
So what do you do
Is there a bloodtest
I will be watching you on You Tube and videos tonight….look forward to becoming a patient VERY SOON!
I have been detoxing from mold & environment toxicity using activated charcoal & activating broccoli sprouts at a certain temperature…
drink it & the flush begins.
The weight is falling off!
Dr. Rhonda Patrick is am amazing an amazing biomedical science & expert on nutritional health- our brain health & aging! She is amazing, helpful & sensitive!
We live in Sun City West all year round!
Good Info
Hi from ks, ty !