How to start a Ketogenic diet. #KetonianKing #DocTalk

How to start a Ketogenic diet. #KetonianKing #DocTalk

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Preordered your book on Amazon but cancelled to order from your website! Can’t wait to read it. Official 60 pounds down since November 1st!

  2. Anonymous says:

    You mentioned a macro calculator I believe I looked on your website and couldn’t find it. Does anyone know where that can be found?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Keto over three years. I am still not getting it right. Doc thinks that is a stress-Cortisol problem. I need help after this next Reboot.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Dr.Nally, I’ve been following Keto WOE for several months. I track my macros, I try to eliminate as many sugars as possible. What are the max amount of sugar grams I could have?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hi, bought your book, listening and love it – and will likely take a copy to my physician. But… have 2 key questions – #1 = a, a tea =addict – and here’s some pubmed links that support tea and both weight loss and weight maintenance… maybe this depends on person?;,; …. Question #2 is about night-owls… am routinely up, clear-minded till 2-3 am, and always sleep a good 8-9 hrs. what about circadian rhythms? am i blocking my own weight loss and need to switch to ‘being an early bird’. i really don’t do well on day schedule – couldn’t a true night-own have a related physiology? blessings

  6. Anonymous says:

    yet another question – looked hard and found a xylitot gum… spry. i bought a 5-pk. should i toss them??? is there any gum? this is to help the ketosis, remove snack urge- am a former smoker – quit aug 7 2017….

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