How do you know if you’re insulin resistant? The following flags will give you some direction:
- Skin Tags
Skin Tags - Acanthosis Nigricans
Acanthosis Nigricans - Triglyceride/HDL Ratio greater than 3.0
- Elevated small dense LDL particle number > 500
- Fasting Insulin Level >5 mg/dl
- Fasting Blood Sugar >100
- Post-Prandial Blood Sugar >140 (2 hours after a meal)
- Waist Circumference > 40 inches in men; >35 inches in women
What is your waist circumference measurement? - Family History of Diabetes
- Coronary Artery Disease – now direct evidence that coronary artery disease is due to hyperinsuliemia.

You can see today’s Periscope about the specifics to this question and a number of other great ketogenic questions rolling in the chat-box from around the world on or the streaming video below.