As we age, testosterone levels drop.   Dr. Nally and his staff are committed to providing relief for men and women suffering from symptoms of hormone deficiency.  Hormone deficiency is a major contributor to fatigue, hair loss, poor sleep, anxiety, weight gain, difficulty with weight loss, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, and painful intimacy.

Dr. Nally has had great success over the years using Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Pellet Therapy as well as oral/topical treatments.

Utilizing a quick, simple, painless in-office procedure, performed with a local anesthetic, tiny pellets are inserted under the skin allowing the medication to be absorbed over the next 5 to 6 months.

The results are exceptional and many times, more affordable than other treatments.  Both men and women are experience better sleep, clearer thinking and more energy in general.  Additionally, they are enjoying an increase in libido.

What Are Testosterone Pellets?

Testosterone pellets are made of testosterone.  These hormones are identical to those produced in our bodies.  The hormones are pressed into small, solid pellets slightly larger than a grain of rice, but smaller than a Tic-Tac.  These pellets are mad by compounding pharmacists and delivered to our office in sterile glass vials. Because they are mad of natural compounds, the pellets are completely absorbed by the body over 5-6 months.

Why Are Pellets the Best Choice for Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Unlike creams, pills, and patches, pellets deliver more consistent and healthy levels of hormones into the body. Pellets are absorbed over the course of 5-6 months for men. Pellets are ideal because they avoid the delivery fluctuations experienced with other testosterone replacement methods.

Additionally, these natural hormones don’t increase the risk of blood clots in the same way as synthetic hormones. Pellet therapy maintains an extremely high success rate, even for patients who have tried other systems of hormone therapy with little or no results.

What Are the Effects of Testosterone Pellet Therapy?

Testosterone pellets are used in both men and women, and will increase your lean body mass (strengthening muscles and bone density) and decreases your fat mass.

The most common response from our patients about pellet therapy is that it has restored their quality of life. With Testosterone Replacement Pellet Therapy,, men may experience the following benefits:

  • Improved Energy
  • Improved Vitality
  • Sharpened Brain Function and Memory
  • Reduction in Depression and Anxiety
  • Increase in Motivation and Drive
  • Increased Libido
  • Improved Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction
  • Increased Fat Loss
  • increase in muscle mass
  • Decreased Blood Pressure
  • Improved Bone Health
  • Reduced Risk for Alzheimer’s Dementia and Other forms of Dementia
  • Reduced Risk for Prostate Cancer

Cost of Pellet Therapy

Male Pellet Insertion (includes up to three pellets):  $699 

  • Additional Pellets: $50 per pellet.

The initial and follow up lab work may be covered by your insurance at your covered lab. Through our office the initial basic lab work is $600.  Follow up labs which may be covered by your health insurance through your covered lab, cost $390 in our office.

How Are the Labs Measured Before and During Therapy?

Before testosterone pellets are administered, we’ll draw your blood and send it to the lab for the most comprehensive analysis available. This will allow us to establish baseline testosterone levels in your entire system. We can then determine the optimal testosterone dose on an individual basis. We check the whole hormone profile.

Levels of thyroid hormone may also be checked.

For men, testosterone, prostate specific antigen, estradiol, blood count, and liver profile levels will all be checked. Dr. Nally and his staff test the most accurate levels of all components of the blood. This is not a simple testosterone blood test. And, there is no more comprehensive test that can be used for determining your levels and your dose.

Is Pellet Therapy Covered by Insurance?

Usually, pellet therapy is not covered by health insurance. While other forms of hormone therapy are covered by some insurance companies, pellets are excluded. Because hormone pellets aren’t produced by large, conglomerate pharmaceutical corporations, there isn’t any pressure being put on insurance companies to cover pellet therapy. When copays and deductibles are factored in, most of our patients find pellet therapy to be affordable despite the fact it isn’t covered by insurance. Receiving superior treatment is worth the investment.

What Are the Adverse Side Effects of Pellet Therapy?

Unlike other, less-effective forms of testosterone therapy, there are very few side effects to pellet therapy. Even still, those side effects are transient. You may experience temporary breast discomfort, nipple tenderness, or bloating. Very rarely, a pellet insertion site could become inflamed or come out. Most patients, however, only experience minor bruising at the insertion site.

Because hormone receptors are very sensitive, you may also experience a temporary water weight gain, but it will resolve on its own. Some women (who still have their uterus) will see a return of some menstrual-type bleeding, but this bleeding is easily managed by adjusting the dosage of pellets.

Testosterone stimulates bone marrow and increases production of red blood cells. If hemoglobin and blood count get too high, a unit of blood may need to be donated.

As with any product or procedure, it’s important that you let Dr. Nally and his staff know about any side-effects you might be experiencing during the process.

What is the Recovery or Downtime after Pellet Insertion?

After pellet insertion, any vigorous physical activity should be avoided for up to 5-7 days in men. Early physical activity can be a cause for pellet “extrusion,” the pellet working its way out of the insertion site. Remember, pellet insertion only occurs 2 times per year.

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