High Protein? High Fat? What does it all really mean? #DocTalk #LunchNLearn DocMuscles.com

High Protein? High Fat? What does it all really mean? #DocTalk #LunchNLearn DocMuscles.com
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I finally caught you live again! <3
Maria emmerich and dr ted naiman both believe in the fat leverage theory to lower dat to be able to burn your own fat for fuel
When I stall …I have to go to 0 carbs …
When drinking pruvit ketones, does it automatically put you into ketosis 1 hr after ingesting ot, even if you’ve had 40-50 carbs, or just help stay in ketosis longer when you’re already in ketosis..(30 g carbs or less)? Does that make sense? Lol
What do you think of a fat fast Doc?? Eg: the guy on fb that only ate bacon for 30 days?? Will that help break a stall??
Oh lord…. confused between you and another coach….
How is your wife doing?
I am enjoying a little more protein 200+lbs I am eating 100g protein now
Does that include coconut oil
Is low carbs good to lose weight.
I’m about to start weight training now that I’ve lost 60#. How is that going to affect my fat and protein intake needs?
Bacon long term cannot be sustained
Do what you can do long term….
How dare you Karla
Hey D
Thanks for answering my question
I appreciate your perspective on the bacon
fasting guy…very interesting!!
I was hearing don’t add extra fat, just eat healthy fat foods cooked in good fat. Is that true.. Like no fat bombs or bpc
My wife is so beautiful
Hey Doc
I missed the good part I think 
I have found a 1:1 ratio by weight works very well for people. When you look at percentages it’s still high fat.
Those are the kinds of ratios I was asking for …define high fat and high protein.
When you consider bodyfat it’s still really high fat.
Just got your signed book in the mail. So excited to read it
Glad I tuned in for this one doc. We are very much in alignment with what we teach for losing bodyfat.
Hoping to see more “behind the scenes” videos you have been doing. Would love to see more, especially cooking ones! <3
So do I have to stop drinking BPC, which I add a tb of coconut oil and butter egg in and love the flavor. if that’s all I have for breakfast.
Less protein to treat disease? Or more?
It’s all trial and error when I lowered the fat to 80 grams a day is when I began losing weight about 100 grams protein
Where can I find your video about MCT oil Doc? I must have missed it?!
Yep! That’s what happened to me. Then I moved over to bacon and pepperoni…hard cheeses.
Plateau = cut fat, raise protein. Carbs 30 or less.. exercise more! Got it!
Great info today Dr Nally thank you
I learn something every time I watch you! Thank you for all do!
Thank you! Thank you!
Patty Walker adding mct to diet Gabrielle Medler
Exactly what I needed to hear today! I hang on your every word. Taking your book with me for my first GP visit this year tomorrow.. thank you for your constant help and wisdom!
You are very kind, Mandi. Keep up the great work.
Definition of High Fat = >30% of calories from fat. High Protein = >20% of calories from protein, Very High Protein = > 30% of calories from protein. If someone preaching a ketogenic lifestyle doesn’t understand this, turn off the live stream!!!
what bacon is best to eat ?
Hi from South Carolina
What’s up doc
What is anti inflammatory? A friend has been put on vegan diet as anti inflammatory!
What number is considered insulin spike
What blood level is considered insulin spike
I’m so happy you did this!
Yes and those macros
I am wondering the same thing.
But isn’t the bacon processed meat? I thought with idea of doing Keto was doing away with as much processed food as possible?
Megan Hunter, when you have time to listen to this, let me know what you think.
I don’t count calories- lost 100 pounds in just under a year
This talk made me decide to (re)commit to keto and give it (another) good try. I’ve been sort-of doing it on and off for a year but I never really did the strict carb limiting for more than a couple of days at a time. I’ve been eating on average 40-50 g net carbs because I can- I have no trouble staying in ketosis at this carb level. But I have not lost any weight. I was about to go off keto (for the summer- all the fruit is just so tempting), but after this I decided to give it another few weeks of really doing it the right way. Hoping to get rid of those stubborn “last 10”.
Angela this helps
Jacque love Doc Nally
What are the perfect keto meals
What’s a perfect keto meal
I’ll answer that question when someone can settle on the definition of a perfect husband…
laughing out loud
Ok how bout a good days worth of keto food ( in general) for a woman who has 30 l s to lose
There are 60 recipes at the back of my book, The Keto Cure, describing the perfect keto meal!
Adam Nally just bought it thanks
Michele Fleeter Miller Enjoy, it was written just for you….
Hi Dr Nally
I bought the audio version from Amazon
How do I get the PDF with he recipes ??
Michele Fleeter Miller There should be a link stated in the audiobook.
Cole Hooten
Is that the same for coconut oil?
What about BPC and fat bombs?
We are really having a hard time finding GOOD bacon, can you provide us any recommendations? Thank you!
Define “good”
Adam Nally one that isn’t packaged with sugar
Hi Doc! Bought your book yesterday!
Does PCOS people should follow keto diet ?
Yes, there is a whole chapter on this in my book, The Keto Cure (https://amzn.to/2r2CVjU)
What should be ratio for protein and carbs for PCOD…with insulin resistance
Sheila Craik
Marie Koch
Thanks Dr Nally very informative
Julie Barnes
Kim Haney Weiss
Andrea Tidwell
Judy Dorland Newcomer
Peggy Champion
Hi for Sydney Australia
I love all the great info you have to share! Thank you Dr. Nally!
How does this effect your cholesterol and thyroid.. please explain
How does it effect thyroid.
Thyroid effects please
Cholesterol effects please
Cholesterol.. How does this effect the numbers
How does it effect thyroid and cholesterol levels.
It has thrown my thyroid off.
Cholesterrol levels… effect
I’d like to know how it effects cholesterol..this is important…
Read my book: https://amzn.to/2r2CVjU
Why won’t you address the question about cholesterol and thyroid. The fat contributes to cholesterol.
I devoted a chapter to cholesterol and a chapter to thyroid in my book. I’ve done multiple Facebook lives on it over the last few years. I’ve addressed it ad nauseum….
All this fat must affect cholesterol levels, True?
Dramatic improvement in cholesterol. I have a whole chapter in my book about the science behind cholesterol and the ketogenic lifestyle.
Cholesterol levels
I hope people have their blood wrk done before during and after.
We check blood work every 3 months with most patients.
Marilyn Lushman-Ryan
Thanks great info
Dawn Marie Peer
Yup. Dr Berg is great to follow too. YouTube
How do you work out calorie requirements per day?
That’s in my membership modules, or I do it with you face to face in a visit.
Yes please do a you tube thing
Vivian Lily, this is the doctor I was telling you about. His FB lives are awesome! So much info!
Hey Doc.

What about finer and net carbs
But use only good fats like avocado etc not butter and animals fats?
Thank you Dr. Going to go grab the book so I can get the right information
Hi from KC
Great information

What is best type of bacon to eat… and honestly… how much bacon are people eating on the bacon diet? Does that just mean bacon at every meal?
Is it still important to eat 3 meals… or even 5 ‘mini meals’ per day?
52 pounds in 48 days??? OMGoodness!!! Fabulous. I need that. Might try?
Ive been doing pruvit ketones and trying to follow keto-diet, and not really seeing anything change. 55 yo menopausal women… feel like my time has come and gone… going to be ‘stuck’ being over-weight and unhealthy.
Awesome. Thank you.
Ty very educational
Post gastric bypass, weight regained… are there any modifications needed to the ketogenic for those of us who have compromised our system?
I’m watching!
Thanks Erika for sharing
When you talk about carbohydrates, are u referring to net?
Adam Nally I’ve been stalled for awhile but have been using net carbs so I’m thinking after listening to your videos that could be a culprit!
Thanks Dr.Nally
Can we order a signed copy of your book?
Yes, you can get it on my website at DocMuscles.com
Adam Nally awesome thanks Doc!
Highly insulin resistant (fasting insulin is 21.5) eating keto in hopes of repairing my metabolism and lowering insulin
Great work doc
replay [2] hi hi