Get Your Natural Energy Back . . .

If you’re like most men and many women I’ve seen in my practice over the last 25 years, the point in life that affects us most dramatically has nothing to do with money, marriage or family life . . .

It has nothing to do with whether you’re an alpha, beta or even a sigma male . . .

I’ve been married for 33 years as I write this.

It’s taken me almost 30 years to understand this concept.

There is a “Health Habit” each of us, men and women, were taught when we were young that is bleeding you dry . . . 

It is far more primal and simple that you or I would ever imaging.

It is actually foundational, and yet, explosive . . .

The choke point of a man’s life is his fire.

Most men and and many women know what kind of life they want . . .

They just can’t seem to find the energy to build it . . . no matter how hard they try.

If you feel this way, you’re not alone.  I felt this way for 25 years.

I write this message for two reasons:

To give you HOPE, and to give you a PLAN.

The following step-by-step framework woke me back up, brought me back to life and helped me find the courage to change direction in my life.

It brought me back when I thought I had nothing left in the tank.

The framework isn’t new. 

In fact, it’s been around for thousands of year, but knowing how to unlock your energy and drive takes an understanding of the correct steps.

I great deal of reading, study and application both personally and for thousands of patients in my practice has gone into understanding how to unlock your true energy, strength and power.

Without the massive amount of ENERGY it takes to run a medical practice, write two books, and completely change my business model, none of it would have happened.

To fully understand this secret, I need you to understand something . . .

We humans have been on this planet for at least 6000 years (of which we have viable records).  Some scientists think it’s a great deal longer, like close to 200,000 years, but that’s just mathematical speculation.

The majority of that 6000 years we enjoyed a natural, fundamental and primal existence . . .

A closeness to nature, to wildlife and in many cases to God.

Then about 220 years ago, we entered a much more modern age.

Our lives became more and more technological, intermediate and cut-off from nature and the spiritual.

If you do the math, then what we’ve constituted as “normal” for our species has only been 3% of our 6000 year recorded existence.

Put another way, whether we’ve been here 6000 years or close to 200,000 years, we’ve lived a more fundamental and primal life during 97% of our existence.

The interesting part is that biological evolution happens DRAMATICALLY slower than technological evolution.

That means our brains and our bodies are still primed and optimized for living it a jungle, a forest or a tundra . . .

Our brains are not optimized for living in an urban city.

If we follow evolutionary clocks, we won’t be “ready” for our modern technological life for THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

There is a profound mismatch between our biology and our current environment.

Modern life today has us living in ways that run DIRECTLY COUNTER to our biological systems design.

The reason you’re fried all the time has NOTHING to do with willpower, laziness or self-discipline.

There are whole sections of libraries and bookstores dedicated trying to understand why . . .

I’ve read plenty of them, yet, they also miss the boat completely.

Your body and brain, designed to be a part of this mortal, natural, telestial world, are getting hammered by all the tech without the capacity to forge your soul.

There is a fix.

It’s actually quite simple.

Despite what all the internet influencers tell you, we don’t need to revert back to being a cave man.  


95% of modern life is a radical improvement over the animal skin wearing tooth-and-claw days. There’s just a brutal, energy-sucking 5% contingent you have to purge and replace.

Your brain and body have been optimized and tuned by over 6000 years, maybe longer, of experience for life in the wilderness.

From a biological standpoint, you are wired to live an ancestral or more primitive lifestyle.  

That’s the reason so many of us enjoy camping . . .

And men still love to hunt.

Living a modern life is like putting a wild animal in a zoo: it’s “easier,” but that ease is also the very thing that destroys your vitality. WE ARE THE SAME.

Urban lives are to us, what zoos are to wild animals.

Let me give you an example, you don’t just brush your teeth once.  It’s a daily practice.

Maintaining your body in a fundamental and primal tune framework is something you do daily to keep the natural human energy spigots open.

Imagine this . . .

You wake up like a jungle cat . . . NOT groggy and depressed, like everyone else, alert, rested, ready to pounce.

You’re no longer shuffling through life, living for the next burger, or beer, or weekend, or other cheap substitutes for victory:

You’re living to WIN. And you ARE winning: every single day.

You’re succeeding in life because your ENERGY stores, that basic atomic unit of success, is being BUILT UP instead of depleted.

NOT because you’re juicing or micro-dosing cocaine or other stupid, high-risk garbage, but because you’re living a small but critical 5% of your day in a mode that replenishes your fundamental and ancestral needs.

While your friends and co-workers keep getting sleepier, fatter, and poorer . . .

YOU are riding the thermal . . .

You’re getting better, richer, faster, and happier by the day.


Because you have your power back. Literally. Your brain and body are energized like no one else’s . . . because you’ve re-inserted the essential ancestral functions everyone else has lost.

And, there is an essential qualifier.

And, again, you don’t need to go full cave man . . . That’s impractical and unsustainable.

More importantly, it’s UNNECESSARY.

The key is not to revert. 

The key is to UPGRADE.

Unlike the cave man, we have the luxury of choosing better, safer, faster, more potent versions of the essential practices our ancestors depended on for their vitality.

Unlock your primal energy now.

I’ll show you how. 

Register below, NOW.

Remember, it’s all still possible.

CLICK HERE to Get MY Step-by-Step Instructions

(A 10-Part Email Series You Can’t Afford To Miss)