Does Your Keto Give You Heartburn? #DocTalk #KetonianKing

Does Your Keto Give You Heartburn? #DocTalk #KetonianKing
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I make my own rub LARRY’s RUB MY BUTT RUB
Sphererocytosis and keto?
Can carbonated water cause acid reflux?
I didn’t catch his answer. Does it?
Gina Boyd Hubright he said yes it can. I drink them all day long. That might be part of my problem.
I loved the Keto Cure and amazing recipes from Ms Maria.
is Chinese food ok to have ? lol I just had the rice and chicken and veggies I cheated some
Lol I think you’re tired
Love my book with the bacon bookmark. Thanks!
Thanks so much Doc. You rock.
Thanks doc your awesome
We thank you for popping in this evening. Get some rest.

Does keto diet help mitochondrial myopathy
Have you been tested for Muscular Dystrophy? I for many years was dx with a myopathy. Finally diagnosed with LGMD 2i.
Stacey Knudson Smelser Its a very long story. But all three of my children and I had genetic testing and it came back that we all have 100% genetic defect blood and urine tested. We was diagnosed with mitochondrial myopathy. My youngest has severe difficulty with energy and muscle fatigue
thanks so much have a goodnite
I had pork ribs
Night Doc hope wife gets better soon
Have a great evening..
Keto got rid of all of my reflux
Can ketones, and fasting 60 hours once a month cause a candida overgrowth?
I love Keto I almost have a flat stomach
What test for insulin? You said it quickly. Something with particles?
Actually, my heartburn actually completely went away when I started Keto.
Replay viewer here!

My favorite Keto meal to make is baked chicken thighs. Garlic infused olive oil, Mrs Dash and some season salt …quick/easy and yummy!
Mine went away with weight loss Tracy Lynn.
Replay viewer
What is the best sweetener?
My heartburn disappeared completely.
Nicki Hewitt Lovell
Burning questions… Hahahaha… Heartburn!!
Hello from Mt. Rushmore State
I’m having it and am not having peppermint or choc. One cup of coffee
How many times a week should you fast ?
Mine disappeared totally!
i got gallstones from keto
Loved the book
Keto got rid of my acid reflux!
Keto got rid of my heartburn after 25+ years on medication!
Doc I was listening to Jimmy Moore snd he mentioned that you had a hard time giving up Pepsi’s. What sort of issues did you have? Cravings? Why did you need to give it up?
Lisa K Nelson
What ketone drink do you do?
Keto drink?
Bad Byrons Butt Rub
How about burping a lot
How about burping a lot?
How about burping?
How about burping
What do you think about burping a lot?
We’re suppose to get in 2 to 6 cups of vegetables a day. How can you do that with the carbs being so high in vegetables Not understanding that part
Yes it does.
Salami I get heartburn!
2, I’m totally the caffeine case.
2 replay
2, initially felt like MORE heartburn, but now after about 1 month have completely quit the RANITIDINE i was on… [weaned off every other day]. also did start daily acv in am, and yes, coffee down to 2.5 cups daily, no longer espresso, and switched to 1/2 caf. [have hiatal hernia]