Does “all that protein” on a ketogenic diet increase cancer risk? #DocTalk #KetonianKing

Does “all that protein” on a ketogenic diet increase cancer risk? #DocTalk #KetonianKing
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Troll night
Do you snack?
Been on KETO for just over two months and now average 2.5 to 3 for blood ketone levels. I have tried to introduce IF but find I retain a lot of water while fasting. How do you reduce the water retention?
Keto diet seems more like eating to fuel the body which is what we should be doing.
Does that ketone drink you can buy really work
What’s the best way to tell if I’m in ketosis? The pee sticks or glucose?
love your sense of humor
Why did a Toradol injection kick me out of Ketosis for 1 week????
How would you explain keto for someone who is already thin with high metabolism, who is afraid it would cause them to lose too much weight? They are interested in other keto benefits pertaining to improving thyroid issues, energy levels, brain fog, anxiety, etc.
Better late than never! Hello from Pueblo.
Hmmm heavy whipping cream makes us retain water ?
Best snacks for long drives besides nuts?? (Non refrigerated)
Great video today
My Dad ha$ shingles outbreak to the one side of his face and now suffers from sensitive nerve and pain….any advice
Wow, I was taking aspirin too activate AMPk. I’ll stop now.
Will taking aspirin kick you out of ketosis?
I see.
Thank you, I will share that.
Blood ketones between 0.6-1.2 but on my last lab test my urine ketones were 4.0 mmol. Thought once blood ketones appeared that acetoacetate disappeared. Is it possible to have both present?
Rethinking my sweetener
I’m learning so much!!!
Thanks for help got to go to sleep for work in the morning
what sweetener for coffee instead of creamer
Will a Dailey baby aspirin kick me out of ketosis?
I have a friend who says that if she eats too much protein she gets a headache and does not feel well. I on the other hand have to eat a lot of protein and I feel better. She agrees with the blood type diet, she is A and I am O, which appears to support the idea of blood type diet. Can you explain?
have to work early
Do you use the mct oil and is it effective in keto
Are there any OTC painkillers that are ok?
Does it matter if coconut oil is refined or unrefined?
Lately I’ve not been limiting my protein and having all I want. Not much exercise. no coconut oil or exogenous ketones, but my ketone levels are higher than they’ve ever been. Any idea why?
Dr. Adam Nally, If I’m maintaining ketones above 1.5 mmol, then my protein level is probably okay?
Does benadryl kick you out
Besides not being hungry how do we tell we’re I. Ketosis?
Do you think it’s alright to use canned coconut milk?
What ketone meter do you recommend?
Can kidney disease be reversed?
Is there a difference between sarcopenia and catexia? (Sorry about spelling).
How does smoking inhibit the ketogenic diet?
Thanks again! as always learn so much each time I watch you.
Yes!! We need a Doc Nally PODCAST on iTunes!! Yes yes!!
Deb Haines – Keto Mojo has the cheapest Keto Strips
Thanks doc I had 2 keto support groups today so this is a great calm down time thanks for all you do
Will Keto diet cause drusen to grow in macular degeneration?
Thanks doc and Vikki
You’re amazing. Thanks for all you do!
Pass the bacon
and thank you again
Thanks for everything
Thank you very much
Preorder the Kindle version of the book.
Where can we find a list of otc drugs that are bad for ketosis?
Thanks as always Doc!!!
Night Doc gotta get that book ordered I’ll call it Birthday present
Happy Birthday Gwen!!!
Dr. Adam Nally Thanks Doc
Thanks again Dr. Nally
What about kidney issues with too much protein
This is the blog post:
Hope that helps, Cecelia
Westminster, CO! 1
I hate when i miss your lives!
Oh, no, Julie! Watch the replay and I’ll catch you in a day or two!!
Dr. Adam Nally I will watch it! I promise!
I’ve lost 21lbs so far after going Keto. It was hard at first – zero energy – but now I have more energy than ever.
Yep, that’s how it works! Congrats on your success!

Washington State
Thank you..learned alot
Michelle Sands do you know much about Keto ?
No, nothing
Michelle Sands We just started learning about it and it’s benefits for cancer !!
Thank you Dr. Nally for sharing your knowledge with us.hete in Dinuba, California
Missed you by 13 minutes
West Virginia 

You said 95% can’t grow .. what causes the 5% to grow. What effect does this have on Lynch Syndrome patients?
You lost me at glucose… that’s a myth
Shawn Flock, Karen Hawthorne Flock
Replay from Antioch ,Il.
I’m taking 2,000 mg. Of metformin. Dies metformin impact a keto woe?
Does metformin impact a keto woe?
Does this diet affect hemocromatosis? (Sp)
How does this diet affect kidney diseases?
How about the Keto diet with kidney disease.
Swerve upsets my stomach. Next best thing?
Replay, great information
Hey Dr Nally!
St. Louis MO 1
Hi Doc. I’m watching the replay and hope you see these questions. First, what oil would be good for homemade mayonnaise since you said avocado oil isn’t the best. Also, I’m hoping that your membership at all levels will be offered for a monthly fee. Not just the $4.99 a month level. I think you said this might be happening in May? I hope so! Thanks Doc!
What if you are vegetarian
Replay, one of your best, DOC, thank you for your time and dedication
Fenton, Mo.
Lufkin, TX
Sherri Rubin Close – use bacon fat!
have ordered your book thru Amazon!
Toronto, Canada 1
New from Scotland
Great topic!
I cant wait till my book gets here!!
This was great. I learned sooo much!!
You said you drink several keto drinks a day. What are the keto drinks?
Wow, I’ve been on the Keto plan since 02/02/18. I’ve been diagnosed with arthritis and fibromyalgia and since Keto I do feel a lot better but thank you for talking about the ibuprofen, I am taking skipping meloxicam because I’ve been feeling better since being on keto
Is taking red yeast rice beneficial for cholesterol on the Keto Plan
Ty, very much
What simple OTC meds can you take for body aches, headaches??
Long island