1. So I’m a type 1 diabetic been on keto for 3 months. I’m down a little but know that I need to reduce my insulin too. As Ali as adjusting my insulin levels (on a pump) wondering what is the best way to treat a low blood sugar without throwing me out of ketosis?

  2. Im a T1 diabetic and lowering my insulin levels from keto (on a pump). what is the best way to treat a low blood sugar without throwing me out of ketosis?

  3. Keto diet/meal plan…with Keto os.. Noticing my appetite is much lower..? But I’m exhausted in am. On synthroid too.. Should I be concerned? On 3rd week of Keto eating plan.. Down 9 lbs. 66 to go..

  4. What is the best way to take exo ketones? Can it be mixed with other ingredients? Eg. Collagen powder, unsweetened cocoa powder? Can stevia be added for flavor?

    • NY Nik says:

      Dr. Adam Nally could you briefly explain why or point me in the right direction to get more info. Most of the limited research I see has been on the sickle cell disease but not a lot of info on the disease.

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