Effectively Lose 5-15 lbs Every Month!

Get Your Copy of Dr. Nally’s Time Tested Ketogenic Lifestyle Instructions

Whether you’re just getting started, or you’ve been following a low-carb/ketogenic lifestyle for a few years, Dr. Nally’s dietary instructions are now available at your fingertips. Get your copy of the instructions he created and uses daily in his clinic with his patients. He’s been successfully using this lifestyle himself and with his patients since 2005. This eight page PDF gives you the following:

The Keto Basics

  • How to calculate your individual adequate protein needs
  • Carbohydrate contents of the most common foods you and I use. How to identify them and avoid them.
  • Which foods should you avoid? (Dr. Nally calls these the “ketosis killers”)
  • The prescription and over-the-counter medications that may be causing your stall
  • The when, where and how of keto supplements

This is the “must have” information on your ketogenic journey.

How to Target the RIGHT Hormones:

Knowing the types of food that help or hinder your progress is key to success.  Knowlege of the effect certain carbohydrate containing foods have on your body is essential for success in weight loss and disease modification with a ketogenic diet.

Access to 20 Years of Dr. Nally’s Medical Weight Loss Experience

Dr. Nally’s diet was written with 20 years of in-the-trenches clinical practice under his belt. This information gives you the most powerful and effective ketogenic dietary instruction available. People travel from all over the world to get this instruction.  Now, it’s available to you, today.

Cut Out the Causes of Fluff

Much information on the web is “fluff.” Listening to and following the “keto fluff” usually prevents you from losing yours. Get the simple straight forward dietary instruction that brings success. With this information, “keto” will easily become your new long term lifestyle.

Find the Hidden Ketogenic Secrets

“Keto” has become a buzz word and marketing tool for thousands of people trying to capitalize on this lifestyle approach. Don’t take advise from just anyone who doesn’t have the ability to help you avoid all the complications or problems that may arise from that advise.

Don’t Delay!

Fill in your information and purchase your copy now:

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