What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a procedure that exfoliates your skin and removed dirt and vellus hair (often referred to a “peach fuzz.)
This procedure is different from dermabrasion, where the aesthetician or doctor uses a high-speed, rotating brush to exfoliate the skin.  With dermaplaning, the aesthetician uses an ultra-thin scalpel or dermatome blade.  The dermatome, which looks much like an electric razor, is moved back and forth to gently shave off dead skin cells and unwanted facial hair.  


Dermaplaning exfoliates and removed fine hair leaving your skin brighter and smoother.  The purpose is to achieve an ultra-smooth look that also allows for better absorption of skin care products after the treatment.  Unwanted peach fuzz and facial hair is removed at the same time and make up appears flawless when applied.  This is a safe, comfortable and effective treatment for rough skin, dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles, surface pigmentation, and mild acne scarring. 
Based on your skin type, we include appropriate cleansing, dermaplaning, mask, serum, micro-current or ultrasound (for even deeper penetration) and finish with moisturizer and sunscreen. 

Risks & Side Effects

Most people have little to no irritation or reaction.  Short-term side effects may include:
  • Red and swollen skin from the scraping
  • Soreness
  • A burning or tingling sensation for about 48 hours after the procedure
It is not common for your hair to grow back thicker or darker.  
Dermaplaning is not recommended if you have active:
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Sunburn

Preparing for Dermaplaning

  1. Use of medications like isotretinoin, a prescription medication for acne, should be stopped 4-6 months before dermaplaning.
  2. Stop exfoliation of skin three days before treatment. Avoid direct sunlight or tanning 3-5 days before treatment
  3. You may do dermaplaning every 3-4 weeks as needed.