1. Jen F says:

    Amen to that! Well said Dr.Nally- thank you!
    What this man in the White House is doing is pure EVIL & just downright disgusting. There needs to be PUSHBACK or they will just keep taking away what this country was founded on and in.
    Thank you Doctor that during this time so many are shutting up over fear, YOU continue forward in delivering TRUTH! We need that from you and we THANK YOU so VERY much!

  2. BRENDA K says:

    Well said. Thank you for standing up for our rights as Americans and for the medical truth on this virus and treatment for it. As a patient of yours this brings me courage to stand up for my own beliefs and rights. God bless you and all the Patriots who aren’t cowering under this attack against our freedoms.

  3. Kelley Fulop says:

    I am a woman of simple faith in my Saviour Jesus Christ first and foremost. I am a patriot and pray for our county. These times we are living in are surely strange and downright unconstitutional!! Thank you Dr. Nally for being separate from the mess✝️🙏💞

  4. mabelsings says:

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, DR. NALLY!!! I look forward to receiving each and every one of your emails and seeing all your posts. I’m so glad I went to that Keto Conference in Orlando in 2017 where I met you. You’re the only good thing that I got out of that expensive trip. Keep sticking to your guns, and know that you have a supporter in Miami. I wish you were my doctor. I have to deal with some major LIBERAL quacks here. My husband, kids, and I got Covid at the end of July and my doctor called us “dumb, dumb, dumb” for not getting the death shot. I’ve since changed to another doctor who turns out to be a medical tyrant too. It’s kind of hopeless here. Please, let’s fight this tyranny together. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. I’m about to lose my job on Sept 15, too, for refusing the vax.

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