Most of our greatest learning occurs, not in the classroom, but in deep discussion of truth with our peers. Much of truth is discovered or unearthed upon the battlefield of controversy, and is only kept alive by banter and sharp exchange with our peers.
Category: Prevention
What Lab Testing Do You Need to Start Your Weight Loss Journey?
What laboratory testing is necessary when you start your weight loss journey on a Ketogenic, Low-Carbohydrate, Paleolithic or any other dietary changes? Why do you need them and what are you looking for? We discuss these questions and others on today’s PeriScope. Lots of questions from around the world to day . . . this one lasted a bit longer than normal . . . 45 minutes to be specific. But it’s a good one because of all of your fantastic questions! You really don’t want to miss this one.
You can see the video below or watch the video combined with the rolling comments here on
A list of the labs that we discussed are listed below:
- Fasting insulin with 100 gram 2 or 3 hour glucose tolerance test with insulin assay every hour
- HbA1c
- Leptin
- Adiponectin
- C-Peptid
- NMR Liprofile or Cardio IQ test
- Lipid Panel
- Urinalysis
- Microalbumin
- Apo B
- C-reactive protein
- Thyroid panel
- Thyroid antibodies
- AM Cortisol
This list will at least get one started, provide the screening necessary to identify insulin resistance (Diabetes In-Situ), Impaired fasting glucose, diabetes and allow for screening for a number of the less common causes of obesity.
I would highly recommend that you get these through your physician’s office so that appropriate follow up can be completed. These labs will need to be interpreted by your physician, someone who understands and is familiar with various causes of obesity.
Until next time . . .
How to Stay Motivated on Carbohydrate Restriction
This evening on PeriScope, we talked about the 10 things you can do to stay motivated on your low-carb lifestyle. A number of great questions were asked including:
- How much carbohydrate should be restricted?
- What labs should you be monitoring regularly?
- What’s a normal blood sugar?
- Why is Dr. Nally freezing in Denver?
- Is fermented food good for you?
- Why should you eat pickles and kimchi even when you’re not pregnant?
And, much much more . . . It’s like a college ketogenic course on overdrive . . . for FREE!!!
You can see the PeriScope with the comments rolling in real-time here:
Or, you can watch the video stream below:
See you next time.
How Fat Makes You Skinny . . . (Eating Fat Lowers Your Cholesterol?!)
Diseases seem to arrive in three’s each day in my office. Today I had three different patients with cholesterol concerns who were notably confused about what actually makes the cholesterol worse, and what causes weight gain. Each of them, like many patients that I see, were stuck in a state of confusion between low fat and low carbohydrate lifestyle change. My hope is to give my patients and anyone reading this blog a little more clarity regarding what cholesterol is, how it is influenced and how it affect our individual health.
First, the standard cholesterol profile does not give us a true picture of what is occurring at a cellular level. The standard cholesterol panel includes: total cholesterol (all the forms of cholesterol), HDL (the good stuff), LDL-C (the “bad” stuff) and triglycerides. It is important to recognize that the “-C” in these measurements stands for “a calculation” usually completed by the lab, and not an actual measurement. Total cholesterol, HDL-C and triglycerides are usually measured and LDL-C is calculated using the Friedewald equation [LDL = total cholesterol – HDL – (triglycerides/5)]. (No, there won’t be a quiz on this at the end . . . so relax.)
However, an ever increasing body evidence reveals that the concentration and size of the LDL particles correlates much more powerfully to the degree of atherosclerosis progression (arterial blockage) than the calculated LDL concentration or weight (1, 2, 3).
There are three sub-types of LDL that we each need to be aware of: Large “fluffy” LDL particles (type I), medium LDL particles (type II & III), and small dense LDL particles (type IV).

Second, it is important to realize that HDL and LDL types are actually transport molecules for triglyceride – they are essentially buses for the triglycerides (the passengers). HDL can be simplistically thought of as taking triglycerides to the fat cells and LDL can be thought of as taking triglycerides from the fat cells to the muscles and other organs for use as fuel.
Third, it is the small dense LDL particles that are more easily oxidized and because of their size, are more likely to cause damage to the lining of the blood vessel leading to damage and blockage. The large boyant LDL (“big fluffy LDL particles”) contain more Vitamin E and are much less susceptible to oxidation and vascular wall damage.
Eating more fat or cholesterol DOES NOT raise small dense LDL particle number. Eating eggs, bacon and cheese does not raise your cholesterol! What increases small dense LDL particles then? It is the presence of higher levels of insulin. Insulin is increased because of carbohydrate (sugars, starches or fruits) ingestion. It is the bread or the oatmeal you eat with the bacon that is the culprit. The bread or starch stimulates and insulin response. Insulin stimulates the production of triglycerides and “calls out more small buses” to transport the increased triglyceride to the fat cells (4, 5, 6, 7).
Fourth, following a very low carbohydrate diet or ketogenic diet has been demonstrated to decreased small dense LDL particle number and correlates with a regression in vascular blockage (8, 9). So, what does this really mean to you and me? It means that the low-fat diet dogma that that has been touted from the rooftops and plastered across the cover of every magazine and health journal for the last 50 years is wrong. . . absolutely wrong.
I talk about this and answers questions on today’s Periscope. You can see the recording on with the comments in real time here:
Or, you can watch the video below:
- Superko HR, Gadesam RR. Is it LDL particle size or number that correlates with risk for cardiovascular disease? Curr Atheroscler Rep. 2008 Oct;10(5):377-85. PMID: 18706278
- Rizzo M, Berneis K. Low-density lipoprotein size and cardiovascular risk assessment. QJM. 2006 Jan;99(1):1-14. PMID: 16371404
- Rizzo M, Berneis K, Corrado E, Novo S. The significance of low-density-lipoproteins size in vascular diseases. Int Angiol. 2006 Mar;25(1):4-9. PMID:16520717
- Howard BV, Wylie-Rosett J. Sugar and cardiovascular disease: A statement for healthcare professionals from the Committee on Nutrition of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism of the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2002 Jul 23;106(4):523-7. PMID: 12135957
- Elkeles RS. Blood glucose and coronary heart disease. European Heart Journal (2000) 21, 1735–1737 doi:10.1053/euhj.2000.2331
- Stanhope KL, Bremer AA, Medici V, et al. Consumption of Fructose and High Fructose Corn Syrup Increase Postprandial Triglycerides, LDL-Cholesterol, and Apolipoprotein-B in Young Men and Women. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2011;96(10):E1596-E1605.
- Shai I et al. Cirulation. 2010; 121:1200-1208
- Krauss RM, et al. Prevalence of LDL subclass pattern B as a function of dietary carbohydrate content for each experimental diet before and after weight loss and stabilization with the diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2006; 83:1025-1031
- Gentile M, Panico S, et al., Clinica Chimica Acta, 2013, Association between small dense LDL and early atherosclerosis in a sample of menopausal women, Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, University “Federico II” Medical School, Naples, Italy Division of Cardiology, Moscati Hospital, Aversa, Italy A. Cardarelli Hospital, Naples, Italy
Don't Fear Fat
Don’t fear the fat. If you haven’t seen the movie Cereal Killers, you should watch it by clicking here. D.J. O’Neill ditches wheat and sugar in a food plan consisting of 70% fat – under the guidance of legendary South African Sports Scientist Prof. Tim Noakes.
Ebola Free Theme Song . . .
Do you think it will catch on?
With a great deal of fear out there about this virus, a catchy little rhyme and song often helps to remind us about prevention. It’s interesting that potential pandemics bring out songs and rhymes. Isn’t this where “Ring around the Roseys” came from?